Best language ever created πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

Best language ever created πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

by Cubelock

  1. Well how did you think we could create fertile land out of thin air?

  2. Haha! Who shall I choose as the slaughter sacrifice for my hilarious prank on TikTok?

  3. vereohver = blood sacrifice
    veritasu = blood vengeance (blood payment)
    veristama = to bloody someone
    veretustama = to make someone bloodless

    vΓ΅itja = victor
    vΓ΅idetu = victim; loser
    vΓ΅iduta = victoryless

  4. Yes, and Dutch can also be very romantic, look at this pretty Dutch girl saying β€œI love you more than life itself β€œ


  5. The kid I ran over with my caravan was not a victim. He was a verkeersslachtoffer.

  6. Victim = θύμα (thima) = ancient Greek for sacrificial animal

  7. It’s funny, in German it is Schlachtopfer. But German also does have Opfer, a viable descriptive information about the people in Fr*nce.

  8. Wow. You are so special… It’s not like any other Germanic country says the same.

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