Russian Official Says 10,000 Migrant Workers Sent To Fight In Ukraine

Russian Official Says 10,000 Migrant Workers Sent To Fight In Ukraine

by BkkGrl

  1. The complete lack of fucks given for human life in ruzzia is frightening.

  2. It is of course a rule for all countries in war, but you should probably not be visiting Russia right now.

  3. After their rockets struck children hospital they can’t do anything else to surprise me anymore. Hannibal ad portas! We need to arm ourselves to the teeth and send a clear message that every nation in Europe is ready to fight like Ukraine fights if need arises. In the meanwhile we should deliver fu*cking everything Ukraine needs to Ukranians. Also if Hungary has issues with EU they can also fu*k off and join Russia. Orban can not be allowed to have another word on EU level.

  4. When the war kicked off there were tons of simpish comments from Africans, Pakistanis and Indians supporting Russia and mentioning that they’d love to move to Russia one day (oh the ignorance). I hope some of them went.

    You’ll probably see some of the comments in present about supporting Russia and wanting to move there on the likes of Twitter and TikTok.

  5. > Sent

    Is wrong word. He used word closer to “recycled”. Or “harvested”. In Russia word “отловили” uses for catching homeless dogs before killing them. 

  6. Way worse is that russia is forcing Ukrainians from the occupied territories to fight against Ukrainians.

  7. what country would allow their citizens? to be forced to fight for an foreign army

  8. In the article they state that the migrants had Russian passports, so im guessing they are Russian nationals? Kinda makes sense they get sent to the meat grinder as well as Russian citizens? Or am i missing something?

  9. That’s a coincidence. In many EU countries we have a bunch of Russian migrant workers and even tourists, that I would be happy to send back if that turns out to be useful for the Russian army.

    I’m sure the Russians of London, Paris, the Côte d’Azur and Berlin would hate to see so many non-Russian migrants at the front. And I think it’s time to go home for them anyways.

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