Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Ukraine will stop Putin, Biden tells NATO in forceful speech | WION LIVE

114 have been ruined completely the strikes come a day before the NATO alliance’s 3-day Summit to reassure and reassess support for Ukraine now the strike largely destroyed the hospital’s toxicology Ward where children with severe kidney issues were being treated hundreds of rescue workers and volunteers scrambling to clear the debris and search for survivors while the president wami zinski has vowed to retaliate he called upon called upon his Western allies to help give Moscow a befitting reply in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it an I’m quoting here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality quote unquote the US state department meanwhile has said that five Ukrainian cities were struck with over 40 different caliber missiles spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging Russia accusing Russia of intentionally targeting civilians sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato the United Nations has also come down heavily on the latest Russian assault the UN Chief spokesperson called the the barage shocking this comes as the president for the UN Security Council lies with Russia the presidency lies with Russia for the month of July the Secretary General strongly condemns today’s missile attack by the Russian Federation hitting residenti residential and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine directing attacks against civilian and civilian objects is prohibited by International humanitarian law says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in keev with kinsol air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report has more details this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s main Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10 St Hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukraine Ian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renewed those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mourning and flew its flags at half m in the capital and other [Music] cities Russia says that it has foiled an attempt by Ukraine to hijack a strategic bomber the tu22 M3 this according to the officers of the country’s Federal Security Service the FSB they referred to as the primary successor of the Soviet era KGB the security agency put out the following statement on its website and I’m quoting here Ukrainian intelligence intended to recruit a Russian military pilot for a monetary reward and the provision of Italian citizenship to persuade him to fly and land a missile carrier in Ukraine a Russian pilot alleges that he was approached by Ukrainian recruiters to hijack the Russian strategic bomber this is what he had to say listen to this [Music] [Music] this does not appear to be the first such attempt made by Ukraine ever since the War Began in February 2022 last year reports surfaced revealing details that ke persuaded a Russian pilot Maxim kov to defect with his mi8 helicopter into to Ukrainian territory the deserter was found dead in Spain in February this year Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in Kiev with kinal air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities as well killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report is all the details of this take a look this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s main Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the red daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10-story hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renewed those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington not I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of morning and flew its flags at half mask in the capital and other [Music] cities in the United Nations security council meeting Russia and Ukraine traded allegations on the origin of the missile that struck a children’s hospital in Kiev recently at least 43 people were killed and 150 others were injured in the collective strikes that Russia carried out on Ukraine across several major cities Russian Ambassador tried distancing the country from the attack citing details of videos posted by Ukraine he said it was a rocket of Ukraine’s air defense that hit the children’s hospital and not one that came from Russia in videos posted by the Ukrainian users it’s clear to see how one after one after another without any interference five rockets of the Russian Air Force strike the factory also it’s clearly seen that without any interference a single rocket hits the Children’s Hospital a rocket of the air defense of Ukraine it’s impossible to mistake it due to the easily recognizable rocket fin assembly and other traits Ukraine’s Ambassador countered this argument stating that the video evidence of the strike confirms a Russian missile that indeed had struck the hospital footage clearly testifies that the Ahmed hospital was a deliberate Target the footage captured the moment the kh1 101 missile dived towards the hospital building now in the UNC session us and UK sided with Ukraine slamming Russia US ambassador to un Linda Thomas Greenfield said that the attack made abundantly clear that Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in peace let’s be clear this brutal attack is hardly a standalone in inent in March 2022 Russian a air strikes damaged the maternity and Children’s Hospital in marapole in December 2023 a Russian missile plunged into a medical facility in nepro UK ambassador to un Barbara Woodward called the attack cowardly depriva Russia has violated the UN Charter and repeatedly breached International humanitarian law its conduct is a disgrace to the security Council and especially to the president’s seat meanwhile tensions continue to escalate on the battlefield Russian forces claim to have captured another Village in eastern Ukraine near the Russian held city of donet in its Daily Report the Russian defense Ministry said it liberated the settlement of yasno brovo influx of Western weapons has slowed down but not stopped the Russian war machine and this week the Ukrainian forces announced that they’ve strategically pulled back from parts of the crucial Eastern town of chavar the Pentagon has again pledged another $2.3 billion worth of weapons even as KF awaits the delivery of the much touted F-16 figh Jets this month but the nub of the the problem is elsewhere the Western nations are able to flood Ukraine with their weapons but Ukraine’s problems aren’t just limited to military hardware the bigger puzzle that K is finding it really hard to solve is about getting adequate and trained man power to be fielded onto the battlefield and this perhaps explains why the Ukrainian president vadir zelinski has made a dramatic U-turn for the first time since the War Began more than two years ago vadir zinski now wants Russian representatives to be present in the next peace Summit so what does this get you more details these videos captured by the Russian combat drones will give you a glimpse of the Russian strategy at the moment in coordinated Precision strikes the Kremlin is taking out the Ukrainian air power but destroying one Ukrainian fighter jet after another even as the fighter jets were in their panger the intelligence for these strikes was gathered by the Russian drones and once the targets were identified Russia is believed to have used its escanda missiles with devastating efficiency not only do these strikes expose the gaping holes in Ukraine’s air defense systems but they also indicate the Fate that awaits the much started F-16 figh jets that are slate to arrive this month where the F-16 figh will be stationed in Ukraine is not clear but the staro costantin of Air Base which is widely suspected to have gotten the facilities ready to house the F-16 F Jets has been repeatedly struck by the Russians using Hypersonic kinel missiles and drone clusters in the last Fortnight the ukrainians are clearly losing the ground and air contest but in the naval war that is unfolding in the Black Sea KV has managed to destroy almost 25% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and this has forced Kremlin to withdraw a number of its combat ready warships from sester pole and anchor them at [Music] novaris I think they should not return there to Cle this is obvious I don’t know what they’re thinking they simply left CLE to retrieve their ship from under Ukrainian fire that’s the main reason as to why they find themselves now in noasis the Ukrainian Defense Forces has fire power control over C the Ukrainian field hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of injur wounded soldiers are vealed in 24 bar 7 from the front lines there is no clear tally on the number of soldiers whove been killed and wounded in this war but according to a document presented in the American Congress the US officials estimate that as many as 120,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed while the Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 100,000 and more than 300,000 soldiers of both sides combined are set of sustains some serious injuries the enemy is Insidious and uses any kind of weapon they can whether it be mechanical or chemical everything that is forbidden is being used by Russia chemical agents sh anything really there are things that we take out of soldiers bodies that we can’t explain to ourselves how these things flew into their bodies the Americans