A Ukrainian soldier destroys a Russian infantryman in close combat in the center of Vovchansk near a nine-story building.

A soldier of the National Police brigade “Lyut” destroys a Russian infantryman in close combat in the center of Vovchansk near a nine-story building. The house, which the police are defending, is under heavy fire from all types of weapons.

by instantkopio

  1. Probably a bit more brutal? Since you can clearly hear the Russian screaming at 0.35.

  2. urban warfare is brutal. you need to have all sectors covered constantly.

  3. Translation:

    * Need more ‘nades?
    * Yep… I’m gonna look in the window to see where that cunt is, and will end him…
    * Aren’t they next to the high-rise?
    * Nope, he is right here, I just fed him two ‘nades… He’s been moaning…

    /after the boom at 0:53/:

    * All good?
    * Yes, you?
    * Yep

  4. So let me get this straight- dudes are being attacked from all sides with all kinds of weapons and they’re *laughing* in the middle of it all?

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