Slightly brutal video of a Russian soldier burning after drone drops

Slightly brutal video of a Russian soldier burning after drone drops

by iivankin1

  1. Happy 4th of July! Seems like the barbecue has started early, save some for the rest of us will ya?! 

  2. The thing that always amazes me is the shear number of Russians walking round on their own or as a pair…. Seems a shame to drop so many drop grenades on one guy when he’s screwed after one or two. You want another load of them to appear and take them out

  3. Is it ammo that’s cooking off? What the hell is that flammable on them? I know radios got lithium batteries for example.

  4. How many cameras spy on each single orc?? And how many munition do they use for one single orc??

  5. Well, Ukraine dont seem to be running out of FPV’s.
    Drone operator 1: is he dead?
    Operator 2: better make sure.
    Operator 3: better make sure
    Operator 4: better make sure

  6. Reduced to a useless pile of carbon. Fuck sake they need to go home and put the borders back to pre2014.

  7. These food analogies are disgusting. BBQ, roast/pulled/shredded pork are wonderful delicacies much like Borscht.

    Cremated orc is exactly that. Great to deorcupy Ukraine, but something that needs to be appreciated from a nice standoff distance not up close.

  8. Why drop so many? The guy was dead or atleast never going to fight again after the first two hits. Seems like a waste of explosives

  9. 🎶burn baby burn, disco inferno. Burn baby burn, burn that mother down🎶

  10. Instead of tourniquets, maybe they should carry fire extinguishers… Слава Україні

  11. Christ. Even i feel a bad for that dude. I’m hoping he wasn’t alive for that, but with 4 mortars to the face he probably wasn’t

  12. He’s already down and likely not getting back up. Why waste the ammo?

  13. Why the fuck would you waste so much grenades for one soldier? He was wounded from the 1st and prob would die. The second one surely killed him.

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