Emergency call from Putin to Kim Jong-un! Ukraine Blows Up a Train Carrying North Korean Weapons!

Emergency call from Putin to Kim Jong-un! Ukraine Blows Up a Train Carrying North Korean Weapons!

[Music] [Music] welcome to the USS Global YouTube channel Ukrainian troops carried out a very important operation today Ukrainian partisan reported that one of their agents blew up a railroad track near the city of Yekaterinburg about 1600 kilomet 995 mi from Ukraine used to transport North Korean Munitions for Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine a spokesman for the fire said the sabotage was carried out by a Russian agent working on behalf of the partisan movement the spokesman continued he refused to be rewarded Ed for working for ideological reasons his goal is to stop his country’s criminal war against Ukraine information about the attack was leaked on social media platforms while supporters said journalists were banned from entering the scene interestingly it was only after receiving orders from the regional FSB office that the repair team was allowed to arrive on the site and start restoration work we would like to remind once again that that railroad explosions will become more frequent as long as ammunition is being transported citing South Korean defense minister Shin Juan sik officials reported in mid June that North Korea had sent containers capable of holding about 5 million artillery shells to Russia the defense minister said South Korea had information that at least 10,000 shipping containers full of artillery shells had been sent to Russia Soul also reported that North Korea had sent dozens of ballistic missiles in exchange for the ammunition Russia has sent North Korea technology to help it deploy a spy satellite Network and Conventional Weapons such as tanks and aircraft the defense paact signed between Russia and North Korea on June 19th included a pledge by the two countries to provide military assistance to each other the military treaty reads as follows if either side enters a state of War or as a result of the Armed invasion of one or more States the other side shall render military and other assistance without delay with all the means at its disposal Pyongyang announced early on that it would send troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces in the denet region the troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield later this month meanwhile the brave offensive of the Ukrainian Fighters has led to huge losses for for the enemy meanwhile the brave offensive of the Ukrainian Fighters has led to huge losses for the enemy the Russian Navy’s Black Sea fleet has been forced to move almost all its warships from occupied Crimea to other locations while its main Naval Base has been rendered ineffective due to kiev’s attacks the Russian Navy said rear Admiral Alexi NPA said Ukraine’s missile and Naval drone strikes had caused heavy damage to the sasta pole base which is the Logistics Center of important functions for Russia such as repair maintenance training and ammunition storage NPA made the remarks in the port city of Odessa ahead of the Ukrainian Navy day they were established for decades even centuries and they are clearly losing this center right now it has been more than 28 months since Russia’s fullscale Invasion and Kiev has dealt a series of heavy blows to Moscow on the Black Sea but Ukrainian ground troops are lagging behind on a broad front with no major warships at its disposal Ukraine has used cruess Navy boats packed with explosives to Target Russian ships and struck Fleet installations and other military Targets in Crimea with Storm Shadow and ATM missiles almost all of the main combat ready ships from the main base of the Black Sea Fleet have been moved by the enemy enemy and are being held in Novar rois with some held in the sea of azov Putin noted that Russia’s Novar rois Naval Base on the Eastern Black Sea Coast lacks the extensive facilities of sevastopol in Crimea where cruise missiles used by warships to launch air strikes on Ukraine are stored and loaded as I understand it they are currently trying to solve this problem in Novar rosis this is the main problem of the Fleet President Vladimir Putin told Navy commanders last month that Russia’s fleet has been renewed in recent years and a major modernization of the fleet is underway including steps to increase its combat stability and strengthen it strategic bombers and landbased launchers as well as missile carrying warships and submarines play an important role in Russia’s regular longrange missile strikes n Papa said UK Ukraine had destroyed or damaged 27 Navy ships five of which were destroyed by sea mines laid by Ukrainian Navy drones near sevastopol Bay Moscow seized and annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 until February 2022 Russia used its Black Sea Fleet of dozens of Warships to project power in the Mediterranean and the Middle East during the Ukrainian War turkey which controlled the entry and exit to and from the Black Sea did not allow the warships to enter and exit NPA said Russian warships have taken a more defensive posture noting that some Russian warships that rarely enter the Sea of azov east of Crimea are now regularly stationed there tracking data compiled by the Ukrainian Navy showed that 10 Russian warships were deployed in the sea of oov as of June 27th while there were done in 2023 he said the Black Sea Fleet is currently primarily used for Logistics a small amount of coastal territorial control and firing caliber cruise missiles at Ukraine he refused to provide information