European Union mandates speed limiters on all new cars to enhance road safety

European Union mandates speed limiters on all new cars to enhance road safety

by Neo_tok

  1. Does anyone actually use them? I’ve got one and while I do use cruise control I’ve never ever used the speed limiter… and in my opinion, it can be quite dangerous… while overtaking or avoiding a dangerous situation…

  2. The issue is when these limiters will turn mandatory and you wont be able to turn them off. With the current legislation, their are an opt out mechanism each time you turn on the car.

    But as people have pointed out, they can be extremely dangerous when trying to overtake other vehicles.

    Personally i feel like this is a step in the right direction, the most dangerous behavior i see everyday while driving, is excess speed.

  3. Man, my 2022 car just jumped in value. It doesn’t even make annoying sounds when you go one km/h over the speed limit.

    Already people skip Korean cars (many great Hyundais out there) because of the constant alarms, ringing and noise making.

  4. My god everyone needs to chill out and actually read stuff, the speed limiter is not an actual speed limiter but it’s a SOUND ALERT

  5. Since no one seems to read the Article here is an important quote that makes 50% of the comments useless.

    “While drivers can accelerate and brake as they would normally while ISA is activated, the limiter sends haptic, audio, and visual warnings to drivers who break the limit until they slow down”

  6. I hate this kind of nanny state and the actual implementation of that mandate is outright awful. Turn it off or have a constant peeping while you drive.

  7. This feature is annoying af because the traffic sign recognition is completely unreliable. I don’t want this kind of nanny state.

  8. Will probably be less annoying than the garbage lane assist new cars come with. Also ON by default, disabling requires digging through laggy touchscreen menus. Beeps and adjusts your steering wheel. Completely useless where road markings are faded/non-existent.

  9. This is good. My used car without those systems will be worth as gold as its weight /s

  10. That is bullshit. When you are overtaking a car, it’s much safer to do it faster than slower.

  11. My new Toyota has it. It starts beeping when you’re 1kph (per the speedometer) over the limit. It only peeps a few times but if the speed goes below the limit and over again, it restarts. It makes driving at the limit annoying while having no effect if one maintains high speed.

  12. If they can do this, why can’t they install automatic breathalyzers? And facial technology so that the person in the drivers seat is the one taking the test? The amount of drunk driving is disgraceful.
    Lastly, a backseat indicator that tells you if there is weight back there (ie for people to not leave their children)
    We need some real- life life-saving technology 💙

  13. Alternative title: EU makes buying a new car even less desirable. Will our economy survive?

  14. Fucking fascists. There are plenty of reasons not to be disturbed by your car if you are going over the speed limit.

    Choosing to “break the law” by speeding is a choice.

    Being forced to be interrupted in the time you need to concentrate the most feels like another shit idea from the EU.

  15. That’s a great example of unpopular legislation that is laundered through the European Union. It would have no chance of getting passed in national parliaments. Can’t wait to see the same governments that lobbied for it behind the scenes blame the EU for it in public.

  16. I’m all for “enhancing road safety”, but there’s gotta be a better way than some obnoxious beeping noise WHILE you are driving. Don’t see how that will really help, most will find a way to disable it.

  17. Well, what does the body of evidence say concerning this measure?

  18. I had a new rental car (VW T-cross or Tiguan, idk anymore) with this feature and I couldn’t turn it off permanently as others already stated.
    You can change the alert settings to be less annoying by turning the sound notifications off. The warning symbol on the display cannot be disabled though iirc.

  19. Need to look up who came up and voted for this shit to make sure I don’t vote for them in the next EU elections. EU was supposed to be liberal but we’re sliding more and more into authoritarianism.

  20. This is so incredibly dumb. Just let people live, stop nannying us.
    Whats next, an oven with heat limiter so you dont accidentally burn your hand?
    Theres already speed cameras everywhere, why is this necessary.

  21. I have rented a car with this system couple of weeks ago. It took me 5 minutes to adjust and ignore all the signals the car was sending. In my case the only result was slight annoyance. I own only old cars and the comfort and relaxed driving is well above all modern cars.

  22. I’ve got a problem with this sometimes when there is a construction on the road and they put a new lower limit for that place, my car assumes this lower speed is valid for the whole street and not just for that part which is under maintenance.

    I guess they should put the End of Speed Restriction sign after it, but they don’t

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