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by pewpewlasersandshit

  1. i wish the palhinha deal goes though quickly. imo we need one more CM this window who is not a CAM and can play beside palhinha.

  2. Is this post not pinned yet or is my reddit bugging?

    Also sorted by best not newest

  3. De ligts departure wouldn’t be that bad if we were rumored to go after someone like calafiori as his replacement but that fact that it’s tah makes it way worse

  4. Everytime Olise is about to shot on goal I’ll sing “O-chancé-lise” and you can’t stop me

  5. Just give us more football… if it’s like yesterday game, better.


  6. One of these days once we get our wage bill under control, I am begging for us to become better sellers of players. (Last summer’s sales were an outlier)

    Last year Newcastle bought Livramento for £40m after he’d played 1 full season of top flight football. Tottenham paid €45m for Pedro Porto. We paid €30m for Sacha Boey. And now we’re going to sell a very good RB / CB / LB with 2 years left on his contract for €25m.

    Say what you want about De Ligt as a footballer – there are very few clubs in the world who would sell a top young CB with 3 years left on his contract for less than they paid for him.

    I understand we are trying to raise money to rebuild the attack, but ffs we are getting bent over because we are trying to fix our wage bill.

  7. I’ll take it away so we don’t need to comment the same things 267272 times today:

    – De Ligt should stay!

    – Confirm Olisè!

    – Yes, we want Davies to leave THIS summer.

    – Palinha, age, ball passing, bla bla bla, prefer Onana etc etc etc. Max 40 mil.

    – Tah no good, worst player in the universe. But for free next year great transfer.

    – Kimmich: Worst player / Best player. Must leave / Must stay and so on…

    – How come aren’t we selling Goretzka, Gnabry, Coman right now?!?!?! The market is perfect for they’re wage / performance ratio. Sell now you idiots!

    – Simons now. And also Wirtz next year.

    – Eberl is a fraud (Davies / De Ligt). Eberl is a god (Simons / Olise)

    – Kompany terrible coach and on fraud watch immidiately.

    I miss anything?😃

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