What Next After Russia’s Failed Kharkiv Offensive?

What Next After Russia’s Failed Kharkiv Offensive?


  1. Russia’s failed Kharkiv offensive highlighted weaknesses in their military strategy. Meanwhile, Ukraine demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability, bolstered by Western military aid and advanced weaponry. Doug Livermore notes that despite this success, Ukraine continues to face recruitment challenges and must address operational and logistical inefficiencies to sustain its defense against Russian forces. 

  2. More meatwaves.

    Until something big happens, either russia collapses on itself or Ukraine loses or someone does something really stupid and EU/NATO joins.

    But until then. Meatwaves. 100s of bodies for 100s of metres of land.

  3. Basterds are taking out their frustration on civilians as usual, disgusting savages that they are. Hope they all rot in hell

  4. >What Next After Russia’s Failed Kharkiv Offensive?

    Hmmm, lone dictator and bunker scenario?

  5. Quote: [Ukraine can win an attritional conflict only if it can improve recruitment and Russia continues to squander its manpower on such poorly planned, resourced, and executed offensives. And in any war, it’s not a great idea to bank on the enemy’s incompetence, because that can change.]

    The good news is Russia will continue to squander its manpower because Putin will remain as Supreme Commander and Putin is a military ignoramus. Putin will continue to repeat the same mistakes again and again and again. Since the mutiny he has stopped listening to anyone else.

    The bad news is it’s likely because of the meat waves there will come a time where Ukraine will need more troops – especially for effective troop rotation. Plans needs to be in place to reduce the age of mobilized troops from the present age of 25. The minimum age of soldiers fighting in both world wars was 18.

  6. Failed Kharkiv… but check South-East… slow and steady they are crawling meter by meter… that’s the answer… it will take them 10 years but they will crawl what they want…

  7. Not much as long as the aid keeps flowing.

    The meat waves will continue as they likely have nothing left to offer offensively, the terror bombing will continue but have little effect on the outcome of the war. Might be the case that Russias economy crumbles before it’s army does with crippling manpower shortages and excessive spending on the war.

    What matters more is what does Ukraine have left to affect the outcome of the war? Tanks, manpower, aircover, leadership need to come together to ensure the best outcome on the battlefield.

  8. Another generation of russians and friends will die, sadly also a lot of Ukrainian people who cannot be missed. Why not kill Putin via a contract sniper from 1 mile distance?

  9. Really looking forward to seeing F16s join the fight, hopefully it will help Ukraine significantly.

  10. What’s next? More russian tantrums and terrorist attacks as payback for being shown as a failed nation.

  11. What’s next over here is contacting our senators, representatives, and president’s offices to keep reminding them that their citizens want more aid – especially military gear – flowing to Ukraine, sooner and faster.

    A guided missile attack on a children’s hospital is no mistake. Ukraine should have already been given the equipment to respond with a crushing, army-demolishing counter strike, and it’s shameful that they haven’t already been supplied with said equipment. Time for more, and louder, calls for military aid.

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