Death toll rises after Russian strikes hit Ukraine | BBC News

now we’re going to take you straight to Ukraine because Russia has launched a wave of air strikes on cities across the country killing at least 29 people and injuring more than 50 others one of the buildings damaged in the Capitol keev is Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital and here you can see the aftermath of the attack where they are still hosing it down as you can see but there are many people on the ground these are pictures right now which were posted actually by President zelinsky’s team and you can see the damage there as well to the building the medical staff the first there trying to clear the rubble Away by hand pictures from inside show the damage to one of the rooms a lot of glass broken glass on the ground uh and you can see there just how much damage has been done to that particular room Mr zalinsky says Russia has fired more than 40 missiles targeting five Ukrainian cities including ke where seven people have reportedly been killed elsewhere at least 10 died in strikes in C Sloans nepro and katos also hit today I’ve been speaking to valali Klitschko who’s the mayor of ke who gave me his reaction to the attack It’s Not Special Operation it’s not the war it’s gen side of population in Ukraine is right now the whole world see how Russian missiles and chemical drones killed Ukrainian citizens our peaceful city is right now the children hospitals will be hitting with from the Russian missiles uh we don’t know exactly the numbers of the people who will be killed and injuries right now we’re saving people from the rubble of the buildings and uh we working right now and uh we uh know the numbers of uh people who who is injuries and skills is Big right now 66 uh people uh receive have injuries uh we don’t know exactly numbers how many people killed because I told having right now the people from rbl of the buildings and um it’s a big strategy for one more strategy for our hometown for capital of Ukraine M Klitschko I need to get your response straight away to what we are hearing from the Russian defense Ministry who says that allegations that it has deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure are absolutely untrue and they say this destruction is caused by the fall of the Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city from what you’ve seen what has happened at the hospital please don’t listen Russian propaganda they always find excuses they always try an explanation it’s not the war it’s special operation they they destroy the uh critical infrastructure of our hometown and explain uh the uh they try to hit uh the military objects it’s not true it’s uh three years long the Russians destroyed Ukraine Putin need Ukraine as property us Ukrainian he don’t need and that why I call that genocide of Ukraine population thank you for responding to that statement can I ask you about the children in the hospital the ones that have been evacuated and we’ve seen pictures of them sitting outside are there plans to move them elsewhere to safety uh yes of course we give whole services to everyone and uh we moved for children for another hospitals uh in our hometown we give support and and services to everyone who come to us and to a lot of work right now because right now A lot of people are homeless because uh a lot of buildings around the explosion will be destroyed and without windows and that why we give a huge task right now for uh for for us and uh we working I guess next 24 hours and we have a little bit more exactly numbers I hope um uh the numbers of kill uh killed children and um humans not will be growing up but uh I told we Saving right now the people from R of the buildings let’s see what bring the next hours the mayor of ke valal Klitschko speaking to me a short time ago well there has been we’ve been focusing on this attack on the Children’s Hospital there was another one that happened in keev today as well of a maternity hospital and we know that seven people were killed there we can take you now to journalist Kya malaa who is right there near where that strike happened ktia thank you very much for joining us describe what is happening around you at the moment I’m standing on the uh on the side of a second uh attack today which I actually saw with my own eyes I was standing on the F floor of my apartment block because this um this attack happened literally my area when I I I heard the area alert and then uh immediately almost immediately one or two minutes after that uh I saw uh I heard the explosion and then I saw uh a fume rising up so I’m here on this location which is um actually the re productive clinics for women and as well as the general practice uh you can see that for um floor of the building is uh the Upper Floor of the building is completely demolished I spoke to the locals who go there uh they said that um they they read on internet that there was a potential uh threat of the Drone coming and then they heard immediately an explosion uh they were blown up of their chairs there was a huge smoke um I spoke to a gentleman who lost two of his colleagues in in this building um and actually on the background you can still see that there is a h body covered with a black uh with with a black plastic so you could see that there is still are still um dead people on the scene K here it’s so rare to have these kind of attacks happen during the day I was speaking to your mayor vital Klitschko who told me this is one of the worst days for ke since the war started what sort of reaction has there been how much fear is there in the capital city today after these strikes I can actually tell you even from my perspective I just returned from the front line I visited uh a number of Ukrainian cities I watch in um parking in Zia in P nepro where actually everywhere there were missile attacks throughout the past two weeks but when I came back here in ke and it happened in my neighborhood when I saw kinal uh missile Lane in my neighborhood next to the um next to the school it’s absolutely devastating I couldn’t um I couldn’t Comfort myself for two hours I was my myself in panic and uh obviously you can see that some people go can we both scared they were hiding in their uh in in the shelters uh and um but also they also saw the tremendous sense of spirit you know Common Spirit volunteers are coming on the scene they’re bringing water they helping as for example in the children’s hospital that was hit on the right Bank of the of of of the city of Heath you you could see that people are just walking on the on the side trying to um remove the wreckage to unearth what whoever is lying under the wreckage so it’s it’s a tremendous effort of uh all the population here I’m afraid we have to leave it there for the moment Duke Take Care thank you for spending the time with us and explaining what is happening

A children’s hospital has been seriously damaged in Kyiv and at least 31 people have been killed across Ukraine during rare daytime Russian strikes.

Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital – Ukraine’s biggest paediatrics facility – sustained major damage during the blast, and pictures from the scene showed young children – some with IV drips – sitting outside the hospital as it was evacuated.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is visiting Poland, has vowed to retaliate.

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  1. The missile is from Ukrainian air defense. When I tried to type it as a reply to a comment of a person who seems to believe the mainstream media lies, it said that "this a action is not allowed" which means that we are not allowed to reply with the truth.

  2. Or jenocide is legally allowed to israel to kill innocent children and womens in gaza shame on you western media😒😒😒😒😒😒

  3. US PATRIOT AIR DEFENCE MISSILE. Why would Russia want to strike a hospital? Would they achieve anything by doing this? This was Ukraine in an attempt to heighten tensions and promote more propaganda.

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