Not the MAGA of europe πŸ’€

Not the MAGA of europe πŸ’€

by Ac_Namec

  1. There is nothing more pathetic than Europeans mimicing American political movements, except the American political movements themselves.

  2. Our right-wing clowns aren’t part of it because they’re too extreme for them. Common german W.πŸ’ͺ

  3. Patriots for Europe want to make Europe great again by sucking as much Russian cocks as humanly possible.

    I want to make Europe great again by ridding it of cringy politicians larping American conservatives.

    We are not the same.

  4. Look, I get they wanted to have their Putin’s friend party, but why the hell they had to copy the motto of an ameritard!?! 😭😭😭

    The EU should work to dissolve the party on exactly this ground.

  5. They call themselves Patriots but are friends of an imperialist who wanted back the old borders of the Soviet Union. Is that what they understand by Great Europe? In their motto is where they writte their lies.

  6. Wow: MEGA



    β€žIn Vienna, three European right-wing parties announce the formation of a new group in the European Parliament, which will be called β€œPatriots for Europe”. The currently non-attached AfD MPs are not there. Nevertheless, the party leadership is happy about β€œnew opportunities”.

  7. The people who call themselves “patriots” are invariably the least patriotic people imaginable.

    also who tf designed this logo? We’re the gayest continent in the world and you couldn’t find one Greek to design you a better logo? it looks like a small IT helpdesk from the 2000s.

  8. When was Europe great? Please tell me fucking Salvini, Le Pen and Orban …

  9. The acronym makes more sense though. I could get behind MEGA just for the name

  10. MEGA sound better than MAGA lol

    Reminds me the old MSN Messenger logo but with three stooges

  11. HAH! as if it’s ever been great

    Norway on the otherhand? Norway’s always been great

  12. The fuck is this shit?

    Although MEGA sounds way better than MAGA we’re certainly not copies of yank maggots. All MEGAs should be ‘remigrated’ to Angloland or Barbaristan (Russia).

  13. Oh thank fuck for that, stops that hemorrhoid Farage from using MEGA.

  14. Hey, at least all Putin bootlickers are easily identifiable now. Shame on anyone who voted for any of these cunts

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