Is this true about Eastern Europe?

Is this true about Eastern Europe?

by grandcentral300

  1. You remove your shoes in my home and every other home i’ve visited in Denmark.

  2. I always thought it was just US television being too lazy to have actors removes shoes.

    Do you actually just come home and spread mud and shit across your carpets?

    Also everyone removes their shoes in UK

  3. You always take off your shoes when entering someone’s house in Slovakia.

  4. Mongolia’s traditional gers have rolled carpet over a dirt floor, so it’s understandable.

  5. This map is shit, people take of their shoes in private homes in most places.

  6. It’s very true in Hungary. I can’t imagine walking into someone’s house with my shoes on, unless they tell me not to take off my shoes. And everyone has guest slippers.

  7. Czech here. Everybody removes their shoes here and even visitors will be asked to remove their shoes and keep them by the door. We walk a lot, but our streets are usually covered in dog shit (which dog owners refuse to pick up) and piss, cigarette butts, spits etc. Sometimes after a friday or saturday night, you might encounter even worse things. I personally don’t understand how people can wear shoes inside. Even if we neglected all the aforementioned nasty stuff, removing your shoes after a whole day of wearing them is one of the most relieving things you can do.

  8. Been inside lots of homes in Kyrgyzstan and always had to remove shoes.

  9. Apart from dog shit and everything isn’t it also quite uncomfortable and hot to have shoes on all day indoors? Just a hotbed for fungus.

  10. I don’t know if I would classify Germany as eastern Europe, but you would typically take your shoes off yes. Though usually only at private homes, I would be a big fan of normalising indoor slippers for offices.

  11. in poland the houseowner will tell you as a guest you dont have to take your shoes off but dont listen to them, you have to look if he owner has shoes or not and if they dont then you take them off too

  12. I’m more interested in slippers vs socks gang. 

    In Czechia everyone has slippers at home including slippers for guests.

  13. No shoes in Ukraine for sure. Exception – you come back to get your keys or purse and footwear takes too long to take off)

  14. I wonder if there’s ever gonna be a day again in this sub where no bullshit maps, indexes, or polls are posted. This sub has become so ass so quick.

  15. Absolutely, what kind of savage walks around their own home in shoes?

  16. This map is wrong. I’m from Morocco and we definitely don’t take our shoes off.

    However, people tend to mop their floor everyday, so that could be why it’s not such a big deal.

  17. In Greece it’s very strange because the owners of the house always remove them but the guests are allowed to roam freely with their own on.

  18. I wouldn’t take my shoes off in Australia regardless of local culture, honestly

  19. I had no idea people had such intense opinions about such a mundane thing. Anyway keep them on in Ireland, unlike what most people in this thread think, people don’t carry an entire rainforest under their feet.

  20. Australian power move –

    Ask your guest to take their shoes off in your house but leave yours on

  21. This should be not about removing shoes, this should be about forcing guests to put on sleepers.

  22. when i was little and me and my fam lived in germany, some folks made their houses in a way that u didnt need to take off shoes downstairs… like a kitchen and a bathroom downstairs and living stuff upstairs…

  23. How do you not feel uncomfortable with shoes inside the house? I can’t even stay at home with my socks on

  24. I live in a country where shoes are accepted indoors, but spent a lot of time in a country where it’s not. I’m not anti or pro either side- I think I’d like to generally have shoes off indoors, but there also needs to be room for exceptions.

    I was moving into a house together with two roommates from Sweden and we were bringing all the (heavy) furniture and boxes in, and the Swedish guy was insisting we take our shoes off every single time, which seemed insane to me. We eventually compromised with a chain system (one person outside bringing stuff to the door, two people inside organising everything) but what if you are carrying heavy groceries or something?

    Also had a Canadian roommate who would insist on leaving her shoes by the door even though our dogs would then find the shoes and play with them. Lost a few shoes and slippers that way, but she still won’t keep them in her room out of the way.

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