on what Ukraine’s future plans in the Black Sea would be Ukraine’s activities in the Black Sea have allowed it to establish and secure its own shipping Corridor without Russia’s approval following moscow’s withdrawal last year from a wartime food export agreement reached through the United Nations the push back began with Ukrainian Coastal defenses which allowed it to forcibly remove Navy ships in April 2022 Ukrainian anti-ship missiles sank the mosa the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in a humiliating blow for the Kremlin n Papa said Russian warships have not entered an area of about 25,000 Square km 9,50 Square mil in the Northwestern part of the Black Sea thanks to attacks by the Navy with drones and the addition of air strikes he said the imminent delivery of us made F-16 fighter jets would allow Russia to challenge its complete dominance of the Black Sea Skies n Papa continued f-16s with the right weapons will be able to repel Russian fighter Jets the Northwestern part of the Black Sea especially the corridor for civilian ships will be almost 100% safe he added that Ukraine wants to expand the shipping Corridor which currently only provides sea traffic through the three main ports of Odessa to include the ports of molive and kersen but this is not possible he noted that Russia controls Cape kinburn which lies on the route civilian ships are accomp comped by Patrol boats in some areas to protect against mines he said while air defense systems provide protection to both ports and corridors the volume of cargo transported through the corridor has stabilized over the past 6 months with Ukraine operating two ship convoys per day compared to one in 2023 meanwhile the founders of Ukrainian drone company viriri were recently working on a weapon of the future in a field outside inside Kiev to demonstrate Alexi babenko vir’s 25-year-old General director hopped on his motorcycle and rode down a dirt road a drone followed behind him and a colleague tracked his movements on a briefcase sized computer until recently a human would fly the quadcopter instead the Drone flew by itself Guided by software that used the machine’s camera to track it after it locked onto its Target if the Drone had been equipped with explosives and his colleagues had not disabled the autonomous tracking Mr babenko would have perished V is just one of many Ukrainian companies working on a big leap in the weaponization of consumer technology resulting from the war with Russia the pressure to outwit the enemy has turned Ukraine into a Silicon Valley for autonomous drones and other weapons with huge investment flow donations and government contracts what the companies have created is a technology that makes human judgment on targeting and firing increasingly tangential the widespread availability of off-the-shelf devices easyto design software powerful automation algorithms and specialized AI microchips have pushed a deadly Innovation race into Uncharted Territory potentially fueling a new era of Killer Robots the most advanced versions of the technology that enables drones and other machines to act autonomously are made possible by Deep learning a form of AI that identifies patterns and makes decisions using large amounts of data deep learning has helped build popular big language models such as open ai’s gp4 but it also helps models interpret and respond to video and Camera images in real time this means that software that once helped a drone follow a snowboarder down a mountain can now become a lethal tool in more than a dozen interviews with Ukrainian entrepreneurs engineers and military units a picture emerged of a near future in which self-guided drones can coordinate attacks and machine guns with computer vision can automatically shoot soldiers more bizarre Creations are also being developed such as a hovering unmanned helicopter using machine guns the weapons are cruder than the polished stuff of sci-fi Blockbusters like the Terminator and its T1000 liquid metal assassin but they are a step toward such a future while these weapons are not as advanced as the expensive military grade systems produced by the United States China and Russia it is their low cost and ready availability that make their development significant with the exception of ammunition most of these weapons are built with components such as code found online and hobbyist computers like the Raspberry Pi which can be bought at Best Buy in hardware stores some us officials have said they are concerned that the capabilities could soon be used to carry out terrorist attacks for Ukraine the Technologies could give it an edge against Russia which is developing autonomous killing devices or simply help it keep pace the systems are raising the stakes in an international debate about the ethical and legal implications of artificial intelligence on the battlefield human rights groups and United Nations officials want to limit the use of autonomous weapons fearing they could trigger a new Global arms race that could spiral out of control in Ukraine however such concerns are secondary to the fight against the occupier myo fedorov Ukraine’s minister of digital transformation who is spearheading efforts to use technology initiatives to expand the country’s Advanced Warfare capabilities commented we need maximum automation these Technologies are the basis for our Victory autonomous drones like veries have already been used in combat to hit Russian targets according to video verified by Ukrainian officials Mr federov said the government was trying to provide funding to drone companies to help them rapidly