Russia-Ukraine War: Zelensky’s U-turn, invites Russia to talks | WION Fineprint

Ukraine is on the back foot on the front lines the Russian forces continue to inch forward pretty much every day despite the delivery of the much promised Western weapon systems to the Ukrainian forces it doesn’t seem to be having any effect in halting the Russian Advance the long awaited f-16s are due to arrive in Kev in a few weeks from now and today Germany announced that it has given yet another Patriot missile defense system but the tide seems to be slowly changing in moscow’s favor there a bit of a startling wult face the Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski has extended extended an olive branch to Moscow he’s inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit without any preconditions this dramatic shift comes just mere weeks after zelinsky’s adamant STS that it can talk of Truth only if Russia relinquishes the occupied Ukrainian territories simultaneously in a calculated move the Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban in Moscow Putin said that he’s ready to discuss the nuances of the Ukraine conflict but has demanded for the total withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the four regions that have been annexed by Russia and all this diplomatic maneuvering is taking place against the backdrop of the increasing Russian military pressure and the Ukrainian strategic Retreats as cave grapples with mount in challenges on the battlefield its forces found themselves on the back foot in the strategically crucial town of chavar the Ukrainian military has acknowledged a partial withdrawal from its eastern donit stronghold facing Relentless Russia scotched Earth tactics that are aimed at obliterating potential defensive positions adding to the tension Russia’s defense Ministry drills are also underway involving mobile nuclear missile launchers a clear demonstration of moscow’s nuclear capabilities and this this follows the recent tactical Nuclear exercises further ratcheting up the stakes in the conflict the Russian forces also claim some significant strikes against the Ukrainian military assets including the destruction of tanks and the US made havers and MC 29 figh Jets moreover Moscow claims successful attacks on many military Enterprises oil refineries and also drone production facilities potentially crippling Ukraine’s logistical and Industrial capabilities so as the conflict enters into this new face with zelinsky’s unexpected diplomatic ures and Putin’s calculated openness for dialogue The International Community is watching with baited breath the coming weeks will prove crucial in determining if these developments Herald a genuine path towards peace or do they merely represent a tactical posturing in an increasingly protracted conflict all right now to give us more perspective on this we’re being joined by Mr John rat who’s a senior policy director for the center for arms control and nonproliferation and he’s joining us live on this broadcast Mr rat what do you make of this statement by vadir zilinski where he said that he wouldd like to see Russian representatives in the next Summit for a Ukrainian War Ceasar where he says that he wouldd like to talk without any preconditions the UK Ian position really changed I think that uh zinsky has been very careful in choosing his words and choosing his actions uh so that he can build momentum towards an international position uh that would uh provide for a ceasefire with the withdrawal of Russian forces from the areas that they currently occupy in that sense Ukraine’s position has not changed uh the Russian offensive continues uh but it is going somewhat slow than expected and a tremendous cost to Russia the question is really how long can Russia keep up the pressure that it’s putting Ukraine under and at what point will Russia have to uh reconsider you know it’s it’s it’s interesting that you say that the Ukrainian position has not changed in that zilinski is actually choosing his words carefully but this is a sharp climb down from vadir zilinski who in the past has said that the only time the ukrainians will consider dialogue and negotiations is once all Russian soldiers have been evicted from Ukrainian soil do you not see there is a change of stance in the tone and also the words that V Zin is now choosing I think it’s a calculated tactical change what zinsky is saying is that when the time comes when Russia is ready to talk about a ceasefire and talk about uh pulling out of some of the occupied territories uh that there will it will be on the terms of an international plan not a Ukrainian plan uh this is what emerged from the peace conference last month in Switzerland which Russia did not attend so I think zinsky wants to build momentum in that direction that there is an international plan that involves Russia giving up its occupied territories and that when Russia is ready it can accept this and it’s also interesting that zilinsky statement has come just ahead of the NATO scheduled Summit next week where the military Alliance has in fact flaged corruption in Ukraine as a key issue for its setback on the battlefield what’s your take on that uh corruption in Ukraine is something that has been endemic in that government since the country became independent it’s one of the reasons why Ukraine has uh has struggled in conducting the war and it’s a question that zalinsky needs to address uh and NATO is right right to express concern about this all right very interesting thank you very much indeed Mr John R for joining us and getting us that perspective then you’re very welcome for all the latest news download the Von app And subscribe to our YouTube channel

olodymyr Zelensky has invited Russia to the next peace summit despite previously saying it could only join if it relinquished land in Ukraine. Watch in for more details!

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. So, you now finally chose ending war through diplomatic means than your long standing of military win on the ground. That is the wise choice which you should have taken long time ago. Anyway, good choice, keep pressuring for peace.

  2. I wonder how in the world the commentator can deduce from what Zelenskyy said that the Russian will have to pullout from the four regions? You have to do serious mental gymnastics to come out with that.

  3. losers dont get to chose what to demand bro. you keep wanting to continue the war to the point that you loses more lands now you want to demand something for peace? you should be happy if Russia where to leave the aera on their own. the longer this war goes the lower you can bargain for peace.

  4. The irony will be in about 5 short years when the world is quickly moving in the direction of BRICS and the allure of war and insurmountable debt that the West is offering becomes very obvious and everyone starts jumping ship. At that point, Ukraine and their EU/NATO sacrifice will all be for naught.

  5. "The tide slowly seems to be changing in Moscow's favor" What are you smoking? Must be some really good stuff. Moscow has been destroying the Nazis. You're delusional.

  6. Ukraine is likely to lose support from UKs next government, Trump wants to end the war, that only leaves, France, Germany, and Poland to help Ukraine haha, talk about getting played big time. the next time aid is denied thats Ukraine done.

  7. putin cannot win. the west supports ukraine and has thirty times russias economy. even the us state of texas has a bigger economy than russia, as does canada. china has started calling historically chinese siberian cities by their original chinese names on all maps. islamic states are waiting for the opportunity to become independent. putin needs to forget his pride if he wants to save his nation, withdraw from international borders of ukraine, pay reparations to ukraine for damage done, return hostages, pows, and stolen children, and submit war criminals for trial. the west needs to get tough for india and china for prolonging the conflict. can't you indians see that trading with russia emboldens authoritarian china? they want parts of india – you have had wars with them – and the lesson putin is sending is that might is right. the un was set up to rule on border issues – that was the whole point of it. they ruled in ukraine's favour 144 – 5.

  8. This jackass lying with a straight face… simple zelensky has made a u turn….. and Russia didn't attend summit because it wasn't invited

  9. This is good news to hear, Ukrainians leader finally using his senses of thought. Since there is no peace without war, I guess that was the reason why he refused to negotiate with Russia from the beginning.

  10. France will have a different government soon
    UK now has a different government. Zelensky witnessed the recent US debate. Zelensky know he's f*cked

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