47th brigade continues their revenge: they cripple russian sniper (NSFL) and strike two Russian soldiers hiding in the toilet

47th brigade continues their revenge: they cripple russian sniper (NSFL) and strike two Russian soldiers hiding in the toilet

by iivankin1

  1. Any shred of pity I might’ve previously felt for these motherfuckers getting blown to bits, has disappeared completely after they bombed that children’s cancer hospital in Kyiv.

  2. Fk these savage scum, hope we get many more of these videos. They deserve no mercy after today’s attack on a children’s hospital.

  3. Russian scum think they’re the most powerful and feared people in the world. In reality, they’re scared bullies who will suffer long and hard when they’ve finally surrendered.

  4. That would have really given those two in the toilet the shits, though one of them has come out it in much better condition.

  5. Cleaning one turd out of Ukraine at a time, no sympathy to these piles of crap who are bent on genocide.

  6. Poor meat puppets. As an ex-soldier, and battle field medic (68W), I can tell you most of those guys didn’t know what hit them. I’ve heard it time and time again that you don’t hear the shot that takes you out. Makes sense really when you consider the mussel velocity.

    Sad in this day and age, we still have tyrants willing to spill the blood of young lives to do their evil bidding.

  7. Damn they didn’t cripple him, they blew that first solider in half…

  8. Hiding in the toilet is going to become a meme at this rate. This is the 3rd time on video I have seen. God knows how many more Ive not seen or wasnt captured on video.


    Not go to Ukraine and try to kill Ukrainians.

  10. My next paycheck is paying for at least one drone. I want these nazis to feel the pain the are causing

  11. Why is everyone with a low power scope and an automatic rifle a sniper in this sub?

    By the way a good kill. Need to be broadcasted on Ruzzian social networks.

  12. Ditto. The faster the Russians are killed, the sooner we get to the end of the war (hopefully)!

  13. I need this sub to pump more of this shit after the attack today. The sight of dead Russians just makes me happy

  14. Where are the FUCKERS comparing Gaza to this?! I want to see them now! I want to see their rage at the bombing of sick Ukrainian children! I hate what the Israelis are doing to children in Gaza but I have still to see the accounts doing the same about this! Where is the rage?!

  15. Guess Russia is in for extinction.

    Spreading Ruzzki Mir to innocent lives.

    Fuck RuZZia, 💩 tin and his dick suckers.

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