It’s Joever, France has woked, billions of republitards must cry on twitter

It’s Joever, France has woked, billions of republitards must cry on twitter

by DoggiePanny

  1. People unironically using the term “woke” have automatically lost the discussion.


  2. Ok why is that fucking assh*le dare talking about my magnificent country. Keep it’s glorious name out of your pathetic mouth you worthless bugs. If your parent weren’t conservative and against abortion you wouldn’t be here you pos, so Idc about the atrocious take you have on twitter but don’t talk about my country you relicant trash thinker

  3. The country will just be even more ungovernable until new elections can happen in a year or two

  4. Can we please ban that shitty americunt twitter account from this glorious subreddit?

  5. Since when do Ameritards care about other countries? Oh wait, their real leader, Vlad Putin, does care.

  6. I found it funny when it happened because the left kept saying for the entire month Macron was working with le pen and that they had the same idea.

  7. mm Putin bootlikers in full force today!

    This must have been quite painful for that bloated dwarf.

  8. The British far right did the same in 2019. They stood down in Conservative constituencies so the Right Wing vote wouldn’t be split. They therefore split the vote in Labour constituencies so the Conservatives won. They did that to give the Tories a majoirty to push Brexit through. It happans all the time.

  9. Americans can’t comprehend that coalitions exist. Yes you can have more than two parties and they can work together to get a majority.

  10. France is unsalvageable cos its French. This election result is actually redeeming for the French fucking the far right. I can’t believe I’m saying this but the French did a good job for once

  11. A guy unironically calling himself ”endwokeness” and having a yes chad and us flag as avatar says we’re beyond saving ?

    Heh, we must do some things right.

  12. Oh, the thing that always happens happened? I wouldn’t actually mind the Yanks taking an actual interest and providing an external opinion, but this drive-by own-the-wokes shit is miserable.

  13. Americans: “Oh, why do you always comment on america? Do you think of us all the time?”
    Also Americans:

  14. The American mind can’t comprehend compromise.

    Ey, r*tards, that’s how civilised democracy’s work, political parties (and yes, there should be more than two) have to talk between them, and have some give and take to attain their objectives.

    Is all black and white for them.

  15. ‘Most people don’t want the far right to have power. It’s not democratic.’

    Why don’t people on the right get irony?

  16. It was the best possible result for Le Pen.

    She won t be in power so doesn’t have to make any unpopular decisions. The extremely disparate coalition of parties who despise each other will struggle to agree to anything leading to a more politically angry French populace.

    This will ultimately increase her chances of success in the presidential election in 2027.

  17. The far-right fumbling what could have been an easy victory = “socialist coup”

    ~~Putinists~~ MAGA people are sore fucking losers. RN didn’t even do that bad, stop crying.

  18. I love watching this guy cry on twitter. Homie needs to touch grass.

    Uncommon Pierre W.

  19. Personally I’m for the right wing and think it would be best for France so I’m happy they lost because I want the worst for France, get fucked frenchies.

  20. As a Swede I’d love to write him an angry note telling him this is not good.

    And then tell me wife he is a cunt.

    I assure you, this is very serious.

  21. Looks like this account will now supply the laughing stock for this sub whenever a european nation doesn’t vote for the (far-)right-wing parties

  22. They did the exact same trick as the Brexit Party did in 2019 in the UK. But it was okay when the right wing did it.

  23. The ones I want has not won, so democracy has failed.

    MAAAAAYBE some people not really get what “democracy” means.

  24. hahah this is “coup” when people vote and the fascists they love lose.

    but its not a coup when Trump literally tires to overthrow the US Constitution to say in power after losing the election

  25. Murican right-wingers getting pissed about stuff in Europe, must be one of my favourite genders.

  26. Imaging caring about a country that decided to destroy itself long ago
    The election system is broken tho. Makes no sense to be millions of votes ahead and end up in 3rd place, and the effect this has on the population when they judge the system.

  27. This anti woke and self proclaimed chad guy kept appearing in my tl on twitter spitting the most regarded opinions and qanon level conspiracies I had to block him. Now I see he’s into European politics (first the uk and now France) please someone tell him we’re not interested in his American delusions and to keep his chad nose to his side of the Atlantic

  28. Can we just ban posts that have this clown’s Twitter on them? He is unironically far right, and some people here are just posting it for ragebait.

  29. I find the use of american political phrases in other countries political systems really really annoying.

    A US republican and a French republican are too very different things.

  30. End wokeness when a pro russian party doesn’t win the elections


  31. Love how the continuation of Vichy France founded by SS members and war criminals is “far-right” with quotation mark, but the dozen communists out of the 180 deputies that just believe in capitalism with higher taxes get the whole coalition labeled far-left.

  32. This is what happens the first time an American learns about something called ‘Political Coalitions’.

  33. They did a smart move. Ganged up on the common enemy. Probably will happen the same, but with the roles reversed, if the far left will ever get near the “alone in charge” election. Politics lads.

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