NATO says China “Decisive Enabler” of Russia’s War in Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma

NATO says China “Decisive Enabler” of Russia’s War in Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma

[Music] we can and will defend every inch of NATO territory and we’ll do it together now let’s turn to the US where a summit is underway to Mark 75 years of NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization now NATO is a relic formed in the Heyday of the Cold War the geopolitical competition between the US and the Soviet Union the Soviet Union doesn’t exist anymore it is now just Russia so NATO should have ceased to exist as well instead it just keeps growing this year’s Summit also celebrated a new member Sweden it is NATO member number 32 and the alliance does not plan to stop there it keeps dangling membership before another European nation one that is desperate to join Ukraine NATO declared that Ukraine’s path to membership was irreversible but when will KF join the block who knows no timeline has been set all that NATO has promised was that it would happen eventually which means after the Russia Ukraine war ends so if NATO plans to expand even after the Russia Ukraine war is over who will the alliance be fighting probably still Russia but by the looks of it they’re gearing up to take on another four and that is China the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is now looking further a field it is now eyeing Asia and preparing to confront Asia’s biggest bully all in the name of stopping Moscow China has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine and and China’s support increases the threat Russia poses to Euro Atlantic security NATO is finally taking aim at Beijing it has called China a quote unquote decisive enabler of Russia’s war in Ukraine yesterday the block put out a declaration China was accused of providing raw materials to Russia’s military industrial complex but China is the main Ena uh because as you refer to they they they they are delivering uh uh the tools the Dual use equipment uh the micro Electronics everything uh Russia needs to build the missiles uh the uh the bombs uh the aircraft and all the other uh systems they use against Ukraine NATO’s claws are out it has stopped tiptoeing around the issue and decided to challenge China directly obviously Beijing wasn’t thrilled the NATO Washington Summit declaration Hypes up tensions in the Asia Pacific region and is filled with cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric the China related content is full of prejudice smearing and provocation China accused NATO of smearing its image Beijing said that it has never supplied any lethal weapons to Russia and that it has strict export controls on Dual use materials it added that all its trade with Moscow is normal and then China went on the offensive China urges NATO to abandon its outdated concepts of Cold War mentality block confrontation and zero sum game correct its wrong perception of China stop interfering in China’s internal politics and sming China’s image and do not create chaos in the Asia Pacific after creating turmoil in Europe that last point was interesting Beijing urged NATO not to create chaos in the Asia Pacific and that’s a bit Rich coming from China this is the same nation that has problems with all its neighbors India Bhutan Vietnam the Philippines Japan Mongolia you name the country and China will come up with bogus territorial claims China is the most destabilizing nation in Asia it is a threat to Global Peace and security NATO says that these developments in the indopacific directly affect Euro Atlantic security so the block wants to nip the Chinese threat in the bud and how will they do this with the help of four allies in the East Japan South Korea New Zealand and Australia together they called the indopacific 4 group or the ip4 Indo Pacific for they become regulars at NATO Summits the four nations were first invited in the year 2022 and the current one is their third Summit in a row NATO is holding detailed talks with the ip4 today and the alliance plans to expand its influence in the East but how will the rest of Asia react to these developments well some places might welcome an expanded NATO role like Taiwan the Philippines and of course the ip4 they will welcome this but most countries will be wary NATO is a Western Alliance and Asia has learned to be wary of Western military presence that’s the case at the moment but it may change over time especially if China continues its aggressive [Applause] [Music] behavior across continents one powerful news source bringing you diverse perspectives on the issues that [Applause] matter we go beyond the boundaries to give you that little extra about every sporting [Music] moment so thank you for making first post 5 million strong we’re counting on your support and you can trust us to bring you the news unfiltered and [Music] unboned climate change is on our doorstep it’s time for a revolution to take Route and it starts with 1.4 billion Indians it starts with one tree one tree for Humanity one tree for Mother Earth one tree for a future project one tree a news 18 Network [Music] initiative World C bangard move across to the West and East and respect hello I’m Al coming to you from D South Africa today we have a special start with an report on India shifting nuclear for the first time since off became hello and welcome to First P America I’m Eric ham coming to you live from the nation’s capital of Washington [Music] DC for

NATO says China “Decisive Enabler” of Russia’s War in Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma

NATO made its strongest statement against China yet. NATO accuses China of being a “Decisive Enabler” of Russia’s war in Ukraine. NATO plans to work closely with nations in the Indo-Pacific to counter China. Will NATO start operating in Asia to counter China?