would been dragging their feet in providing the ukrainians with the necessary fire power at the beginning of 2024 now look more willing to pump in more weapons into the Ukrainian Battlefield and I am proud that the United States will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine this package under presidential draw down Authority will provide more air defense interceptors anti-tank weapons and other critical Munitions from us inventories but on the battlefield Ukraine’s problems are no longer about the poity of weapons what Ukraine is struggling with is its ability to field trained soldiers and estimated 27,000 convicts are being released from prisons to fight on the front lines but this is barely scratching the surface of the Ukrainian Manpower problem the only problem we have is the shortage of Manpower ammunition and weapons we have more than enough enough weapons enough of all else just the people we do not have enough people this is some Drone footage of what remains of the strategically crucial Ukrainian city of chavar almost every building here has been reduced to a shell and the Ukrainian forces have announced a strategic Retreat from parts of the city Victor orban’s visit Moscow was condemned as a pean for Ursula Wain with a clear message that aasan would not stop Putin but in his meeting with Victor Orban Vladimir Putin again insisted that Russia is ready to settle the Ukrainian in Conflict as for Russia I have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement however on the other side of the conflict we hear about the reluctance to resolve issues in this particular way and the sponsors of Ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram victim in the confrontation with Russia from the outset of this war back with the American weapons the Ukrainian president vadir zinski had Ved that the only circumstance under which he would negotiate is when every Russian soier had been evicted from the Ukrainian soil in October 2022 vadir zilinski had in fact signed a decree ruling out any negotiations and going as far as to say that Ukraine will negotiate with Putin’s successor in Kremlin but much water has since Flo under the bridge and for the first time since this conflict began Vadim zilinski appears to make a uturn inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit for the Ukrainian War besides his many other problems Joe Biden does not want to appear to be on the losing side in yet another war with the presidential elections just months away in the United States but the question now is how much longer will Kia be able to fight this war as with each passing week any pro ects of Ting the Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian soil appear to be getting Bleaker and Bleaker the 75th Anniversary Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on NATO has kickstarted in Washington with us divided over President Joe Biden’s viability on the growing perception that he is not in form and aging rapidly the 81-year-old host tried to show allies at home and abroad that he still can lead milary come [Applause] forward at the opening ceremony of the 3-day Summit he pledged to forcefully defend Ukraine against Russia’s Invasion no come for Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation to end Ukraine’s democracy destroy Ukraine’s Ukraine Ukraine’s culture and to wipe Ukraine off the map and we know Putin won’t stop at Ukraine but make no mistake Ukraine can’t and will stop Putin the United States Germany the Netherlands Romania and Italy will provide Ukraine with equipment for five additional Strategic Air Defense systems the US and its allies have pledged to deliver five additional air defense systems to Ukraine including Patriot missile batteries and components Ukrainian president vman zalinski in his address at the summit pushed for further Military Support [Applause] he claimed that the world is waiting to see what would happen in November referring to the US presidential elections and this is a historic event M it is in the shadows of another story it’s time to sit out to step out of the Shadows to make strong decisions work to act and not to wait for November or any other months to this end we must be strong and uncompromising all together and first of all America and first of all the leaders of America and the president of the United States as a leader of the Free World to be uncompromising in defending democracy the November elections pose a unique threat to Nato the Republican party’s presumptive nominee former president Donald Trump has consistently sent mixed signals about his commitment to Collective defense and has signaled that he might just withdraw the us from the military Alliance now this after four years of Biden bolstering the NATO alliance including its expansion to Finland and Sweden in the wake of Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine meanwhile a meeting between Biden and zalinski is scheduled for later today as as per the White House the meeting is to discuss the West’s unwavering support for Kiev as it continues to defend itself against Moscow and for more on this our correspondent Susan terani sent us this report earlier from New York listen to this President Biden is using this NATO Summit to Showcase his stamina and Leadership abilities on the international stage amid concern about his mental acuity and fitness for reelection Biden’s message of unity and commitment to Nato was not only aimed at International allies but also his Democratic supporters here at home who are watching very closely they’re increasingly skeptical about Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump the summit provides a critical opportunity for President Biden on the one hand to demonstrate his stamina and grasp on International matters and global policy particularly when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the summit also allows President Biden to differentiate himself from Donald Trump who has often been critical of NATO and has even threatened to withdraw support if he is reelected overall this NATO Summit is a critical moment for President Biden uh just to regain momentum and confidence ahead of the election he gave a speech on Tuesday using the teleprompter but one of the real tests for the president will be that solo press conference that has been scheduled for Thursday Susan Tani reporting from New York for weon world as well ahead of the 75th anniversary of the NATO Summit in Washington outgoing NATO Secretary General Yen Stenberg threw the first pitch for the Washington Nationals baseball dream take a look at these visuals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great pitch once again secretary jeffo [Music] at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others have been injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday with an unknown number of victims faar trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months now targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev Moscow has denied the claims Moscow denies that it attacked the Children’s Hospital while reiterating that they only hit military targets the daytime barage targeted five Ukrainian cities including KF nio Ki Sloans katos porros and more than 40 missiles of different caliber were were fired to attack these areas as per ukra Ian Air Force they were able to intercept some 30 of these missiles this was also the most fierce attack on the country’s capital of Kev where seven out of 10 districts were struck when the first explosion happened the car just stopped must have happened somehow automatically it just stopped after a few 2 or five seconds another explosion happened I barely managed to find my phone another 5 Seconds there was another explosion and we started running there were no more explosions after that there were fragments falling down everywhere and people were running towards the underpass KF City administrators have declared 9th of July that is today a day of mour when entertainment events are prohibited and flags are lowered now in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it and I’m going to quote here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality US state department spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging that Russia of intentionally targeting these civilian [Music] sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for ukra UK you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others were injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev with an unknown number of victims F trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of strikes in months as per the Ukrainian president wadir zalinsky the hospital is also the main treatment center for children with cancer he added that the strikes disrupted heart surgeries and forced young cancer patients to take their treatment Outdoors however Russia has denied attacking the hospital saying it had been hit by fragments of a Ukrainian air defense missile Moscow reiterated that they only struck military targets meanwhile the Ukrainian security service has published pictures of what it says were fragments of a Russian k101 cruise missile recovered from the site while Russia has been denying attacks on civilian INF civilian infrastructure since the start of the war KF claims that till now over, 1600 medical facilities have been damaged since the war broke out and 24 have been ruined completely the strikes come a day before the NATO alliance’s 3 days to