Netanjahu erklärt, Israel werde im Rahmen eines Geiselabkommens die Kämpfe fortsetzen, bis die Kriegsziele erreicht seien.

Netanjahu erklärt, Israel werde im Rahmen eines Geiselabkommens die Kämpfe fortsetzen, bis die Kriegsziele erreicht seien.

  1. Am I wrong to think that Netanyahu is trying to undermine ceasefire negotiations? Or is he trying to preempt criticism of a deal from his far right?

  2. “We’re going to keep releasing terrorists until we’re able to destroy them in battle.” Netanyahu is practicing a form of catch and release we’ve never seen before. It’s almost as if the number of hostages released is irrelevant, it’s better to release the Hamas fighters so that they can continue the fighting.

  3. 1. Israel can’t stop the war until all hostages are released.
    2. Israel stops any notion that legitimises terrorist organisations, including Oslo Accords.
    3. Israel realised that a Palestinian state will become a terrorist state, not a democracy but dictatorship led by Abbas.

  4. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 84%. (I’m a bot)
    > Amid the re-energized negotiations for a truce and a hostage deal between the Hamas terrorists and Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday reiterated that any deal approved by Israel would allow it to return to fighting until Hamas was destroyed.

    > "Any deal will allow Israel to resume fighting until all of objectives of the war have been achieved; There will be no smuggling of weapons to Hamas from Egypt to the Gaza border; There will be no return of thousands of armed terrorists to the northern Gaza Strip; Israel will maximize the number of living hostages who will be released from Hamas captivity.”

    > The last round of negotiations was kickstarted by Hamas announcing it had dropped its demand that Israel commit to an end of the war before the start of the hostage deal negotiations, which Israel has consistently rejected.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~690222 tl;drs so far.”) | [Blackout Vote]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Israel**^#1 **Hamas**^#2 **deal**^#3 **negotiation**^#4 **continue**^#5

  5. The goal should be minimizing terrorists threats which include Hamas and Hezbollah. However it doesn’t need to be a war. USA continues to kill top ISIS or Al-Quida leaders and Israel should continue doing so. I would not mind even if they do assassinations by paying other criminals to do it for Hamas top leaders.

    The point is – none of these need him in power. Do an election and if lost – step down. Other leaders can take care of the continuing ‘war’ against terrorists.

  6. Julian Assange – “the goal is an endless war, not a successful one”

  7. Well, RIP hostages, I guess. Why would they release hostages in this situation?

  8. If Hamas, Hezbollah, Ali Khamenei and Israel were destroyed together, the world would be much more peaceful.

  9. I have to agree, under what circumstances would anyone ever agree to a ceasefire, when we don’t even have the condition of the hostages? Is Israel seriously going to give up all the ground they made, for potentially dead civilians?

    Hamas cannot be allowed to exist… They proven this over and fucking over again. They will just regroup, and attack again.

  10. Netanyahu can’t afford to have the war stop….he prefers a stale mate, that’s his only way. As soon as the war is over, he will have to face the consequence for his mishandling on security as well as terrible conduct during the war.

    Much like hamas, they can’t afford peace because they want keep milking palestanina suffering for billions in profit every year. If there is peace, hamas will have to answer for all the crime it has committed.

    It’s never about racism, religion, or any of those….i has always been about a few greedy people found their way to position of power and are willing to do anything to stay there and keep profiting from the suffering.

  11. I am extremely pro Israel but this is just dumb to say out loud. He’s done for.

    Even if you plan to decimate Hamas after the ceasefire and hostage deal…This is not how peace is achieved.

  12. He’ll fight for as many years as the people let him because he knows after war is over he will be voted out and then face many lawsuits.

  13. People! he said at the beginning they plan on wiping out Hamas and any co-ops connected to them.

  14. Bibi is a cunt but any, and I mean **any**, deal with Hamas that leaves them in control… Shit, in existence, would be self-destructive and naïve.

  15. the western nations should debate more if exterminating the whole hamas is a realistic / legitimate war goal. i think it can be deemed very likely that hamas will strike again if israel ceases fire. however thats still just an assumption. additionally, total annihilation of the hamas may exceed “an act of mere self defense”. but i guess its less of a juristic question and more of a political question, i just don’t know

    Edit: shouldn’t the most important question right now be, whether measurements even can be taken to ensure that the hamas doesn’t repeat their horrible invasion, once there is a ceasefire?

  16. I mean, it’s pretty fucking obvious Hamas will start the same shit again as soon as they can.
    Any ceasefire deal just mean more futur Hamas attack.
    It’s insane that Israel is expected to negotiate and make peace with an entity who’s main goal is its destruction.

  17. This has literally been Israel’s stance since day one, and they say it constantly. How is this shocking news to anyone?

    They will not accept any deal that leaves Hamas intact. Period.

  18. Do you kill your enemy?

    Or do let your enemy hurt you recoup and hurt you again?

    Palestine will be free. Free of Hamas!

    Hamas is an evil organization of lies. I wish younger people would understand this.

    Hamas has no place on Earth.

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