Characteristics of US Income Classes

Characteristics of US Income Classes

by xena_lawless

  1. All looks to be correct. Except incomes of the “owning class” are now near the middle/upper class.

    Hello inflation.

  2. No no no!

    First off people should keep in mind, this varies greatly by region of the county, and where one is in their career. So let’s say this is a forty to forty-five year old – halfway through life and career.

    The real differences are in how one’s income is made. The upper class lives luxuriously, and off their wealth. They work if they choose to, not because they must.

    The middle class works because they must. They work for a decent to good living, after several years of saving can buy a house, fund a family from cash flow, take a couple of weeks vacation, save enough for retirement not to see their quality of living drop when they do retire.

    Poor and working poor can’t do the above.

    It used to be that middle class American families were so on one income. As Americans we’ve already seen that go away, and we allowed it. On that same trend now we’re seeing greater and greater numbers.

    Charts like these just keep Americans in their place as human resources to the global corporations who run the United States, and due to broken political fundraising and lobbying, who our governments serve.

  3. There are only two classes. The first four work for a living and are the working class. The owner class doesn’t. Don’t divide us.

  4. $106-461?!?!? Seems like they are REALLY trying to squeeze more people into that upper class…

    Mid to high level professionals…. $106?!?!? I know this is sadly a reality, but it feels like that lower $ is from 2000….

    It’s 2024…. Pay some people you greedy bastards…

  5. $106K upper class? Not even close. These incomes are way too low. Starting salaries out of college are higher than some of these classes. Hell, even babysitters are making $20 an hour.

  6. The last bracket is totally inaccurate for people making near the bottom end of the range.

    Owns “luxurious home or homes”? Full time work optional? Political and economic decision makers? None of those things are even close to true. That describes people making many millions of dollars… not senior engineers in tech who cracked 500k income 😂

    Also 106k isn’t upper class

  7. “Income Class” is not really very interesting to me though this does hit the mark in a lot of ways from what I can tell.

    Every time I see a categorization of financial class like this it always either outright uses or overemphasizes income. This doesn’t even mention Net Worth though in theory I guess you could derive it with some research by knowing the number of people and the total wealth held by the top 1%, 19% etc.

    I think Net Worth determines your wealth, power and security, so Class, significantly more than income. There are a lot of flat broke or even negative net worth high income high spenders who are slow moving financial train wrecks in the making. The difference between a family making and spending $300K/year and $90K a year is not as fundamentally different as one might think and often ephemeral. Having a family income of more than $460K is not what distinguishes the 1% from the rest of us.

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