Taliban regime is our trusted ally against terrorists, says Putin

Taliban regime is our trusted ally against terrorists, says Putin


by BkkGrl

  1. Putler just actively destroying ruzzia and neighbouring countries, someone should allready put a stop to this puppet

  2. The Taliban are the official government of Afghanistan and many western countries, including the USA, also have diplomatic relations with them, just like Russia.

  3. Putin next week: “the Sinaloa cartel is our trusted ally in the war on drugs”.

  4. You know world is turning to shit when there are more and more serious, non ironic articles with healdlines that sound like straight from Onion.


  6. I have heard a lot of really funny stuff from him, but that is peak comedy

  7. Pack your bags boys, we’re going back to Afghanistan.

    Love the smell of a proxy war in the morning.

    Afghanistan electric boogaloo 3

  8. “……as I am a trusted and beloved ally of Ukraine….” Also V. Putin.

  9. He say while the taliban still being classified as a terrorist organization in Russia.

  10. Can somebody explain to this idiot that the Talibans came to be exactly BECAUSE the Soviet Union.

    And it just struck me how easily I have named Russia – Soviet Union. I guess he already completed the retransformation.

  11. Taliban regime is a trusted ally, N Korea sending troops to fight in Ukraine, China sending troops to Belarus. Here we go lads

  12. Kinda ironic considering the Taliban was once the US’s trusted ally against communists

  13. I suppose you don’t have to worry about terrorists when you ally up with terrorists

  14. What are people talking about in the comments ?
    The Taliban hate ISIS do they not ?

  15. Be interested to see how all those wholly independent far right parties across the continent respond to this.

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