New footage of a Russian X-101 long-range missile directly hitting the children’s hospital “Ohmadyt” in Kyiv earlier today

New footage of a Russian X-101 long-range missile directly hitting the children’s hospital “Ohmadyt” in Kyiv earlier today

by Igor0976

  1. Seeing on other occasions that Russia can hit targets precisely with those Missiles… this surly was not a stray Missile. This is a deliberate attack on a Children Hospital.

    Fuck Russia. The cancerous Nation of this World.

  2. I thought sewer microbes were as low as you can get but Russians win that shitty honor with ease.

  3. No doubt the pricks will justify it as Ukraine were storing military assets in the maternity ward.

  4. Doesn’t Ukraine have missile defence capabilities? I have read numerous articles about countries sending Patriot missile systems to Ukraine, what gives?

  5. even if ukraine put russian pow’s in hospitals it wouldnt stop them bombing them

  6. Exhibit #1 at The Hague.
    This show erase any doubt in anyone’s mind about the sanity of negotiating with Putin/Russia.

  7. Just got it on CNN. American here. I hope y’all are able to kick Putin’s ass before he dies of something else (next best thing would be ball cancer?l

  8. Russia is obscene.

    And I feel powerless again. Ukraine will win but I could have done without learning so vividly in this life, just how fucking evil war is.

    But I’m a witness. In the end game, that’s a high card. “Never forget” is a deep statement. Out of the horror of WW2 and its holocaust, “never forget” are two words that says all one needs to know.

    Russia can’t stop witness.

  9. Can’t wait for the Kremlin to play this off as it being a weapons storage or something

  10. They can continue being evil because they know the rest of the world won’t do shit. Imagine being so evil that you threaten nuclear apocalypse if someone tries to stop you bombing kids with cancer. We truly are in the dark timeline.

  11. What baffles me is the fact that we have video of all those crimes as never before. Those will be seen by people 500 years from now (climate change aside). This is how Russia will be remembered and they don’t realise that they will be labeled for what they are for centuries. Germans went the extra mile to redeem themselves, will russians be able to do the same? I honestly don’t think so

  12. I thought Kyiv had pretty good AA. How did all these missiles get through?

  13. Kh-101/X-101, is a Russian long range cruise missile launched exclusively from bomber aircraft.

    Guidance system:
    -inertial guidance with Doppler radar/terrain map updates

    An inertial navigation system is a navigation device that uses motion sensors (accelerometers), rotation sensors (gyroscopes) and a computer to continuously calculate by dead reckoning the position, the orientation, and the velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.

  14. Somehow all words about how despicably Russia is behaving just fall utterly short.

  15. Can someone verify the type of missile being used here?

    I tried to compare the shape to the PAC-3 MSE because someone already claimed that it’s a patriot missile but the dimensions (5,3m) don’t seem right.

    I hope someone can help clarify before we jump to the only logical conclusion that yet again russia is doing terrorist attacks

  16. Orcs, fucking Orcs. I just don’t know what else to call them.

    They need to be beaten back to Mordor. And the west should supply ANYTHING it has, short of nukes.

    Slava Ukraini

  17. According to RT, this was the result of debris from Ukrainian air defense.

    Strange claim, because that missile seems to be going straight for its target.

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