New Scottish Liberal Democrat MP says he opposes party support for trans rights

New Scottish Liberal Democrat MP says he opposes party support for trans rights

by 1DarkStarryNight

  1. He’s weird. Donated to Boris Johnson. Opposes trans rights. Christian.

    I mean broad chuch and all but I’m not entirely comfortable.

  2. Id prefer if things that were more important to the larger populace were put at the forefront of politics than this Gender bullshit.

  3. I get the impression (just from my consumption of different media reports so i could be wrong, mind you) that the Scottish Lib Dems are more to the centre, slightly more right leaning than the UK wide Lib Dems.

  4. A common misconception is that the “Liberal” in Lib Dem means they are automatically left-wing liberals.

    It is paired with the word “Democrat” meaning they are liberal with their democratic views.

    For example, imagine you had one person supporting trans rights and another opposing. As liberal democrats, they would disagree with each other but believe that they both have a right to hold the views that they do. Both would fight to ensure that the other person gets to hold their view because that’s democracy.

    So you get Liberal Democrats across the whole political spectrum, united by the belief that in a democracy everyone should have a say even if you don’t agree with them.

    The Highlands are a good example of this. They have a strong Free Church of Scotland culture, which is inherently conservative in its social views. However, they also have a strong sense of fairness and the right to have an opinion which is why these areas are traditional Lib Dem strongholds.

  5. Because it’s not the party of Alex Cole-Hamilton up there. The Highland Lib Dems are basically a separate thing altogether and a sort of Highland tradition and a vestige of some weird voting patterns from the Victorian age.

    So yeah, it’s not a surprise you’re going to get people coming up in the Highland Lib Dems who just say what they think.

  6. >He added: “I am a practicing [sic] Christian and have a different view from (some) Lib Dems. I will not have to follow the party line and the LD’S respect that.”

    I didn’t know the bible had a clear position on trans rights.

  7. The trans/gender reform issue has completely fractured Scotland, not even 50/50 but most people oppose/disinterested in it, but a majority of the political class backed by a small but very vocal lobby (as an example, less than 2% of people are active on Twitter/X, or even political subreddits for that matter)
    It’s not a doorstep issue, almost no one cares, something the SNP found out too late. Ofc no one is saying trans people shouldn’t have rights, it’s just in the framework of existing rights as an ordinary citizen, and that includes protection from violence/crime etc.

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