Noel Gallagher says Glastonbury has “gone woke” with “little fucking idiots waving flags around”

Noel Gallagher says Glastonbury has “gone woke” with “little fucking idiots waving flags around”

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. *Old and now effectively irrelevant musician that has forgotten music is all about expression, tells others to play for money and then fuck off instead of spread any messages with their art*

    What a boring place the music industry would be if everyone was like Noel and his Not Oasis.

    *”There are seven people in this room who are giving a little bit of hope to young people in this country, That is me, our kid, Bonehead, Guigs, Alan White, Alan McGee and Tony Blair. And if you’ve all got anything about you, you’ll go up there and you’ll shake Tony Blair’s hand, man. He’s the man! Power to the people!”* – Noel Gallagher (1996)

    How the mighty have fallen.

  2. No! Not woke! I’m gonna start crying! It’s gone woke! Because of woke! No! They can’t! They can’t go woke!

    What a fucking bitch.

  3. Glastonbury is full of middle-class Surrey types cosplaying as working-class heroes now.

  4. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined Glastonbury, completely, so you could wave a bunch of flags, but I hope now you spend time getting some lessons in grace and decorum because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. -Noel Gallagher, probably

  5. I have never understood why anyone, anywhere, ever had any interest in what this guy says. Whether on politics, culture, literature, movies, history, music or whatever. He comes across as a total moron every time he opens his mouth.

  6. Noel has always been a whining arsehole. Its part of his schtick. Just because he seems more reasonable than his troglodyte brother doesn’t mean he’s not a prick. 

  7. Another old fart realising he isn’t hot stuff anymore and is saying anything for relevancy, nothing to see here.

  8. I’ve been a big Oasis and Noel Gallagher fan for alot of my life. He’s jsut become a bitter old cunt.

    Anti war or music with a message isn’t a new thing. The Vietnam war and all that came with it for example.

    Glastonbury more than any other festival is known for the flags in the crowd.

    What Noel is saying here is that he’s now rich and although he came from a working class background and talks of Rock n Roll and understanding it he doesn’t give a fuck. He got up the ladder and no one else should even bother.

  9. Love Noels music, but the man is a bit of a cunt. Liam as turned out the nicer of the two!

  10. Whenever Noel pops up, all that comes to mind is Jade from Little Mix and I’m nit even a LM fan

    “Yeah, shame really. Because you know, we are definitely the most successful girl group in the country, but he’s not even the most successful performer in his family.”

  11. A disgusting lack of racism and bigotry at Glastonbury that’s for sure. There should be a right wing Glastonbury, It would be really popular. Remember how banging the leave party was on parliament green? Relive that 2 and a half hours of fun here [Leave Means Leave Brexit Party at Parliament Square (](

  12. Thanks but for the same reason I wont go to Garry Glitter for parenting tips, I am not going to a Gallagher for social commentary. What a fucking throbbing bell-end. Still coasting off one good album and thinks he’s God’s gift.

  13. Pretty sure Glastonbury has been for posh knobs since they put up the fences, as much as I like oasis Noel is the most cringeworthy plastic paddy out there.

  14. If he doesn’t like anti-war virtue signalling, then he should probably have plagiarised John Lennon less often.

  15. Man who has reputation for being a mouthy bellend continues to be a mouthy bellend.

  16. This guy spent years playing a guitar designed like the Union Jack and went to Downing St to hang out with Tony Blair lol.

  17. Yeah, when has music ever been about social justice…? It wasn’t like this in the 2000’s… no wait, wait it was… 90’s…? No, it was then too. 80’s? 60’s? 40’s? 20’s? Nope, was then as well… Well, what about the 19th century…? Nope, was then as well… huh…

    Perhaps music is just used as a medium to project ones expressive voice? And that voice is quite often talking about social justice. Go figure.

    Also, remember this is a man whose favourite band is the Beatles… Literally the champions of an entire era defining social justice movement. If Noel doesn’t think the hippy movement was social justice, I’d like to know what is.

  18. To be fair, Noel has sounded like an angry boomer since his twenties.

  19. If Paul Weller comes out as pro Palestine tomorrow, Noel will be on a stage somewhere by Friday at the latest playing a semi acoustic guitar painted like the Palestine flag.

    No doubt noodling up and down the minor pentatonic scale like he has been since at least 1992.

  20. Noel was always a knob and he’s well on his way to being a Reform candidate by the sound of it.

  21. George Michael saw through that prick all those years ago.

    Oh George, how we need you now.

  22. Noel has been duped by the right wing bell ends and is nothing more than a clichéd old man crying about things that aren’t a problem.

    I saw Oasis at Glastonbury and I thought they were boring as shit, I also saw loads of flags flying when they played because that has been the case since at least 1995, the whiny old fogey.

  23. I dont know a load about glastonbury but I feel like there have always been people waving flags no?

  24. Oh no, I can’t believe the left have infiltrated the

    *checks notes

    Glastonbury Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Festival?

  25. I’ll put this simply:

    If you find yourself using the word ‘woke’ in a derogatory and serious sense, then it is you who is in fact the problem.

  26. At 57 the guy really needs to grow up and grow a pair, as much as I loved their music growing up and credit them for getting me to learn the guitar – he always has been a whiny little bitch. Was alright at the peak of Oasis when we were all still young but the guy is just desperate for attention these days it’s embarrassing.

  27. Alright Noel, we’ll just ignore the origins of glasto shall we?

    So basically what he means is “I don’t agree with that, and because it goes against my beliefs, I’ll just call everything woke and not construct an actual argument with London gic and reasoning”

    Bare in mind this is a man whose brother laughs at him for being too busy dipping carrots in hummus

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