Instead, we now have the first generation, in the history of the nation, that will likely be worse off than their parents

Instead, we now have the first generation, in the history of the nation, that will likely be worse off than their parents

by HonestLawyer340

  1. These posts always ignore that this was only possible because the US had come out of ww2 as the only nation really able to provide manufacturing and services on a global scale while the rest of the world was in shambles. Once other nations started competing for market share and the US worker was no longer the only option we no longer enjoyed the monopoly on production.

  2. That was not normal. Even in the 1960s about 40% of mothers worked. Today it’s in the 60s. There simply wasn’t a sea change where it event from no women to all women working 

    Not to  mention the definition of comfortable changed radically since the 1960s 

  3. Primarily one income middle class families, started ending in the seventies, early eighties. This is about the time corporations ramped up political influence with political contributions and lobbying. It’s gotten much much worse since.

    At this point the federal government pretty much exclusively serves global corporations, rather than most Americans. Any big spending bill is primarily industry welfare, sometimes dressed up as benefitting Americans, typically poor ones, of which there are more and more every decade that goes by.

    No campaign finance reform & lobbying reform, and Americans will never get their country back. The media is complicit in this, as they will never report on the evils of their masters, the global corporations who fund them via ad spend.

  4. That might have been true for only a brief while in the 1950s, when unions were strong and the US was the only major industrial power still standing after WWII

    I’m a boomer, born mid 1950s. Both of my parents worked, and I’m pretty sure that was true for the parents of my friends – there were always a few hours after school when parents weren’t around

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