reassure and reassess support for Ukraine now the strike largely destroyed the hospital’s toxicology Ward where children with severe kidney issues were being treated hundreds of rescue workers and volunteers scrambling to clear the debris and search for survivers while the president wami zalinski has vowed to retaliate he called upon called upon his Western allies to help give Moscow a befitting reply in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has them the attack calling it and I’m quoting here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality quote unquote the US state department meanwhile has said that five Ukrainian cities were struck with over 40 different caliber missiles spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging Russia accusing Russia of intentionally targeting civilian sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato the United Nations has also come down heavily on the latest Russian assault the UN Chief spokesperson called the barage shocking this comes as the president for the UN Security Council lies with Russia the president presidency lies with Russia for the month of July the Secretary General strongly condemns today’s missile attack by the Russian Federation hitting residential residential and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine directing attacks against civilian and civilian objects is prohibited by International humanitarian law Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in keev with kinsol air launched Bist missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report has more details this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s mean Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10 story Hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 67 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renew those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network [Music] big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mour and flew its flags at half m in the capital and other [Music] cities Russia says that it has foiled an attempt by Ukraine to hijack a strategic bomber the tu22 M3 this according to the office offers of the country’s Federal Security Service the FSB they referred to as the primary successor of the Soviet era KGB the security agency put out the following statement on its website and I’m quoting here Ukrainian intelligence intended to recruit a Russian military pilot for a monetary reward and the provision of Italian citizenship to persuade him to fly and land a missile carrier in Ukraine a Russian pilot alleges that he was approached by Ukraine Ian recruiters to hijack the Russian strategic bomber this is what he had to say listen to this [Music] [Music] this does not appear to be the first such attempt made by Ukraine ever since the War Began in February 2022 last year reports surfaced revealing details that keave persuaded a Russian pilot Maxim kov to defect with his mi8 helicopter into Ukrainian territory the deserter was found dead in Spain in February this year Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in Kiev with kinal air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities as well killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next repor is all the details of this take a look this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s main Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10-story hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renewed those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mour and flew its flags at half mask in the capital and other cities [Music] in the United Nations security council meeting Russia and Ukraine traded allegations on the origin of the missile that struck a children’s hospital in Kiev recently at least 43 people were killed and 150 others were injured in the collective strikes that Russia carried out on Ukraine across several major cities Russian Ambassador tried distancing the country from the attack citing details of videos posted by Ukraine he said it was a rocket of Ukraine’s Ed defense that hit the children’s hospital and not one that came from Russia in videos posted by the Ukrainian users it’s clear to see how one after one after another without any interference five rockets of the Russian Air Force strike the factory also it’s clearly seen that without any interference a single rocket hits the Children’s Hospital a rocket of the air defense of Ukraine it’s impossible to mistake it due to the easily recognized ible rocket fin assembly and other traits Ukraine’s Ambassador countered this argument stating that the video evidence of the strike confirms a Russian missile that indeed had struck the hospital footage clearly testifies that the Ahmed hospital was a deliberate Target the footage captured the moment the kh1 101 missile dived towards the hospital still building now in the UNC session us and UK sided with Ukraine slamming Russia US ambassador un Linda Thomas Greenfield said that the attack made abundantly clear that Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in peace let’s be clear this brutal attack is hardly a standalone incident in March 2022 Russian air strikes damaged the maternity and Children’s Hospital in marapole in December 2023 a Russian missile plunged into a medical facility in nepro UK ambassador to un Barbara Woodward called the attack cowardly depriva Russia has violated the UN Charter and repeatedly breached International humanitarian law its conduct is a disgrace to the security Council and especially to the president’s seat meanwhile tensions continue to escalate on the battlefield Russian forces claim to have captured another Village in eastern Ukraine near the Russian held city of donet in its Daily Report the Russian defense Ministry said it liberated the settlement of yasno brovo influx of Western weapons has slowed down but not stopped the Russian war machine and this week the Ukrainian forces announced that they’ve strategically pulled back from parts of the crucial Eastern town of chavar the Pentagon has again pledged another $2.3 billion worth of weapons even as KF aits the delivery of the much stouted F-16 figh Jets this month but the Nu of the problem is elsewhere the Western nations are able to flood Ukraine with their weapons but Ukraine’s problems aren’t just limited to military hardware the bigger puzzle that K is finding it really hard to solve is about getting adequate and trained manp power to be fielded onto the battlefield and this perhaps explains why the Ukrainian president vadir zilinski has made a dramatic U-turn for the first time since the War Began more than two years ago wadir zilinski now wants Russian representatives to be present in the next peace Summit so what does this mean for the Russia Ukraine war that is now dragged on for so long our next report gets you more details these videos captured by the Russian combat drones will give you a glimpse of the Russian strategy at the moment in coordinated Precision strides the Kremlin is taking out the Ukrainian air Power by destroying one Ukrainian fighter jet after another even as the fighter jets were in their panger the intelligence for these strikes was gathered by the Russian drones and once the targets were identified Russia is believed to have used its escanda missiles with devastating efficiency not only do these strikes expose the gaping holes in Ukraine’s air defense systems but they also indicate the Fate that Waits The much started F-16 fight jets that are slate to arrive this month where the F-16 figh Jets will be stationed in Ukraine is not clear but the staro costantin of Air Base which is widely suspected to have gotten the facilities ready to house the F-16 F Jets has been repeatedly struck by the Russians using Hypersonic Kinsel missiles and drone clusters in the last forthnight the ukrainians are clearly losing the ground and air contest but in the naval war that is unfolding in the Black Sea KV is manag to destroy almost 25% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and this is forced Kremlin to withdraw a number of its combat ready warships from sester pole and anchor them at [Music] novaris I think they should not return there to Castle this is obvious I don’t know what they’re thinking they simply left C to retrieve their ships from under Ukraine Ian fire that’s the main reason as to why they find themselves now in noasis the Ukrainian Defense Forces has firep power control over the Ukrainian field hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of wounded soldiers are vealed in 24 bar 7 from the front lines there is no clear tally on the number of soldiers whove been killed and wounded in this war but according to a document presented in the American Congress the US officials estimate that as many as 120,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed while the Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 100,000 and more than 300,000 soldiers of both sides combined are set of sustain some serious injuries the enem is Insidious and uses any kind of weapon they can whether it be mechanical or chemical everything that is forb is being used by Russia chemical agents sh anything really there are things that we take out of soldiers bodies that we can’t explain to ourselves how these things flew into their bodies the Americans would been dragging their feet in providing the ukrainians with the necessary fire power at the beginning of 2024 now look more willing to pump in more