Anti-far right alliance topples far right in French elections

Anti-far right alliance topples far right in French elections

by That_Technician_439

  1. Some predictions this morning were saying Le Pen and her right wing alliance could top 250 seats, consensus seemed more like 180-220…Right ends up with 132-152 seats

  2. It’s sad we have to vote “Anti-someone-else” these days, instead of being able to vote on whomever you think has the best ideas. Nevertheless, glad France isn’t going down the extreme-right route!

  3. Out of interest how far left is this coalition?

    Some of the right media here seem to be acting like France is about to go full communism.

  4. Hope they do a good government so people get less frustrated with the system and less inclined to vote far-right…

  5. If it wasn’t for immigration issues le pen 🖊️ and their party would have never existed… 🤷‍♂️

  6. Fabulous result! The real beauty, though, is the rapid formation of the coalition to fend off the far right. Everyone, all in, all together, and they did it! Come November, we must join France and Britain! 🇬🇧🇺🇲🇫🇷

  7. None of the three guys on the photo getting to be PM probably makes a majority of us happy.

  8. NGL France ya’ll had me worried for bit, but damn ya’ll came though! ❤️💙🤍

  9. How can the far left ever pretend to be the ”anti establishment” again when they united with the liberals and big money to defeat the nationalists and continue the status quo.

  10. Let’s hope we can keep this momentum going for the next presidential elections

  11. Seeing the far right loose is something i never get tired of, thank you kind people of France 🇨🇵❤️

  12. Oh no another election where Putin..sorry far right lost. Job well done France

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