By kicking a ball around, we have now established the most western of Europeans, thank you all for playing

By kicking a ball around, we have now established the most western of Europeans, thank you all for playing

by MikeTorsson

  1. Eastern Europe is now officially divided into Western Eastern Europe, Central Eastern Europe and Eastern Eastern Europe

  2. Вы идиоты теперь понимаете, что вы только что сделали.

  3. England?

    A third world country is obviously not western Europe. You are Eastern Americans.

  4. Scotland, Wales and the Irelands secretly thanking their ancestors that they’re able to piggyback on Barry like a barnacle to remain Western European by technicality.

  5. You are free to leave Nordicks out of Western Europe. But dont mix us up with Central and/or Eastern please. <3

  6. Absolutely Based. Turkey has been vapourised and West Britain is back under our control.

  7. Big thanks to OP for pointing out the truth that Turkey is the real and only controller of Istanbul

  8. Eastern are former commie block

    Westerm are kinda all European countrys and colonies where alot of Europeans gone that have a functional democracy.

    Central is all former commie blocks that don’t want to be reminded of have been controlled by the Soviets or wanna show they are passed that.

  9. You can’t divide Portugal and Spain from the other two PIGS country, that’s indecency!

  10. We aren’t a french protuberance. You could at leasr have added us to Holland.

  11. Why did Portubros get absorbed by Spain 😭 no PIGS-on-PIGS violence please, free my bros 😢

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