weapons into the Ukrainian battle field and I am proud that the United States will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine this package under presidential draw down Authority will provide more air defense interceptors anti-tank weapons and other critical Munitions from us inventories but on the battlefield Ukraine’s problems are no longer about the poity of weapons what Ukraine is struggling with is its ability to field trained soldiers an estimated 20 27,000 convicts are being released from prisons to fight on the front lines but this is barely scratching the surface of the Ukrainian Manpower problem the only problem we have is the shortage of Manpower ammunition and weapons we have more than enough enough weapons enough of all else just the people we do not have enough people this is some Drone footage of what remains of the strategically crucial Ukrainian city of chavar almost every building here has been reduced to a shell and the Ukrainian forces have announced a strategic Retreat from parts of the city Victor orban’s visit Moscow was condemned as a appeasement by Ursula Wain with a clear message that aasan would not stop Putin but in his meeting with Victor Orban Vladimir Putin again insisted that Russia is ready to settle the Ukrainian conflict as for Russia I have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement however on the other side of the conflict we hear about the reluctance to resolve issues in this particular way and the sponsors of Ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram victim in the confrontation with Russia from the outset of this war backed with the American weapons the Ukrainian president V zinski had Ved that the only circumstance under which he would negotiate is when every Russian soldier had been evicted from the Ukrainian soil in October 2022 vadir zilinski had in fact signed a decree ruling out any negotiations and going as far as to say that Ukraine will negotiate with Putin’s successor in Kremlin but much water has since flowed under the bridge and for the first time since this conflict began will zinski appears to make a U-turn inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit for the Ukrainian War besides his many other problems Joe Biden does not want to appear to be on the losing side in yet another war with the presidential elections just months away in the United States but the question now is how much longer will K be able to fight this war as with each passing week any Prospect of Ting the the Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian soil appear to be getting Bleaker and Bleaker the 75th Anniversary Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on NATO has kickstarted in Washington with us divided over President Joe Biden’s viability on the growing perception that he is not in form and aging rapidly the 81-year-old host tried to show allies at home and abroad that he still can lead milary come [Applause] forward at the opening ceremony of the 3-day Summit he pledged to forcefully defend Ukraine against Russia’s Invasion come for Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation to end Ukraine’s democracy destroy Ukraine’s Ukraine Ukraine’s culture and to wipe Ukraine off the map and we know Putin won’t stop at Ukraine but make no mistake Ukraine can and will stop Putin the United States Germany the Netherlands Romania and Italy will provide Ukraine with the equipment for five additional Strategic Air Defense systems the US and its allies have pledged to deliver five additional air defense systems to Ukraine including Patriot missile batteries and components Ukrainian president vadir zinski in his address at the summit pushed for further Military Support [Applause] he claimed that the world is waiting to see what would happen in November referring to the US presidential elections and this is a historic event not it is in the shadows of another story it’s time to sit out to step Out of the Shadows to make strong decisions work to act and not to wait for November or any other months to this end we must be strong and uncompromising all together first of all America and first of all the leaders of America and the president of the United States as a leader of the Free World to be uncompromising in defending democracy the November elections pose a unique threat to Nato the Republican party’s presumptive nominee former president Donald Trump has consistently sent mixed signals about his commitment to Collective defense and has signaled that he might just withdraw the us from the military Alliance now this after four years of Biden bolstering the NATO alliance including its expansion to Finland and Sweden in the wake of Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine meanwhile a meeting between Biden and zilinski is scheduled for later today as per the White House the meeting is to discuss the West’s unwavering support for Kev as it continues to defend itself against Moscow and for more on this our correspondent Susan terani sent us this report earlier from New York listen to this President Biden is using this NATO Summit to Showcase his stamina and Leadership abilities on the international stage amid concerns about his mental Acuity and fitness for reelection Biden’s message of unity and commitment to Nato was not only aimed at International allies but also his Democratic supporters here at home who are watching very closely they’re increasingly skeptical about Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump the summit provides a critical opportunity for President Biden on the one hand to demonstrate his stamina and grasp on International matters and Global policy particularly when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the summit also allows President Biden to differentiate himself from Donald Trump who has often been critical of NATO and has even threatened to withdraw support if he is reelected overall this NATO Summit is a critical moment for President Biden uh just to regain momentum and confidence ahead of the election he gave a speech on Tuesday using a teleprompter but one of the real tests for the president will be that solo press conference that has been scheduled for Thursday Susan Tani reporting from New York for weon world as well ahead of the 75th anniversary of the NATO Summit in Washington outgoing NATO Secretary General Yen Stenberg through the first pitch for the Washington Nationals baseball dream take a look at these visuals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great pitch once again secretary Cho [Music] at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others have been injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday with an unknown number of victims feared trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months now targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev Moscow has denied the claims Moscow denies that it attacked the Children’s Hospital while reiterating that they only hit military targets the daytime barage targeted five Ukrainian cities including KF nipro Ki Sloans katos porros and more than 40 missiles of different caliber were were fired to attack these areas as per Ukrainian Air Force they were able to intercept some 30 of these missiles this was also the most fierce attack on the country’s capital of Kev where seven out of 10 districts were struck when the first explosion happened the car just stopped must have happened somehow automatically it just stopped after a few 2 or five seconds another explosion happened I barely managed to find my phone another 5 Seconds there was another explosion and we started running there were no more explosions after that there were fragments falling down everywhere and people were running towards the underpass are pretty Kev City administrators have declared 9th of July that is today a day of morning when entertainment events are prohibited and flags are lowered now in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it and I’m going to quote here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality US state department spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging that Russia of intentionally targeting these civilian [Music] sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others were injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev with an unknown number of victims F trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months as per the Ukrainian President W zalinsky the hospital is also the main treatment center for children with cancer he added that the strikes disrupted heart surgeries and forced young cancer patients to take their treatment Outdoors however Russia has denied attacking the hospital saying it had been hit by fragments of a Ukrainian air defense missile Moscow reiterated that they only struck military targets meanwhile the Ukrainian security service has published pictures of what it says were fragments of a Russian k101 cruise missile recovered from the site while Russia has been denying attacks on civilian INF civilian infrastructure since the start of the war KF claims that till now over, 1600 medical facilities have been damaged since the war broke out and 214 have been ruined completely the strikes come a day before the NATO alliance’s 3-day Summit to reassure and reassess support for Ukraine now the strike largely destroyed the hospital’s toxicology Ward where children with severe kidney issues were being treated hundreds of rescue workers and volunteers scrambling