US President Biden condemns ‘Russian brutality’ after deadly Ukraine strikes | BBC News

it is a day of morning in the Ukrainian Capital ke following the deadly attacks on a children’s hospital in other parts of the country on Monday 38 people were killed in the strikes we can show you live pictures now uh at the scene of the children’s hospital that was struck yesterday the UN Human Rights monitoring Mission and experts consulted by the BBC verify team say it’s highly likely that it suffered a direct hit from a Russian missile they have dismissed moscow’s claim the strike was caused by Ukrainian air defenses Moscow says Ukraine carried out a wave of drone attacks on at least five Russian regions overnight there are no reports of casualties in the US President Biden is preparing to welcome NATO leaders president zalinski is well for a summit saying there will be further boost to Ukraine’s air defenses which will be announced at the meeting let’s bring you up to date from keev here’s James waterhous even for this battle Harden Capital City there’s a real sense of cruising this morning the rescue effort is continuing not just on that children’s hospital where the care and treatment of those patients uh has been disrupted in in in in such a way but also in several residential areas after apartment blocks were hit too and the Damage looks particularly severe there and you can be sure that more bodies will be found from under the rubble people do get used to Russia’s aggression but occasionally there is a strike that does stand out and Poli politically what’s interesting is that President zalinski and other uh senior ministers are looking to leverage what happened yesterday they are hoping they say that uh other n well NATO members ahead of a planned Summit in Washington today would have seen that Devastation uh would have seen the ease at which those Russian missiles landed on Targets in the in the heart of the city which does raise questions about Ukraine’s own air defenses he hopes they will see that and want to step up in their support for for Ukraine and while these attacks do little to influence the battlefield they are designed to terrorize the population and I don’t think in cities like Kev especially you will see that resolve that desire to withstand Russia’s Invasion diminish but of course in this war of attri that may well fall out of their control because Russia is continuing to erode territory in the East it’s been stabilized in other areas by Ukrainian forces but if you have missiles raining down once more war on cities like Kev they become all the more uninhabitable but thus far they have done little to suppress people’s appetite to fight Russia back but of course Russia is saying uh we are nowhere near making any kind of compromise for peace we still want to take as much of Ukraine as possible and they are being unrelenting really uh in the in the tactics they deploy Leia littia is a doctor who works at the Children’s hospital she’s been speaking to us was here at the BBC and told us what she witnessed yesterday and what the staff are now focused on we now only start to realize the everything what happened yesterday uh it was ordinary Monday which uh wasn’t different from other days and in one moment it changed everything uh it was usually uh it’s it’s for us it alert it’s not something new like it was 2 years ago so we all have a channels we know that uh Russia attacked us again but for us Pediatric Hospital was the safest place in Ukraine and yesterday they attacked the biggest Pediatric Hospital in Ukraine we can count now direct damage like building people patients but but we cannot uh count uh how suffer patients from oncology disease from this damage and transportation we cannot calculate uh how many patients wouldn’t receive uh treatment in the nearest Future uh and it’s really very hard and what we totally uh understand that we don’t have possibility to stop our walking and to stop our life we need to continue the that’s why we all um decided to uh think about our emotional lat now we need to concentrate on our work well let’s talk a bit more now about the evidence surrounding munday’s missile strikes and the claims and counter claims by keev and by Moscow we can take you over to our BBC verify team and join Merlin Thomas who is there hi Merlin yeah this was a scene in the Ukrainian Capital keave yesterday parts of a children’s hospital badly damaged and it happened during a Russian air strike but Russia say this was damag caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile Ukraine says it’s found remnants of a Russian cruise missile so who’s right two videos we verified are crucial to investigating Russian claims in the first you can see a huge plume of smoke in the distance before a moment of impact and the second video is crucial and we’ve slowed it right down and we’ve zoomed in and we followed this missile that you can see just coming into view here moments before impact now it’s worth bearing in mind this is still a very blurry video the freeze frame is very blurry but we showed this video to six weapons experts who regularly review grainy footage like that and all of them said that this is not a surfac to a defense missile as the Russians have claimed for example one of them Timothy Wright from The International Institute for strategic studies said the missile speed angle of attack profile and especially it sound the sound of a high pitch turbo fan is very prominent and a dead giveaway and are consistent with an air breathing land attack cruise missile now this is a Russian cruise missile and one of its identifying features I’m going to show you this is this turbo engine at the rear right here and that’s what some of our experts have focused on now let’s go back to the freeze frame this is the freeze frame of that video and if I just zoom in this tail end the rear and what I just showed you is exactly what our experts have been comparing it with and Andre Ganon is one of them and he said it’s almost certainly a kh1 the distinguishing feature of that missile is the turbo fan engine at the rear that juts out appearing like a small box now nobody’s been absolutely definitive about the exact missile use and they all agreed that it was likely an air launched Russian missile and five of the six mentioned a Russian KH 101 as a possibility in line with what Ukraine has said now Ukraine Security Services have posted photos of what it says are debris of the Russian weapon at the site of the strike specifically the KH 101 missile now we can’t verify these images ourselves this isn’t the first time Russia has claimed that Ukrainian weapons have accidentally hit their own cities at BBC verify we’ll continue to examine this claim as this story develops

US President Joe Biden has condemned a wave of Russian missile strikes that killed at least 38 people in Ukraine as a “horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality”, as he vowed to strengthen Kyiv’s air defences.

