Supermarket Scan as you go

Just wondering if anyone else out there uses their child as a scan as you go barcode holder?
Both myself and my wife have been sticking the weighed fruit and veg stickers to our kids for years, for medium and larger items we don't bother with using the bags plastic or paper. We just put the various veg straight in to our bags, so the small child makes and excellent sticker holder should we need to rescan at some point for checking purposes (I suspect it's our suspicious looks).
Staff at the supermarket are sometimes amused this practise, I suspect the regularly see far worse or weirder things.
But I am curious to know if this is a unique practice to us or if other people partake? I haven't seen anyone else doing this, kids seem to love it, they get a sticker and they get scanned.

by u_reddit_another_day

  1. I don’t have any children and I think this may go down badly with other people’s, so nope I will continue to stick them to the side of my bag for life 👍

  2. I stick them directly onto the fruit and veg in question and just thought everyone did this?

  3. I don’t have kids, but if I did, this would be my new paradigm.
    I have two baked potatoes…the sticker is on one of them. So dull by comparison.

  4. Love this as a concept! At first I thought you were shoplifting baby clothes by scanning it as loose peppers though lol

  5. I don’t do this as such, but my child never fails to label herself as a banana during supermarket trips.. Your idea is most excellent.

  6. I take old bread bags for the loose fruit & veg, just put new sticker over the old one. Some have built up quite thick now. Did have problem once with a trolley check, they scanned an old sticker on an empty bag.

  7. No but I shall be doing this from now on as my 3 year old is obsessed with stickers 😂

  8. I use mine to stick my shopping list to the trolly handle….
    Usually only bananas and apples bought loose tho.

  9. Kinda hoping you don’t take the stickers off to scan individually, instead you can the baby, multiple times

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