to clear the debris and search for survivors while the president wadir zalinski has vowed to retaliate he called upon called upon his Western allies to help give Moscow a beffiting reply in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it and I’m quoting here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality quote unquote the US state department meanwhile has said that five Ukrainian cities were struck with over 40 different caliber missiles spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging Russia accusing Russia of intentionally targeting civilian sites so you will see a number of an ments come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato the United Nations has also come down heavily on the latest Russian assault the UN Chief spokesperson called the barage shocking this comes as the president for the UN Security Council lies with Russia the presidency lies with Russia for the month of July the Secretary General strongly condemns today’s missile attack by the Russian Federation hitting residential residential and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine directing attacks against civilian and civilian objects is prohibited by International humanitarian law Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in keev with kinsol air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report has more details this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s mean Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10 story Hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage and assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renew those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mour and flew its flags at half m in the capital and other [Music] cities Russia says that it has foiled an attempt by Ukraine to hijack a strategic bomber the tu22 M3 this according to the officers of the country’s Federal Security Service the FSB they referred to as the primary successor of the Soviet era KGB the security agency put out the following statement on its website and I’m quoting here Ukrainian intelligence intended to recruit a Russian military pilot for a monetary reward and the provision of Italian citizenship to persuade him to fly and land a missile carrier in Ukraine a Russian pilot alleges that he was approached by Ukrainian recruiters to to hijack the Russian strategic bomber this is what he had to say listen to this [Music] [Music] this does not appear to be the first such attempt made by Ukraine ever since the War Began in February 2022 last year reports surfaced revealing details that ke persuaded a Russian pilot Maxim kov to defect with his mi8 helicopter into Ukrainian territory the deserter was found dead in Spain in February this year Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in Kiev with kinal a launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities as well killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next repor is all the details of this take a look this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s main Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke res res were helping to clear debris the 10-story hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit russan denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renewed those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mour and flew its flags at half m in the capital and other cities [Music] in the United Nations security council meeting Russia and Ukraine traded allegations on the origin of the missile that struck a children’s hospital in Kiev recently at least 43 people were killed and 150 others were injured in the collective strikes that Russia carried out on Ukraine across several major cities Russian Ambassador tried distancing the country from the attack citing details of videos posted by Ukraine he said it was a rocket of Ukraine’s air defense that hated the children’s hospital and not one that came from Russia in videos posted by the Ukrainian users it’s clear to see how one after one after another without any interference five rockets of the Russian Air Force strike the factory also it’s clearly seen that without any interference a single rocket hits the Children’s Hospital a rocket of the air defense of Ukraine it’s impossible to mistake it due to the easily recognizable rocket fin assembly and other traits Ukraine’s Ambassador countered this argument stating that the video evidence of the strike confirms a Russian missile that indeed had struck the hospital footage clearly testifies that the Ahmed hospital was a deliberate Target the footage captured the moment the kh1 101 missile dived towards the hospital building now in the UNC session us and UK sided with Ukraine slamming Russia US ambassador to un Linda Thomas Greenfield said that the attack made abundantly clear that Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in peace let’s be clear this brutal attack is hardly a standalone incident in March 2022 Russian air strikes damaged the maternity and children ‘s Hospital in marap pole in December 2023 a Russian missile plunged into a medical facility in nepro UK ambassador to un Barbara Woodward called the attack cowardly depriva Russia has violated the UN Charter and repeatedly breached International humanitarian law it its conduct is a disgrace to the security Council and especially to the president’s seat meanwhile tensions continue to escalate on the battlefield Russian forces claim to have captured another Village in eastern Ukraine near the Russian held city of donet in its Daily Report the Russian defense Ministry said it liberated the settlement of yasno grovo influx of Western weapons has slowed down but not stopped the Russian war machine and this week the Ukrainian forces announced that they’ve strategically pulled back from parts of the crucial Eastern town of chavar the Pentagon has again pledged another $2.3 billion worth of weapons even as KF awaits the delivery of the much touted F-16 F Jets this month but the nub of the problem is elsewhere the Western nations are able to flood Ukraine with their weapons but Ukraine’s problem AR just limited to military hardware the bigger puzzle that K is finding it really hard to solve is about getting adequate and train man power to be fielded onto the battlefield and this perhaps explains why the Ukrainian president vadir zelinski has made a dramatic U-turn for the first time since the War Began more than two years ago vadir zilinski now wants Russian representatives to be present in the next peace Summit so what does this mean for the Russia Ukraine war that is now dragged on for so long our next report get you more details these videos captured by the Russian combat drones will give you a glimpse of the Russian strategy at the moment in coordinated Precision strides the Kremlin is taking out the Ukrainian air power but destroying one Ukrainian fighter jet after another even as the figh Jets were in their panger the intelligence for these strikes was gathered by the Russian drones and once the targets were identified Russia is believed to have used its escanda missiles with devastating efficiency not only do these strikes expose the gaping holes in Ukraine’s air defense systems but they also indicate the Fate that Waits The much started F-16 fight jets that are slate to arrive this month where the F-16 figh Jets will be stationed in Ukraine is not clear but the staro costantin of Air Base which is widely suspected to have gotten the facilities ready to house the F-16 fight Jets has been repeatedly struck by the Russians using Hypersonic kinel missiles and drone clusters in the last fortnite the ukrainians are clearly losing the ground and air contest but in the naval war that is unfolding in the Black Sea KV has managed to destroy almost 25% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and this has forced Kremlin to withdraw a number of its combat ready warships from sester pole and anchor them at [Music] novaris I think they should not return there to Cle this is obvious I don’t know what they’re thinking they simply left CLE to retrieve their ships from under Ukrainian fire that’s the main reason as to why they find themselves now in noasis the Ukrainian Defense Forces has Firepower control over castol the Ukrainian field hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of injur wounded soldiers are vealed in 24 bar 7 from the front lines there is no clear tally on the number of soldiers who’ve been killed and wounded in this war but according to a document presented in the American Congress the US officials estimate that as many as 120,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed while the Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 100,000 and more than 300,000 soldiers of both sides combined are set to sustain some serious injuries the enemy is Insidious and uses any kind of weapon they can whether it be mechanical or chemical everything that is forbidden is being used by by Russia chemical agents sh anything really there are things that we take out of soldiers bodies that we can’t explain to ourselves how these things flew into their bodies the Americans would been dragging their feet in providing the ukrainians with the necessary fire power at the beginning of 2024 now look more willing to pump in more weapons into the Ukrainian Battlefield and I am proud that the United States will soon announce more more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine this package