Russian soldier reading the letter for the last time before dying from drone drop

Russian soldier reading the letter for the last time before dying from drone drop

by iivankin1

  1. The letter was an eviction notice from Ukraine. Which as seen they promptly followed through with !

  2. Thinking of his girlfriend and her chances as a Russian Mail-Order bride.

  3. “Dear blyat husband, I want a Lada. Die ASAP! From Russia, with love, your blyat spouse.”

  4. I would not find this funny if they didn’t actually had the chance to drop their fucking weapons and signal they surrender.
    Years of brainwashing have made them what they are now – a mind numb state, unable to think for themselves.
    They have hundreds of soldiers testimony, the “I want to live program” is widely known between russians and yet, they prefer to die a meaningless death.

    I pitty them but its simply Darwin’s law.
    Unable to think, unable to act, unable to react, unable to adapt.

  5. If you feel remorse, just remember the childrens Hospital attack from today.

  6. Hello mother, hello father
    Here’s a drone drop
    And here’s another!

  7. Dear orc family. Your terrorist son is now worm food. Fck all you orcs. Destroying childrens hospitals and schools. All you fckn orcs can go to HELL.

  8. “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty……”

  9. No mercy for these, mercy for the killed innocent children and civilians in Ukraine!

  10. I think you would have to survive to be crippled, no?

    Bro was already shaking hands with Stalin, asking him why heaven is so hot.

  11. How they try to act like loving human beings who care about others while they are invading countries, killing innocent people, and bombing children hospitals. Hilarious

  12. Lada finance application terms and conditions +
    aftermarket accessories spec sheet.

  13. *“we’ve been trying to contact you about your vehicle’s extended warranty…”*

  14. This makes me want to cry, Jesus.

    After experiencing some serious life or death shit recently, I connect a lot more with these videos and stuff. Like, I used to be more detached, but when you see death and serious injury in someone you care about, you can empathize with all these soldiers and their families.

    No one is thinking they’re doing something evil. Everyone is convinced they’re on the right side.

    And then guys like this and similar ones in Ukraine pay the price.

  15. “Dear son, don’t worry! When you’re gone, we still have your younger brother and the city administration have promised us extra ration of butter and rice for your sacrifice. They even said they will build new roads with the previous ones seeing zero maintenance since the 80s.”

  16. “Dear Sasha
    Going to other people’s countries to kill them just to make money is immoral and makes you a human piece of trash. Why didn’t you surrender? Why didn’t you mutiny against the inhuman orders you were given? Why did you torture prisoners?

    Killing children….why? I hope your life there is short.”

  17. An orc’s last thoughts should be of home. Dude must have played Skyrim.

  18. No more POW,sorry!they are killing innocent children! Fucken sick brainless fucks. Must die

  19. I do wonder is ass hole baby putin has a crew come and collect the dead ones… or whats left?

  20. Probably a dear John letter anyway….”he was just a friend” lmao

  21. Drone imagery has been able to translate the contents of the letter:

    Dear Vlad jr.

    Your stepfather and I hope you are doing well and are killing as many babies and children as possible. We have received your full monthly pay, and it has allowed us to buy a full sack of potatoes as usual, but also one extra onion too! We watch the news daily and see that our forces have not only taken over all of Ukraine, but are ready to invade Germany and Poland too, all with the loss of only 100 of our boys in over two years of battle! NATO has also told our beloved Vladimir Putin that they wish to disband and they are sorry for any trouble they have caused. Our neighbour, ms Zazalayev’s son was killed while trying to bring down a drone with a rock, and she has received the death benefit, which she used to buy a washing machine. I wish we were able to buy a washing machine too (hint hint) I must go now as your girlfriend and your brother are about to record another sex video and don’t want me in it this time..

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