NATO | NATO Summit | US | Ukraine War | Russia-Ukraine War | Russia | China | Vladimir Putin | Volodymyr Zelensky | Xi Jinping | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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  1. 1st I would not help the usa never and western countries because there the one's that made China for what it is 2nd usa has always helped pakistan not that india is worried but Trump is the only usa governor of the usa that knows that's were trouble as and is coming from and know for a long time pakistan and China friendship is close because of india lol and yes it's sad because more then half of Pakistanis wish they were part of India and yes alot of punjabi Pakistanis would like that and there's a lot more also . Because we have a true history of living and life and respect for each other AND what's China it as only interested for what's good for the Chinese people not for the Pakistanis and that's the truth. Pakistan have respect for ur self in pakistan if not for india.

  2. NATO has never attacked anyone – NATO is a defense pact and guarantee of peace. Russia has attacked ALL its neighboring countries – some twice since 1945 and until 2022. There is only one neighbor they have not invaded – Norway – because Norway is a NATO country and an attack on Norway or another NATO country will put 1.3 billion people in highest preparedness. Russia has only 145 million – and 60% of them are old or drug addicts.

  3. CHINA complains against 'Cold-war mentality'. Meanwhile, CHINA has been involved in C0LD-War acts against INDIA, JAPAN, Australia, Philippines, Vietnam, USA, EU, Vietnam etc..

  4. The USA looks for excuses to keep its armament industry running . Now, India is following the same path. India provides weapons to Israel against the oppressed Palestinians. India should not forget that once India was an oppressed and a colonised country. Palki, regarding China, I expect a balanced reporting from you. When, China and the USA came closer as a result of President Nixonโ€™s trip to China in 1972, it was understood by the USA that Taiwan was a part of the Peopleโ€™s Republic of China.

  5. Let us be intellectually honest, China never provoked Ukranian Crisis. Chinese People have worked day and night to be able to feed its people and gained its lost dignity in the world.

  6. This is just a deliberate trouble-making video. Ukraine WILL join NATO because unfortunately it has russia as a neighbour and because NATO is a PEACE KEEPING ALLIANCE it has never attacked anyone and has no desire to do so unless forced to defend, as the world well knows. If every country joined such an alliance we would have world peace. It amazes me what your country will say and do and who you will call a friend for cheap oil.

  7. Itโ€™s Europe that is financing Russia by trading its LNG and grains. The Europeans have an intellectual deficit that sees them inflicting a punitive trade embargo on Australia while supporting Russian trade. Why?

  8. Good luck to nato . 35 countries against Russia and still the lose . They thought russia was Libya and Iraq ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ถ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ arrogance nato

  9. shame on you stolenberg and NATO, you were defeated in ukraine and too arrogant to challenge china ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ NATO alliance is an alliance of beggars and thieves, you are shifting to china as an excuse of defeat. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  10. of course they made it very public since Obama redirected the military's focus completely on China. They are determined to provoke China
    into a war, because it is the only way they can stop China from taking over. But now they are facing Russia and China united thanks to Biden's war
    and this is probably a little too much even for the US !

  11. Unfortunately all Empires only have a limited time to rule history have proved that over and over again hegemony coming to an end. Ukraine was once part of the USSR and that should stay as a buffer.

  12. [We know it's hard to change the mindset and behaviors of the mafia boss in a community. But, sorry, people. It's time for the world to move on from America's dictatorship on international order]
    The US was created upon European immigration and colonization, African slave trade, genocide of aboriginal people, and conquest and forced annexation of foreign territories.
    Rampant racism against minorities, widespread drug abuse, frequent gun violence, cruel exploitation of new immigrants as cheap labor, ridiculous gap between rich and poor, looting of global wealth through addictive money printing, economic and military coercion of "allies and foes" around the world, bombing and killing of millions of civilians in foreign lands under the cover of "human rights, democracy and liberty", are some of the key features of American led so called "rule based international order".
    The American tyranny of dictatorship on international order based on lie fabrication, economic coercion and military bullying will soon come to a slow end, following the outcry from the world against the atrocities happening in Gaza. A truely open, free and democratic international order based on UN Charter will be restored for all of humankind, which is exactly what the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative are looking for.

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