under presidential draw down Authority will provide more air defense interceptors anti-tank weapons and other critical Munitions from us inventories but on the battlefield Ukraine’s problems are no longer about the poity of weapons what Ukraine is struggling with is its ability to field trained soldiers an estimated 27,000 con vict are being released from prisons to fight on the front lines but this is barely scratching the surface of the Ukrainian Manpower problem the only problem we have is the shortage of Manpower ammunition and weapons we have more than enough enough weapons enough of all else just the people we do not have enough people this is some drawn footage of what remains of the strategically crucial Ukrainian city of chavan almost every building here has been reduced to a shell and the Ukrainian forces have announced a strategic Retreat from parts of the city Victor orban’s visit to Moscow was condemned as aasan by Ursula Wain with a clear message that aasan would not stop Putin but in his meeting with Victor Orban Vladimir Putin again insisted that Russia is ready to settle the Ukrainian conflict as for Russia I have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement however on the other side of the conflict we hear about the reluctance to resolve issues in this particular way and the sponsors of Ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram victim in the confrontation with Russia from the outset of this war backed with the American weapons the Ukrainian president VES linski had Ved that the only circumstance under which he would negotiate is when every Russian soldier had been evicted from the Ukrainian soil in October 2022 vadir zilinski had in fact signed a decree ruling out any negotiations and going as far as to say that Ukraine will negotiate with Putin’s successor in Kremlin but much water has since Flo under the bridge and for the first time since this conflict began Vadim zilinski appears to make a uturn inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit for the Ukrainian War besides his many other problems Joe Biden does not want to appear to be on the losing side in yet another war with the presidential elections just months away in the United States but the question now is how much longer will K be able to fight this war as with each passing week any Prospect of outing the Russian soldiers from the the Ukrainian soil appear to be getting Bleaker and Bleaker the 75th Anniversary Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on NATO has kickstarted in Washington with us divided over President Joe Biden’s viability on the growing perception that he is not in form and aging rapidly the 81-year-old host tried to show allies at home and abroad that he still can lead car come [Applause] forward at the opening ceremony of the 3-day Summit he pledged to forcefully defend Ukraine against Russia’s Invasion come forward Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation to end Ukraine’s democracy destroy Ukraine’s Ukraine Ukraine’s culture and to wipe Ukraine off the map and we know Putin won’t stop at Ukraine but make no mistake Ukraine can and will stop Putin the United States Germany the Netherlands Romania and Italy will provide Ukraine with the equipment for five additional Strategic Air Defense systems the US and its allies have pledged to deliver five additional air defense systems to Ukraine including Patriot missile batteries and components Ukrainian president vadir zinski in his address at the summit pushed for further Military Support [Applause] he claimed that the world is waiting to see what would happen in November refering to the US presidential elections and this is a historic event but it is in the shadows of another story it’s time to sit out to step out of the Shadows to make strong decisions work to act and not to wait for November or any other months to this end we must be strong and uncompromising all together first of all America and first of all the leaders of America and the president of the United States as a leader of the Free World to be uncompromising in defending democracy the November elections POS a unique threat to Nato the Republican party’s presumptive nominee former president Donald Trump has consistently sent mixed signals about his commitment to Collective defense and has signaled that he might just withdraw the us from the military Alliance now this after four years of Biden bolst string the NATO alliance including its expansion to Finland and Sweden in the wake of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine meanwhile a meeting between Biden and zilinski is scheduled for later today as per the White House the meeting is to discuss the West’s unwavering support for Kev as it continues to defend itself against Moscow and for more on this our correspondent Susan terani sent us this report earlier from New York listen to this President Biden is using this NATO Summit to Showcase his stamina and Leadership abilities on the international stage amid concerns about his mental acuity and fitness for reelection Biden’s message of unity and commitment to Nato was not only aimed at International allies but also his Democratic supporters here at home who are watching very closely they’re increasingly skeptical about Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump the summit provides a critical opportunity for President Biden on the one hand to demonstrate his stamina and grasp on International matters and Global policy particularly when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the summit also allows President Biden to differentiate himself from Donald Trump who has often been critical of NATO and has even threatened to withdraw support if he is reelected overall this NATO Summit is a critical moment for President Biden uh just to regain momentum and confidence ahead of the election he gave a speech on Tuesday using the teleprompter but one of the real tests for the president will be that solo press conference that has been scheduled for Thursday Susan Tani reporting from New York for weon world as well ahead of the 75th anniversary of the NATO Summit in Washington outgoing NATO Secretary General Yen Stenberg through the first pitch for the Washington Nationals baseball team take a look at these visuals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great pitch once again secretary chff Leo [Music] at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others have been injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday with an unknown number of victims faed trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months now targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev Moscow has denied the claims Moscow denies that it attracted the Children’s Hospital while reiterating that they only hit military targets the daytime barage targeted five Ukrainian cities including Kev nipro Ki sloviansk katos porros and more than 40 missiles of different caliber were were fired to attack these areas as per Ukrainian Air Force they were able to intercept some 30 of these missiles this was also the most fierce attack on the country’s capital of Kiev where seven out of 10 districts were struck when the first explosion happened the car just stopped must have happened somehow automatically it just stopped after a few 2 or five seconds another explosion happened I barely managed to find my phone another 5 Seconds there was another explosion and we started running there were no more explosions after that there were fragments falling down everywhere and people were running towards the underpass KF City administrators have declared 9th of July that is today a day of morning when entertainment events are prohibited and flags are lowered now in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it and I’m going to quote here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality US state Department spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging the Russia of intentionally targeting these civilian [Music] sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others were injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev with an unknown number of victims Fe trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months as per the Ukrainian president wadir zalinsky the hospital is also the main treatment center for children with cancer he added that the strikes disrupted heart surgeries and forced young cancer patients to take their treatment Outdoors however Russia has denied attacking the hospital saying it had been hit by fragments of a Ukrainian air defense missile Moscow reiterated that they only struck military targets meanwhile the Ukrainian security service has published pict pictures of what it says were fragments of a Russian k101 cruise missile recovered from the site while Russia has been denying attacks on civilian infra civilian infrastructure since the start of the war KF claims that till now over 1,600 medical facilities have been damaged since the war broke out and 214 have been ruined completely the strikes come a day before the NATO alliance’s 3-day Summit to reassure and reassess best support for Ukraine now the strike largely destroyed the hospital’s toxicology Ward where children with severe kidney issues were being treated hundreds of rescue workers and volunteers scrambling to clear the debris and search for survivors while the president wadir zalinski has vowed to retaliate he called upon called upon his Western allies to help