Countries Providing Patriot SAM System to Ukraine

Countries Providing Patriot SAM System to Ukraine

by UNITED24Media

  1. When you find that the US has 1106 Launcher with 480 in service…

    All countries need to keep their capacity, but I don’t think giving more of these will put a dent on it there…

  2. Can only 1 radar support all of Ukraine? Am I interpreting correctly?

    I’m an Armor guy…I know jack about ADA.

  3. Note that the US provided all training for the Patriot missileers, plus it has purchased 3 more and has suspended, after discussion with involved countries, sales to others until these three, replacement and parts, and additional units are made for Ukraine. Remember the US has all of it’s combat ready batteries posted all around the world right now. I am just not sure why other EU countries haven’t transferred one or two, rather then just Germany and Netherlands… Oh, the US provides almost all replacement ammunition via tranches again, too.

  4. Romania also announced around June 20th they would be sending a Battery to Ukraine as well.  Not sure on the expected time-line for delivery as Romania is pretty tight lipped when it comes to what military aid it sends.  They are at 6-7 now with Ned/Us/Ger/Rom. 

  5. They need 5-6 minimum, if it was your country would you not want them even if you could only use them a few times?

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