The far-right loses elections in France! 🤣

The far-right loses elections in France! 🤣

by rex-ac

  1. Yeah, all it take for that was an alliance going from Macron (center-right/right) to Melenchon (far-left)

  2. It isn’t really something to celebrate, the country is more divided than ever.

    I voted tactically for someone who is very pro-Ukraine and I hope we won’t let the extremist nutjobs on either side stop whatever support we can give Ukraine.

  3. We make fun of the French and rightfully so, but today I’m proud that sane minds prevailed. Thanks French. I’m raising a glass to you guys.


    Now pls Germany just don’t elect a New National-Socialist Party of German Workers, we don’t need to repeat that part of history

  5. Awesome. This sub will be filled with arse’n’ballers for the next week, geopolitics experts celebrating Prick A has lost to Prick B while their mid-low class life-style keeps being demolished by politicians they shill for.

    Keep up the good work. When they tell you “lol there’s no more cash to pay your retirement lmao” remember you contributed to it.

    And, before some regard calls me forright or forleft or nazi or commie or whatever, I just hate all them equally and wish all their shills to be sent to America in a one-way trip.

  6. Macron still on top though which for sure isn’t a positive .

    And personnaly would have prefered the far right to “rule” for 3 years rather than 5 .

    2027 will be a shitshow and there won’t be any more escape this time

  7. Wow great news! The far-right Putinistas have lost to the far-left Putinistas! Vive la France!

  8. Two coalitions of numerous parties won the election? That government is going to be a shitshow of 20 parties strangling eachother 🍿

  9. I’m mostly happy we didn’t compromise helping our Ukraine bros for now, sure I hope my country did more as I do since the start of the invasion, a lot more should have been done from the start but at least we avoided the worst for now.

  10. Looks like everybody lost that election and no viable coalition seems possible.

    * The left (far-left LFI/NPA/Commies + moderate-left greens and PS) is far from a majority.
    * Macron’s center won’t govern with the far-left LFI and NPA, nor with the far-right RN.
    * The moderate-right won’t govern with the far-right RN either. And an alliance with Macron’s center isn’t enough to get the majority.

    Best case scenario there is a coalition government stretching from PS/greens to LR. But I don’t see that happening given how left and right historically are always taking opposite positions on any topic, and the moderate-left would rather ally with far-left extremists than with the moderate-right.

    It’s going to be no government for a year and then new elections.

  11. people seeing this as a big win when in reality they’ll get fucked by the government like usual

    And the RN wouldn’t have changed anything anyways

  12. France and Britain unified in cucking the Putin bootlicking right. GG frogs.

  13. This only happened because France won against Portugal. We took one for the team, so France could keep being a pro EU western democra… What’s that, Melenchon won? My…

  14. I mean, regardless of being the most voted party, they wouldn’t be able to win 2nd round unless they get already over 50% votes in first round, simply because all other parties are 100% against them so their voters wouldn’t even vote for her…

  15. Gotta love how reddit automatically assumes that any parties that identify as conservative = far right/putin lovers.

  16. Cant wait for the mass increase in rapes, murders and terrorist attacks due to the lefts naivety. France is like a bbc cuckold porn addicts dream country, it must be humiliating being french. America bad, sub saharan africa and third world countries good, thats the mentality of these people. The worst part is that these people are also pro russia, big difference is that they are pro mass immigration (only blacks and muslims though). Also, keep in mind, these people have ideologies that DIRECTLY contradicts what france stands for. These are people who believe gay people should be stoned, women shouldnt be able to vote etc. These are ideologies that are a threat to the west, and the very people who voted left in the first place. 24 year old Amelie voted for this, not knowing she will be anally raped by a gang of arabs in 2 years time. You did this.

  17. “Far right” and it’s just not wanting millions of third world immigrants a year

  18. Njeeeet. Njet again!!!

    Or something like that you can hear from far east if you listen closely

  19. Good news for sure but… If they spend what they said they would isn’t France going bankrupt? I remember seeing that this was the worst case scenario for investors since they were worried about the shitton of promises the left coalition made. But i guess its the same as usual with most winners, they will just do one or two and pretend they said nothing else lol.

  20. As far as I understand it this is the worst outcome for the enemies of Le Pen and the event, which results in the highest likelyhood of Le Pen winning the next presidental election

    1. RN won’t be in power and can profit immensly, if the new government does a bad job, which is very likely

    2. The left alliance has anything from center-left boomers comparable to germany’s Olaf Scholz to far left nutjobs comparable to Sahra Wagenknecht. They are split on many topics from the cold war, Russo-Ukrainian war, Israel-Palestine-conflict, what would be called Transatlantikertum in german, economic system, relationship to germany, social policies and the overall stance towards the EU. They will have big problems in deciding anything even if they were alone in power.

    3. There is no plausible coalition. The only to blocks open for coalition are Macron and the center-right, but they don’t have a majority. Whatever which government comes out of this ellection will look extremely ineffective and become very unpopular. The most likely government will probably be Macron’s centrist party and the left coalition.

    4. Macron lost a lot of credibility of his stance of being a centrist, when he asked his candidates to step down so people, he really doesn’t wanna work together with, can win. Additionally if he decides to be the junior partner in government with far left nutjobs being the senior partner, Macron look desperate and pathetic for center right voters, who will be the deciding factor in the next presidental ellection.

  21. Nobody wins those election, the left is not a real party, the right won because people voted to stop the far right and every party use fear instead of actual reason.

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