give Moscow a befitting reply in a statement released by The White House US President Joe Biden has condemned the attack calling it an I’m quoting here a horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality quote unquote the US state department meanwhile has said that five Ukrainian cities were struck with over 40 different caliber missiles spokesperson Matthew Miller reiterated additional military support for Ukraine while alleging Russia accusing Russia of intentionally targeting civilian sites so you will see a number of announcements come out of this Summit I won’t get uh too far ahead of them for obvious reasons but you will see new military diplomatic uh and economic support announced for Ukraine you will see additional specific specificity about uh Ukraine’s bridge to Nato the United Nations has also come down heavily on the latest Russian assault the UN Chief spokesperson called the barage shocking this comes as the president for the UN Security Council lies with Russia the presidency lies with Russia for the month of July the Secretary General strongly condemns today’s missile attack by the Russian Federation hitting residential residential and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine directing attacks against civilian and civilian objects is prohibited by International humanitarian law Ukraine says Russia attacks the main Children Hospital in keev with kinol air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report has more details this is the moment a Russian Missile hit ke’s mean Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10-story hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster UK ukan air defense systems and again renewed those calls as Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense our civil infrastructure water supply and energy [Music] Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of mourning and flew its flags at half m in the capital and other [Music] cities Russia says that it has foiled an attempt by Ukraine to hijack a strategic bomber the tu22 M3 this according to the officers of the country’s Federal Security Service is the FSB they referred to as the primary successor of the Soviet era KGB the security agency put out the following statement on its website and I’m quoting here Ukrainian intelligence intended to recruit a Russian military pilot for a monetary reward and the provision of Italian citizenship to persuade him to fly and land a missile carrier in Ukraine Russian pilot alleges that he was approached by Ukrainian recruiters to hijack the Russian strategic bomber this is what he had to say listen to this [Music] [Music] this does not appear to be the first such attempt made by Ukraine ever since the War Began in February 2022 last year reports surfaced revealing details that ke persuaded a Russian pilot Maxim kuzminov to defect with his mi8 helicopter into Ukrainian territory the deserter was found dead in Spain in February this year Ukraine says Russia attacked the main Children’s Hospital in Kiev with kinal air launched ballistic missiles in broad daylight and targeted other cities as well killing at least 41 civilians in the deadliest wave of air strikes for months but Russia is denying targeting civilians our next report is all the details of this take a look this is the moment a Russian Missile hit kei’s main Children’s Hospital in a rare daytime attack Russia launched a barrage of missiles on cities across Ukraine on Monday parents holding babies walked in the streets outside the hospital dazed and sobbing after the rare daylight aerial attack Windows had been smashed and panels ripped off and hundreds of ke residents were helping to clear debris the 10 story Hospital which is Ukraine’s largest medical facility for children was caring for some 670 patients at the time of the attack analysis of the video footage an assessment made at the incident site indicates a high likelihood that the Children’s Hospital suffered a direct hit Russia denied respons responsibility for the hospital strike and blamed a Ukrainian air defense missile for partially destroying the hospital Ukrainian president zalinski has been urging allies to bolster Ukrainian air defense systems and again renewed those calls As Leaders of NATO countries gather for a 3-day Summit in Washington I expect very concrete steps and answers from our partners from the NATO Summit we will have a meeting on strengthening Ukraine’s air defense are civil infrastructure water supply and energy Network big Ukrainian businesses have rushed to announce donations to rebuild the Children’s Hospital Ukraine is observing a national day of M and flew its flags at half MK in the capital and other [Music] cities in the United Nations security council meeting Russia and Ukraine traded allegations on the origin of the missile that struck a children’s hospital in Kiev recently at least 43 people were killed and 150 others were injured in the collective strikes that Russia carried out on Ukraine across several major cities Russian Ambassador tried distancing the country from the attack citing details of videos posted by Ukraine’s he said it was a rocket of Ukraine’s air defense that hit the children’s hospital and not one that came from Russia in videos posted by the Ukrainian users it’s clear to see how one after one after another without any interference five rockets of the Russian Air Force strike the factory also it’s clearly seen that without any interference a single rocket hits the Children’s Hospital a rocket of the air defense of Ukraine it’s impossible to mistake it due to the easily recognizable rocket fin assembly and and other traits Ukraine’s Ambassador countered this argument stating that the video evidence of the strike confirms a Russian missile that indeed had struck the hospital footage clearly testifies that the Ahmed hospital was a deliberate Target the footage captured the moment the KH 101 missile dived towards the hospital building now in the UNC session us and UK sided with Ukraine slamming Russia US ambassador to un Linda Thomas Greenfield said that the attack made abundantly clear that Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin is not interested in peace let’s be clear this brutal attack is hardly a standalone incident in March 20122 Russian a air strikes damaged the maternity and Children’s Hospital in marap pole in December 2023 a Russian missile plunged into a medical facility in nepro UK ambassador to un Barbara Woodward called the attack cowardly depriva Russia has violated the UN Charter and repeatedly breached International humanitarian law its conduct is a disgrace to the security Council and especially to the president’s seat meanwhile tensions continue to escalate on the battlefield Russian forces claim to have captured another Village in eastern Ukraine near the Russian held city of donet in its Daily Report the Russian defense Ministry said it liberated the settlement of yasno brovo influx of Western weapons has slowed down but not stopped the Russian war machine and this week the Ukrainian forces announced that they’ve strategically pulled back from parts of the crucial Eastern town of chavar the Pentagon has again pledged another $2.3 billion worth of weapons even as KF awaits the delivery of the much touted F-16 figh Jets this month but the nub of the problem is elsewhere the Western nations are able to flood Ukraine with their weapons but Ukraine’s problems aren’t just limited to military hardware the bigger puzzle that K is finding it really hard to solve is about getting adequate and trained manp power to be fielded onto the battlefield and this perhaps explains why the Ukrainian president vadir zelinski has made a dramatic U-turn for the first time since the War Began more than two years ago vadir zilinski now wants Russian representatives to be present in the next peace Summit so what does this mean for the Russia Ukraine war that is have dragged on for so long our next report gets you more details these videos captured by the Russian combat drones will give you a glimpse of the Russian strategy at the moment in coordinated Precision strikes the Kremlin is taking out the Ukrainian air Power by destroying one Ukrainian fighter jet after another even as the figh Jets were in their hanger the intelligence for these strikes was gathered by the Russian drones and once the targets were identified Russia is believed to have used its escanda missiles with devastating efficiency not only do these strikes expose the gaping holes in Ukraine’s air defense systems but they also indicate the Fate that awaits the much started F-16 fight jets that are slate to arrive this month where the F-16 F Jets will be stationed in Ukraine is not clear but the staro costantin of Air Base which is widely suspected to have gotten the facilities ready to house the F-16 figh Jets has been repeatedly struck by the Russians using Hypersonic kinel missiles and drone clusters in the last forthnight the ukrainians are clearly losing the ground and air contest but in the naval war that is unfolding in the Black Sea KV has managed to destroy almost 25% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and this has forced Kremlin to withdraw a number of its combat ready warships from sester pole and anchor them at [Music] novaris I think they should not return there to Cle this is obvious I don’t know what they’re thinking they simply left C to retrieve their ships from under Ukrainian fire that’s the main reason as to why