ramp up their production important questions Loom about what level of automation is acceptable for now drones require a pilot to lock onto a Target and keep the human in the loop this is a phrase often used by policy makers and AI ethicists Ukrainian soldiers have expressed concern about the potential for malfunctioning autonomous drones to strike their own forces in the future there may be no restrictions on such weapons Stuart Russell an artificial intelligence scientist and professor at the University of California Berkeley said Ukraine had brutally laid out the logic of why autonomous weapons have advantages and warned of the dangers of weaponized AI weapons of mass destruction will be cheap scalable and readily available in arms markets around the world in a makeshift Workshop in an apartment building in eastern Ukraine Dev a 28-year-old soldier with the 92nd assault Brigade has helped Advance innovations that turn cheap drones into weapons first he attached bombs to racing drones then added bigger batteries to help them fly farther and recently added night vision so the machines can hunt in the dark in may he was one of the first to use autonomous drones including those from viry while Dev said some of them require improvements he said he believes they will be the next big technological leap to the front lines there is already a lot of demand for autonomous drones he said the machines were particularly helpful against jams that could break communication links between the Drone and the pilot as the Drone flies on its own a pilot can simply lock onto a Target and let the device do the rest all over Ukraine makeshift factories and Labs have sprung up to produce remote controlled Machines of all sizes from long range airplanes and assault boats to cheap kamikazi drones these are for a firstperson view as they are piloted by a pilot wearing virtual reality like goggles that provide a view from the drones many are precursors to machines that will eventually move on their own according to Mr federov efforts to automate fpv flights began last year but were slowed by setbacks in making flight Control software these problems have been resolved he said the next step is to scale the technology with more government spending he said adding that about 10 companies are already producing autonomous drones federov said we already have systems that can go into mass production and they are currently being extensively tested on the front lines this means that they are already being actively used some companies such as VII use basic computer vision algorithms that analyze and interpret images and help a computer make decisions other companies are more sophisticated and use deep learning to create software that can identify and attack targets most of the companies said they capture data and videos from flight simulators and Frontline drone flights sakur a Ukrainian drone maker built an autonomous Target system with AI processes initially designed to sort and classify fruit over the winter the company began sending its technology to the front lines testing different systems with drone Pilots demand grew by may saer had begun Mass producing single circuit board computers that could be easily connected to fpv drones and loaded with its software which enabled the machines to automatically lock onto the target the company’s CEO said he said he prefers to be known only by his first name Victor for fear of Russian retaliation soccer is currently producing 1,000 circuit boards a month and plans to ramp up to 9,000 a month by the end of the Summer according to videos verified by the company several Ukrainian military units use soccer’s technology to hit Russian Targets on the front line in a clip of soccer technology shared on social media a drone flies over a field scarred by artillery shelling a box in the center of the Pilot’s visor suddenly Zooms in on a tank indicating a lock the Drone attacks itself and explodes into the side of the armor soccer has gone further in recent weeks successfully deploying a reconnaissance drone that detects targets with artificial intelligence and then sends autonomous kamakazi drones to kill them Victor said in one case the system hit a Target 25 miles away rostislav saker’s co-founder who asked to be referred to only by his first name said when we get to the point where we don’t have enough people the only solution is to replace them with robots on a hot afternoon last month in the dabass region of eastern Ukraine 23-year-old reservist Yuri konac trained Four soldiers in the use of a state-of-the-art weapon a PlayStation controller and tablet powered gun turret with autonomous targeting speaking over the sound of nearby cannon fire Mr konac explained how the weapon Cal Wall-E because of its resemblance to the Pixar robot wall can automatically lock onto a Target up to 1,000 M away and quickly cover a large area by jumping between pre-programmed positions Dev Droid the company that makes the weapon was also developing an automatic aiming feature to track and shoot moving targets Mr konac commented when I first saw the weapon I was mesmerized I realized that this was the only way if not to win this war than at least to hold our positions the gun is one of the few Frontline weapons that uses AI trained software to automatically track and hit targets similar to the object identification found in surveillance cameras software on a screen surrounds people and other possible targets with a digital box all the shooter has to do is pull the trigger remotely with a video game controller for now gun makers say they don’t allow the machine