Turkish fans ‘celebrating’ the dutch victory

Turkish fans ‘celebrating’ the dutch victory

by tistisblitskits

  1. Just to translate: they’re yelling “fuck the netherlands, we are turkey” in dutch

  2. Always amazes me how they will do literally anything to not live in turkey, yet claim how great it is

  3. This is an absolute disgrace. I will only be getting a large doner meat and chips from bossman tonight instead of my usual 2x XL mixed doner in protest.

  4. This is what happens when you take all of uncivilized eastern anatolian cheap workforce to your countries

  5. Thank fuck they lost. I really quite like the Dutch so if we get knocked out to those wholesome orange boys, I won’t mind too much

  6. The average Turkish nationalist thinks that Turkey is the best country ever but he lives in western europe because living in Turkey fucking sucks because it’s a shithole. I think i never met a group of bigger clowns.

  7. Let’s be fair, if you pref in all senses your original country than the country you have migrated, why do you migrated in the first place?

    Obviously this not applies to refugees.

  8. Well I decided anyway, no more Döner Kebab for me, no more black money to give to them.

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