What is the meaning: Coat of arms with the Polish Eagle, Lithuanian Vytis (Waykimas), Ruthenian Angel, and Black Madonna of Częstochowa

What is the meaning: Coat of arms with the Polish Eagle, Lithuanian Vytis (Waykimas), Ruthenian Angel, and Black Madonna of Częstochowa

by awolf_alone

  1. Dzień dobry r/poland I am hoping you can help me learn what this coat of arms symbolises. A copy, similar to this hangs on the wall in a family photo taken in Poznan late 1800’s of my family. I am curious to understand what the crest means and why a family would have it on their wall. dziękuję

  2. 3 main components of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth (with Ruthenia added for propaganda reasons after the country collapsed).
    The dates are the various uprisings in history.
    Kosciuszko’s 1794

    November 1830

    Wielkopolskie (edit: or generally, it was THAT year) 1848

    January 1863

    1795 is the date that the Republix cesaed to exist.

  3. Those dates refer to Polish uprisings, the coat of arms – to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Ruthenian coat of arms – Archangel Michael – was added in January Uprising (1863-64) to represent Ruthenia (roughly Ukraine) as part of the old Commonwealth and an ally against imperial Russia which occupied these lands.

    Black Madonna of Częstochowa is a symbol of resistance and unbreakable spirit (siege of Częstochowa during Swedish deluge, or rather its semi-legendary version) and faith that unites the three nations.

    Why is it in a family house? Perhaps that’s just a very patriotic family, maybe descendants of some old nobility.

  4. This is just a poster full of patriotic smybolism. It shows emblems of Poland, Lithuania and Russia. Dates visible on the sides of the shield are dates of national uprisings.

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