they find themselves now in nois the Ukrainian Defense Forces has fire power control over cast the Ukrainian field hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of injur wounded soldiers are veld in 24 bar 7 from the front lines there is no clear tally on the number of soldiers who’ve been killed and wounded in this war but according to a document presented in the American Congress the US officials estimate that as many as 120,000 Russian soldiers may have been killed while the Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 100,000 and more than 300,000 soldiers of both sides combined are set to sustain some serious injuries the enemy is Insidious and uses any kind of weapon they can whether it be mechanical or chemical everything that is forbidden is being used by Russia agents sh anything really there are things that we take out of soldiers bodies that we can’t explain to ourselves how these things flew into their bodies the Americans would been dragging their feet in providing the ukrainians with the necessary far power at the beginning of 2024 now look more willing to pump in more weapons into the Ukrainian Battlefield and I am proud that the United States will soon announce more than 2 3 billion do in new security assistance for Ukraine this package under presidential draw down Authority will provide more air defense interceptors anti-tank weapons and other critical Munitions from us inventories but on the battlefield Ukraine’s problems are no longer about the poity of weapons what Ukraine is struggling with is its ability to field trained soldiers an estimated 27,000 convicts are are being released from prisons to fight on the front lines but this is barely scratching the surface of the Ukrainian Manpower problem the only problem we have is the shortage of Manpower ammunition and weapons we have more than enough enough weapons enough of all else just the people we do not have enough people this is some Drone footage of what remains of the strategically crucial Ukrainian city of chavar almost every building here has been reduced to a shell and the Ukrainian forces have announced a strategic Retreat from parts of the city Victor orban’s visit to Moscow was condemned as a appeasement by Ursula Wain with a clear message that aasan would not stop Putin but in his meeting with Victor Orban Vladimir Putin again insisted that Russia is ready to settle the Ukrainian conflict as for Russia I have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing a political and diplomatic settlement however on the other side of the conflict we hear about the reluctance to resolve issues in this particular way and the sponsors of Ukraine continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram victim in the confrontation with Russia from the outset of this war backed with the American weapons the Ukrainian president V zinski had Ved that the only circumstance under which he would negotiate is when every Russian soldier had been evicted from the Ukrainian soil in October 2022 vadir zilinski had in fact signed a decree ruling out any negotiations and going as far as to say that Ukraine will negotiate with Putin’s successor in Kremlin but much water has since flowed under the bridge and for the first time since this conflict began Vadim zilinski appears to make a uturn inviting Russian representatives to attend the next peace Summit for the Ukrainian War besides his many other problems Joe Biden does not want to appear to be on the losing side in yet another war with the presidential elections just month away in the United States but the question now is how much longer will Kia be able to fight this war as with each passing week any prospects of outing the Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian so appear to be getting Bleaker and Bleaker the 75th Anniversary Summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on NATO has kickstarted in Washington with us divided over President Joe Biden’s viability on the growing perception that he is not in form and aging rapidly the 81-year-old host tried to show allies at home and abroad that he still can lead no car come forward [Applause] [Music] at the opening ceremony of the 3-day Summit he pledged to forcefully defend Ukraine against Russia’s Invasion come forward Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues and Putin wants nothing less nothing less than Ukraine’s total subjugation to end Ukraine’s democracy destroy Ukraine’s ukra Ukraine’s culture and to wipe Ukraine off the map and we know Putin won’t stop at Ukraine but make no mistake Ukraine can and will stop Putin the United States Germany the Netherlands Romania and Italy will provide Ukraine with the equipment for five additional Strategic Air Defense systems the US and its allies have pledged to deliver five additional air defense systems to Ukraine including Patriot missile batteries and components Ukrainian president vadir zinski in his address at the Summit post for further Military Support [Applause] he claimed that the world is waiting to see what would happen in November refering to the US presidential elections and this is a historic event but it is in the shadows of another story it’s time to sit out to step out of the Shadows to make strong decisions work to act and not to wait for November or any other months to this end we must be strong and uncompromising all together and first of all America and first of all the leaders of America and the president of the United States as a leader of the Free World to be uncompromising in defending democracy the November elections pause a unique threat to Nato the Republican party’s presumptive nominee former president Donald Trump has consistently sent mixed signals about his commitment to Collective defense and has signaled that he might just withdraw the us from the military Alliance now this after four years of Biden bolstering the NATO alliance including its expansion to Finland and Sweden in the wake of Russia’s fullscale invasion of Ukraine meanwhile a meeting between Biden and zalinski is scheduled for later today as per the White House the meeting is to discuss the West’s unwavering support for Kiev as it continues to defend itself against Moscow and for more on this our correspondent Susan terani sent us this report earlier from New York listen to this President Biden is using this NATO Summit to Showcase his stamina and Leadership abilities on the international stage amid concerns about his mental acuity and witness for reelection Biden’s message of unity and commitment to Nato was not only aimed at International allies but also his Democratic supporters here at home who are watching very closely they’re increasingly skeptical about Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump the summit provides a critical opportunity for President Biden on the one hand to demonstrate his stamina and grasp on International matters and Global policy particularly when it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but the summit also allows President Biden to differentiate himself from Donald Trump who has often been critical of NATO and has even threatened to withdraw support if he is reelected overall this NATO Summit is a critical moment for President Biden uh just to regain momentum and confidence ahead of the election he gave a speech on Tuesday using the teleprompter but one of the real tests for the president will be that solo press conference that has been scheduled for Thursday Susan Tani reporting from New York for weon world is one ahead of the 75th anniversary of the NATO Summit in Washington outgoing NATO Secretary General Yen Stenberg threw the first pitch for the Washington Nationals baseball dream take a look at these visuals [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great pitch once again secretary Cho [Music] at least 41 civilians have been killed and over 140 others have been injured after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian cities on Monday with an unknown number of victims feared trapped under the rubble the attack is the deadliest in a series of air strikes in months now targets allegedly included the country’s biggest most equipped Children’s Hospital in Kiev Moscow has denied the claims Moscow denies that it attacked the Children’s Hospital while reiterating that they only hit military targets the daytime barage targeted five Ukrainian cities including KF nipro K Sloans katos porros and more than 40 missiles of different caliber were were fired to attack these areas as for

U.S. President Joe Biden pledged to forcefully defend Ukraine against Russia’s invasion at the NATO summit in Washington on Tuesday, using the global stage to try to show allies at home and abroad that he can still lead.
#russiaukrainewar #Putin #wion

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  1. Ukraine will never stop Putin. Europeans are absolutly fed up with Ukraine war, we don´t want to pay it and americans do not want to pay it.More, we do not consider Ukraine as one of us (old European countries). We are now starting to accept Hungary as one of us due to Viktor Orban atitude.He thinks as we (common people) think. We are waiting for Trump to stop this war, since EU leaders stoped hearing europeans.

  2. Even if they stop putin, who is next? Have you seen what kind of people stand behind putin? Define a win for ukraine plz…
    Its very easy to say putin can not win, but how can it lose?

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