German eco-activists pour black paint over the statue of the four musicians from Bremen in Bremen, and explain that the paint is black because oil is black. (It is currently unknown if the paint was oil-based).

German eco-activists pour black paint over the statue of the four musicians from Bremen in Bremen, and explain that the paint is black because oil is black. (It is currently unknown if the paint was oil-based).

by IncredibleGrowingMan

  1. (It’s currently unknown if OP is posting propaganda on behalf of Exxon Mobile)

  2. Stop fucking with people’s cultural heritage. Everyone is getting more and more hateful against activists. I personally will go and burn a gallon of oil in my backyard, photographing it and posting it on an anti oil sight just to piss them off!!

  3. These people don’t know how to produce anything, so they only destroy. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were paid off by the petroleum companies

  4. do these Idiots really believe they will get People to support them with those idiosyncratic Actions?

  5. Sounds stupid. Good job making yourself look like idiots again. Why not go after an oil facility or something? Why always art for these idiots?

  6. If they aren’t paid by fossil fuel company, I wonder what thought process comes through their mind that they decide “this is the best solution to fight climate change.” Like how is this going to change someone’s opinion on the most important crisis in human history.

  7. plastic shoes, ripped jeans… the definition of environmental awareness…

  8. Interesting, less than 1km away and here is the first time I read about it. Some weeks ago they glued themself to a crossing mainly used by people living, there (cars), bicyles and tram, they disruped everything for us here but the cars could use the other way bigger crossing where mainly cars and some trams pass. That would be, in theory, a better target.

  9. Take away the ladder and let the people throw spoiled vegetables at them as in the good old days.

  10. Would be great if it was oil based. Love this stuff. Keep it coming and pissing off these neckbeards and oil shills 👍👍👍 livable planet > everything else.

  11. If it’s oil-based paint it should be immediately obvious by the smell. Are there no painters in Bremen? Just ask a painter; they will be able to give you an answer immediately. This is really basic stuff.

  12. A bunch of narcissists who achieved nothing but a headline with their picture next to it.

  13. like last time with Stonehenge and the Mona Lisa before:

    -why would they do that ? Because it is a great way to get attention to the cause, case in point. It also usually doesn’t create any damage, can’t say for this one but the Mona Lisa is protected behind a thick glass panel, which they obviously knew and the “paint” thrown on the old rocks was cornstarch mixed with food coloring, it would be gone with the first rain

    -why not do protest or demonstration in front of business or home of people who are behind those polluting companies ? They do, it’s barely reported on and no one talk about

    do I personally think it’s a good idea to do that ? idk I’m just a random guy on the internet. But I want to point out that there is more thoughts behind those actions than what most people seems to assume

  14. I hope they continue these protests just to see the insane outburst of rage and hatred it seems to create in people who think the only valid form of protest is walking and holding signs at a demonstration allowed by the authorities beforehand.

    Given what’s at stake with climate and the environment, and how deeply in trouble we already are, you should be happy they are only pouring paint in the streets and museums, and not starting an armed revolution.

  15. Ruining art just makes me want to give up driving.

    Don’t these idiots realise the paint is a petroleum product, so is his stupid hi viz vest, the soles on his shoes and anything else that’s plastic.

    Stop oil. Okay, where’s the replacement for our petroleum based society?

  16. These animals are part of a fairytale that symbolizes a social- utopian act of liberation. Their story suggests the possibility of sustainable solutions to get out of precarious solutions. If anything it should have been cherished, not attacked, no?
    I mean, they probably have chosen it for its touristic popularity, but it still seems a weird choice as a target.

  17. So-called “eco activists” are nothing but idiotic vandals. Everything they do only causes more pollution and annoys everyone, turning most people against their agenda…

  18. Dear eco-activists, such things do not work.

    Please employ a strategy of target assassinations of oil lobbyists and oil companies high management instead.

  19. Do they actually expect this kind of stuff to convince anyone or are they just doing it to feel better about themselves? This type of stuff literally just makes regular ppl care less about the issue

  20. When they do stuff like that everybody is mad. When they block airports of private jets, most people like it. Why could that be?

  21. Pick up a rake and clean something. The beach, the park , anything.

    You’ll get my respect.

  22. But what did the statue do? Is it polluting? Is it at fault for climate change? These are just ultimate dumbfuck morons thinking that these stunts will help them, you absolute donkeys

  23. I mean… it doesn’t look that bad like their other idiotic attempts of destruction. Could actually paint it all black and move on

  24. It’s a non-destructive protest. Those who clamour for swift execution should calm the fuck down.

    It’s messy, yes. It’s hard to clean, yes. It’s an inconvenience to the city and the citizens, yes.

    Democracy is not just posting things online or getting your picture in the papers, people. This is what freedom of expression looks like.

  25. I loved that story as a child. This makes me extremely sad and I am radical about the environment. I cannot help but think industry is behind these kinds of attacks.

  26. “Hey guys, i have an idea, let’s make the most outrageous public displays that harm the environment, and do it in the name of eco awarness”

  27. He is lucky to be alive now and can do this. Imagine if he did something like this 1940

  28. Activist or thrill seeking attention seeker ?

    This is cultural terrorism.

    It’s useless. The majority of the population is already aware of climate change, the majority of the politics is already going towards decarbonization of the economy.

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