Saw this road sign on a walk to the pub in Wales, any ideas?

Saw this road sign on a walk to the pub in Wales, any ideas?

by grandmaMax

  1. GPS will route down the road, but its not suitable for large vehicles like trucks so they should ignore the sat nav and go different route

  2. Mind control satellites are prohibited from targeting lorry drivers in this area.

  3. I fed this picture into Claude and got the following:

    >This combination suggests that truck drivers are being warned not to rely on GPS navigation in this area, likely because it may lead them down unsuitable roads or cause issues. It’s common in some areas to have such warnings where GPS might direct large vehicles onto narrow or inappropriate routes.

    Which aligns with the currently most up-voted response. Pretty cool.

  4. Every 13th person walking this way will be abducted by aliens. **consults highway code**


  5. Why the fuck Google maps doesn’t have a truck option for HGVs is a mystery to me.

  6. Trucks carrying Red Stripe beer will be shot by cold war space laser missile defense systems.

    Just read the highway code OP, it’s all in there.

  7. A nice modern up-to-date sign showing a satellite.

    Yet we still use a picture of a Brownie camera from the turn of the 20th Century to illustrate speed camera signs 🤷‍♀️ Why not update it to something a tad more recent.

  8. We have one of these on a country lane near where I live, and about a quarter of a mile further on the local farmer has put up a sign in “If you can’t reverse for a quarter of a mile, go no further” in both English and Polish

  9. Nothing over 13t…people must walk to the right…space lasers will destroy trucks and aliens will abduct children…common signs in Wales…luckily…there’s no dragons in that area….

  10. Some lorry drivers will still try using their trucknav and i assume that road has a history of problems for the council to make a special sign dedicated to warning truck drivers

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