how do we feel about tory free Wales?

how do we feel about tory free Wales?

by McLeamhan

  1. Very happy but time for some joined up thinking betweenthe Senedd and Westminster

  2. There’s still sixteen in the Senedd and 111 in local government, unfortunately.

  3. It’s good don’t get me wrong, but it masks two problems – vote share compared to seats won and that Reform had an excellent night in Wales. Unless Labour and Plaid start to appeal to these voters – especially on immigration – I can see Reform doing very well in 2026.

  4. Absolutely beautiful. But how did Labour win Montgomeryshire and Glywdr? That is a very tory area. I guess the reform vote split it. Regardless the map is back to being red again. Even Lib dems win a seat!

  5. Happy, but would look again in depth to see any swing to Reform. On another forum ppl said we should be worried.

  6. Welsh Lib Dem’s should change their colour to white so it matches the flag 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  7. I’m living in Bangor atm but my home constituency (Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr) turning Labour is absolutely brilliant.

  8. Fuck the Tories. Proud of these results, doesn’t quite yet forgive the previous voting of our countrymen for the past few elections and a certain referendum though.
    Today is a day of positivity so once again, fuck the Tories and anyone that votes for them.

  9. Glad Tories are out of my area, gutted that Reform did better than Plaid.

  10. It’s beautiful 🎉😆🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I no longer have a tory MP 🥳🥂

  11. Elated. Honestly, elated. It’s no more than the most corrupt bunch I have ever seen deserve.

  12. Great, just a shame the Racist Party made so many gains. But splitting the right seems to have worked.

  13. The Reform numbers are a bit worrying to be honest.

    I’m hopeful it was just an anti-tory sentiment and a pro-reform.

    It’ll be interesting to see how the relationship between Westminster and Senedd goes now that Labour holds both.

    It’ll also be interesting to see what happens to Gething – now that votes are out of the way, will be interesting to see what Stammer does about it.

  14. As predicted nobody outside of a noisy minority gives a fuck about 20mph.

  15. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 No blue on the flag. No blue on the Map ❤️

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