Russian servicemen checking out their brand new wooden kevlar vest

Russian servicemen checking out their brand new wooden kevlar vest

by BigDeckBob

  1. Somebody profited greatly selling wood as kevlar. How do I get in on this racket?

  2. They shouldn’t complain. Wooden plates are better than nothing. Now straight to the dugout comrade.

  3. Nyet Comrade, don’t worry about protection. Vest only thing you need.

    Now get out from dugout and run towards enemy.

  4. Got to love Russian corruption. If it wasn’t for it, the Ukrainians would have had a harder time of it. So this in a very real way helps Ukraine.

  5. That wasn’t even Ironwood. It was just pine. Well, yuk it up meat. At least someone in the Defense supply chain was able to line their pockets thickly.

  6. Is that why they burn like roman candles after a drone strike? They’re carrying around a bundle of kindling? Haha

  7. Hey Ivan, try to think positively. Now you can swim with ease, you are unsinkable. I can sell you pair of paddles, brand new, top quality, made of, you know, chinese kevlar.

  8. 🤦‍♂️- this is obviously a Russian field issued fire starting kit. Silly Boris….

  9. We had wooden training plates when I was in the US Army. These might just be used for packing, but knowing the Russian Army, I highly doubt it!

  10. ah yes the feudalism pack , good for going up in flames after the drone hits

  11. Body armor for all those Fighters from North Korea….reporting for duty, any day now…

  12. And to think the US developed a new rifle specifically for the purpose of penetrating Russian (and Chinese I guess) body armor. Atleast with the new XM7, Joe can probably score 2 kills with a single shot, with the bullet going straight through the first Russian and his alibaba vest.

  13. Wouldn’t there be lots of… erm… “used” plates just laying around in the sunflower patches?

  14. Ceramic plate vest? We thought you wanted the cremation plate vest, our bad.

    This seems like it could seem fake.

  15. The funny thing is that they try to keep up appearances. Why – I don’t get it, as those meatballs will be send into the grinder anyway. So why are they pretending that they care, by giving them false vests?

  16. He will be probably blown up. No need to complain if it’s wood or Kevlar. Both doesn’t help him in this case. Should go home and share his story.

  17. When will russians learn that the war is coming from inside the house?

  18. Literally better to not wear anything at all. At least you’re lighter at that point.

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