it seems Stephen Hawking had quite a broad & colorful sense of humor. stumbled upon the cameo below earlier. From a short lived Channel 4 show “TV Offal”

Not sure it would pass muster these days.. 🫢..

it seems Stephen Hawking had quite a broad & colorful sense of humor. stumbled upon the cameo below earlier. From a short lived Channel 4 show “TV Offal”
byu/DandyLionsInSiberia inCasualUK

by DandyLionsInSiberia

  1. I’ve heard that apparently back in the 80s/90s, he was taken on a tour of the set of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and when they got to the warp core, he said “I’m working on that”.

  2. Christ, I feel old knowing that Victor Lewis-Smith is someone/thing that the younglings are stumbling upon by chance…

    … Next up: someone posts about how Simon Pegg from the **Mission: Impossible** films briefly appeared in a TV show mocking society and the media’s hysteria over the subject of paedophilia.

  3. Ex-sperm-inate!! Ex-sperm-inate!!

    Never watched TV offal as I was too young at the time but I’ve seen the gay daleks sketches on YouTube… They are funny A.F. wouldn’t see them on TV these days though

  4. [*Colourful, humour.]
    He’s on Floyd’s Division Bell album, the “Keep Talking” track.

  5. I always assumed he’d be fairly funny.

    Good bloke and it’s a shame his love life was a mess. On one date he broke his arm and a black eye…she’d stood him up.

    Seriously though, I seem to remember the married his nurse, and she used to bully him.

  6. Never heard of TV offal until about 20 mins ago where it popped up on suggested YouTube vids,now this,I’m proper freaked out.

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