Neo nazi graffiti

Neo Nazi graffiti in an estate in antrim and this same marking was sprayed onto another wall in a different estate but don’t have a photo, anyone have any idea what c-18 means

by SouthNo3691

  1. Combat 18 is a neonazi group based in the UK and banned by multiple countries for being a terror group.

    A few years back they assassinated a politician in Germany.

  2. Combat 18 – 1 & 8 represents 1st and 8th letters of the alphabet, for Adolf Hitler. Cunts

  3. The 18 stands for A the 1st letter and H the 8th letter.


    Lovely lads

  4. Re C18 the 1 and the 8 are for the letters of the alphabet 1st and 8th. A&H. I am sure you can work out for yourself whose initials that is. Likely some idiot clueless youth thinking he is being smart and edgy doing this.

  5. Sad to see this.

    I don’t support the vandalism of communities but the locals should be taking it upon themselves to put their foot down and paint/spray over it.

  6. Used to see this shit all over the Village in Belfast too. Some loyalist paramilitary narco terror gangs have links with militant far-right groups.

  7. The ’80’s revival isn’t just mullets and music then. This was common in Belfast in the ’80’s in all loyalist areas. The skinhead scene turned more racist in loyalist areas through the OI! music scene and the ideology followed. Wee Johnny Adair and his boyfriend were in that whole NF scene and any reference to Jamaican Ska or black music that started the whole skinhead movement was conveniently ignored and forgotten. Bet there’s an israeli flag round the corner.

  8. No doubt the sinister Combat 18 and other assorted Fash knuckledraggers will over for the 12th hate fest.

  9. I’m actually astonished that the swastika is the correct way round.

    Although I believe the Indians want it back.

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