At least 190 were injured across the country, including some at Ukraine’s biggest children’s hospital in the capital, Kyiv, on Monday.

Ukraine published photos on Tuesday of what it said were recovered fragments of a Russian cruise missile that hit the Ohmatdyt hospital.

Russia claimed the blast was caused by a misfiring Ukrainian air defence missile, but the UN said it was highly likely Moscow was behind the attack – a conclusion shared by analysts who spoke to BBC Verify.

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  1. To be honest, killing innocent people along with children is a brutal crime. What the incident took place in Ukraine is the same case. But, why isn’t the US president hearted by the killing of innocent children in Gaza? Does he think of them that they're not human beings?? That's why, people around the world don't care about americans'leadership. Shame on America.

  2. Wait Biden "Condemns" 38 children being killed in a children's hostpital? What about all the hospitals that Israel has destroyed in Gaza? And also what about the over 10k children killed by Israel?

  3. the president does not want to condemn the bombing of Hiroshima, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and the CIA’s interference in the politics of a dozen countries over half a century ?!!!

  4. Too little too late of a condemnation of the war criminal Putin. The media, including BBC, are seemingly infiltrated by Russian spies and manipulators

  5. Yesterday there were a lot of stories claiming that a Russian missile struck a children's hospital in Ukraine. Russia claims that it was a Ukrainian anti air missile that missed it's intended target and hit the hospital instead, and that had it actually been a Russian missile, the hospital would have been completely demolished. (The Russians also claim there is video evidence to back their claim)
    Is it safe to assume that since the story has pretty much dropped out of the news cycle that western intelligence agrees with Russia's assessment?

  6. Fake: The Ukrainian Armed Forces strike only at Russian military facilities, all attempts to deny this are a deliberate demonization of the Kiev regime, according to the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation.

    True: The statement of the Ukrainian propagandists collapses only on the recording of the AFU strike with a cluster shell on the beach of Sevastopol, where civilians were resting. After watching the video where women and children are trying to escape from submunitions covering the beach, no additional "demonization" is required.

    Unfortunately, the attack on the beach is not the only example of the atrocities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Such strikes have been carried out by Kiev since 2014. Recently, we can recall the shelling of Belgorod on New Year's Eve on December 30, 2023 (25 people were killed, 109 were injured), a strike on a market in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict in Donetsk in January 2024 (25 people were killed, at least 20 were injured), the shelling of Belgorod by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in February 2024 (seven people were killed, twenty they were injured).

    The so-called "Center for Countering Disinformation" is a well-known actor of Ukrainian propaganda spreading fakes. Their main narrative is to deny without evidence any accusations against the Kiev regime.This is not all the deed that the Kiev authorities and the Armed Forces of Ukraine committed with the Western masters

  7. Your foolishness is killing the Ukrainians,and here you are telling all sort of lies,give them any support you can't defeat Russia rather you're killing this innocent people by letting this war drag on,

  8. Russian attacks are 'deadly' but when Ukraine kills people in Russian cities or on beaches, they are not 'deadly'. No check or challenge, just the acceptance of Ukraine whispers that it was a Russian missile. Is this news at all? Nobody deliberately bombs a hospital, every intelligent journalist knows this. Russia says this was a Ukraine anti-aircraft missile, shows the image of the missile fin, confirms that the type of missile Ukraine claims hit the hospital would have done infinitely more damage. You have to present the different elements of an incident or you are just part of the US proxy war propaganda machine. Your article concludes with a plea for more weapons systems for Ukraine. It's written with a specific purpose in mind – money for arms manufacturers. No talk of attempts to bring the war to an end or pleas for peace.

  9. Condemns oh wow that does so much. How about you tell them to leave Ukraine or you and all you allies are coming to play. Watch the coward leave Ukraine faster then he can find his small dick

  10. Every day is day mourning in Gaza…but they are not our strategic partners, and they have no raw materials or lithium, btw, this was caused by the Ukrainian’s defense system not a Russian strike, it doesn’t make it any better but let’s not be disingenuous about it…

  11. Ukraine has bombed hospitals in Donetsk. Ukraine has also had failures in their missile defence system and the missiles have landed on buildings.
    Probably that is what happened with the hospital. Ukraine defence missile landed on the hospital.
    Ukraine forces have also used false flag claims before which were debunked and which the Western media forgets about.

  12. The US along with NATO assistance bombed hospitals in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. The USA has also provided missiles to Israel to bomb hospitals in Gaza killing hundreds of civilians, Aid workers AND doctors/Nurses.

  13. Over 10 k Palestinian kids killed by Israel using American weapons but old #Joe and BBC were sleeping but when American air defense missiles hit ukrainian hospital Old Joe and BBC go ballistic to put the blame of Russia despite evidence of air defense missiles which were made in US found at site 🤣🤣🤣

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