gun to fire without a human pressing the button but they also said it would be easy to build one that could do so many of Ukraine’s Innovations are being developed to counter Russia’s advancing weapons Ukrainian soldiers wielding machine guns are a prime target for Russian drone attacks with robotic weapons no human being dies when hit by a machine gun new algorithms still under development could eventually help the weapons shoot down Russian drones from the sky such Technologies and the ability to quickly build and test them on the front line have gained interest and investment from abroad last year Eric Schmidt a former Google CEO and other investors formed a company called D3 to invest in new Battlefield Technologies in Ukraine other defense companies such as heling are also collaborating with Ukrainian companies EVN bukaty managing partner of D3 said that Ukrainian companies are moving faster than their competitors abroad and that the company is asking the company it invests in outside Ukraine to visit the country to accelerate their development there is just a different set of incentives here botski said Battlefield demands often bring engineers and soldiers together Alexander yab chanka commander of the DaVinci wolves a battalion known for its Innovations in weapons recalled how the need to defend the road of Life a route used to resupply troops fighting the Russians along the Eastern front in bakut spurred inventions imagining a solution he posted an open request on Facebook for a computerized remote controlled machine gun within a few months Mr yab chanka had a working prototype from a firm called rooners the weapon was almost immediately useful to his unit Mr yab Chan’s input then helped rooners develop a new type of weapon the company placed the machine gun turret on top of a roll rolling ground drone to help troops attack or quickly change their position Anton skripnik roer’s managing director said the application has led to a greater need for AI powered automated aiming similar Partnerships have spurred other advances at a drone range in May swarmer another Local Company video calleded a military unit to tell soldiers about updates to its software that allow drones to carry out swarm attacks with without a pilot created last year by Seri kuprienko a former Amazon engineer swarmer software is built on an AI model trained with large amounts of data from Frontline drone missions it enables a single technician to operate up to seven drones on bombing and reconnaissance missions recently swarmer has added capabilities that can steer kamakazi attack drones up to 35 miles it is hoped that the software which has been in testing since January will reduce the number of people needed to operate the miniature air forces that dominate the front lines during a demonstration a swarmer engineer at a computer watched a map of six autonomous drones buzzing overhead one after another large bombers flew over a possible Target dropping water bottles instead of bombs kuprienko said some drone Pilots feared they would be completely displaced by the technology kuprienko continued it flies without us they say they will take our remote controls and give us weapons but I say no now you will be able to fly five or 10 drones at the same time the software will help them fight better in 2017 Berkeley AI researcher Mr Russell released an online film called slaughterbots warning about the dangers of autonomous weapons in the film roving packs of lowcost armed AI drones use facial recognition technology to hunt down and kill targets Mr Russell said that what is happening in Ukraine is taking us towards that dystopian future he is not the only one who fears Ukraine is a Tipping Point in Vienna members of a un panel of experts also said they were worried about the consequences of the new techniques being developed in Ukraine officials have spent more than a decade discussing rules on the use of autonomous weapons but few expect any International treaty to impose new regulations especially as the US China Israel Russia and others race to develop ever more advanced weapons in a US program announced in August known as the replicator initiative the Pentagon said it plans to mass-produce thousands of autonomous drones Alexander kment Austria ‘s Chief negotiator on autonomous weapons at the UN said geopolitical conditions make this impossible no one expects countries to completely ban such weapons but they certainly need to be regulated so that we do not face a nightmare scenario commment said groups including the international Committee of the Red Cross are pushing for legally binding rules that ban certain types of autonomous weapons restrict the use of some and require a certain level of human control in decisions to use force Mr federov the minister of digital transformation said afterwards first we need to win to do that we will do everything we can to maximize automation to save the lives of our soldiers after all this there was another important development Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban met with President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Friday the meeting one of the rare visits by a western leader to Russia quickly raised eyebrows in the European Union Mr Orban made the trip three days after visiting Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski in the Ukrainian Capital Kiev and the same week Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the European Union prompting other European leaders to immediately declare that Mr Orban was not representing them in Moscow Mr orban’s spokesman zultan kovat said the Hungarian leader was in Moscow as part of a peace Mission Mr Orban made vague calls for a ceasefire and direct negotiations between Moscow and Kiev this is a position rejected by leaders in both countries he did not offer the public a concrete plan for a solution Mr Putin and Mr orbon Met for more than two hours but there was no sign that the talks did anything to impress Mr poutine the Hungarian leader seems to have acknowledged this telling reporters afterwards that the positions of Kiev and Moscow were very different Putin stood by his side after his meeting with Orban signaling that he would not compromise on the sweeping demands he made on Ukraine last month in a speech to Russian diplomats at the time Putin said he would be ready for a ceasefire only if you Ukraine withdrew its troops from four regions Moscow claims as its own and abandoned its goal of joining NATO Putin stated the following our peace initiative was outlined quite recently the conditions for it as I have already said were laid out in my speech at the foreign Ministry Mr Orban who has long drawn European ey for his far-right politics and his Embrace of authoritarians like Mr Putin said he wanted to encourage peace talks between Russia and Ukraine Ukrainian leaders have rejected talks with Russia saying Mr Putin would only seek their country’s surrender it was the first time since the early months of the Ukrainian Invasion that a European Union Leader had visited Russia for a formal meeting with Mr Putin Austrian Chancellor Carl nehammer made that trip in April 2022 it was Mr Orban second meeting with Mr Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 he last met with the Russian leader in October in Beijing where he said Hungary never wanted to confront Russia and was always willing to expand contacts his visit seemed to be a lastminute event it was not announced in advance and Mr Putin’s spokesman Dimitri s pesov told Russian State television that Hungary had proposed Mr orban’s visit just two days before his arrival Mr Orban who has won four consecutive elections by portraying his domestic Rivals as traitors and warmongers loyal to Brussels is relishing the challenge to his so-called allies in the European Union and NATO who are holding a summit meeting in Washington next week he presents himself as a rebel in the mold of former president Donald J Trump a lone defender of the national interest disregarding the opinion of the establishment after his meeting with Mr Putin Mr Orban defended his trip as the start of a much-need dialogue Mr Orban stated the following there are many steps that need to be taken to get closer to ending the war but we took the most important step we made contact his trip to Moscow in defiance of the European Union’s policy of excluding Mr Putin reflects hungary’s long standing pattern of disdain for Europe’s erratic efforts to forge a common foreign policy in recent months Mr orban’s foreign minister Peter Sarto has repeatedly reached out to autocratic Nations kept at a distance by Brussel he has traveled to bellarus which is subject to punitive European sanctions and Iran which has Frosty relations with Europe and is under sanctions apart from vague public statements called in for a Time limited ceasefire during his recent visit to Kiev Orban has made no statement on how he envisions a possible peace in Ukraine Ukraine and Russia are not known to have held direct peace talks since spring 2022 when weeks of intense negotiations broke down as both sides took cover on the battlefield but they have occasionally agreed on specific issues such as prisoner exchanges both sides released 75 prisoners of War on May 31st after months of such exchanges overall the fighting remains a war of attrition while Russia has regained some initiative on the battlefield in recent months it has suffered huge losses and neither side seems capable of making a decisive breakthrough the Ukrainian foreign Ministry reiterated that orban’s trip to Moscow took place without approval or coordination with Ukraine Russia was not invited to the recent Summit in Switzerland which aimed to increase support for Ukraine’s negotiating positions however Mr zalinski raised the possibility that the Kremlin could be invited to the next international meeting organized by Kiev Mr orban’s visit was doubly provocative because Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the European Union this week it is a largely bureaucratic role with little real power but one that puts the country in the Limelight as it holds the six-month presidency German Chancellor Olaf Schultz said he had no prior knowledge of orban’s trip and was one of many who argued that the Hungarian leader did not represent the European Union Ursula vand liion the president of the European commission issued the following message only unity and determination will pave the way to a comprehensive just and Lasting peace in Ukraine since the Russian invasion of Ukraine almost all Western leaders have avoided meeting with Putin and instead sought to isolate him on the world stage outside the West however leaders have not hesitated to sit down with their Russian counterparts Chinese leader xiin ping met with Mr Putin in Kazakhstan this week and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Moscow next week thank you for tuning in

Emergency call from Putin to Kim Jong-un! Ukraine Blows Up a Train Carrying North Korean Weapons!

  1. if Putin asking military help like a beggar from a poor country NK… then Ukraine can ask well trained soldiers from France as well!

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