‘Utterly pathetic’: Australian government’s support for Ukraine dropped under Labor

LNP MP Andrew Wallace says the Australian government’s support to Ukraine has been “utterly disappointing” since Labor came to power.

Mr Wallace told Sky News host Caleb Bond that the Australian government has “dropped right down” in its support of Ukraine.

“It’s really been utterly pathetic.”

  1. "Labor's support of Ukraine has been utterly disappointing" is the ultimate understatement. Cowardice, air-headedness, weakness… are just a few of Labor's terminal afflictions.

  2. Western media spins a very different story to all other countries. 80+% of the global majority sees ukraine as a proxy war started and being lost by the USA and nato. So Australia abandoning ukraine may be bad for our long time allegiance to US foreign policy, but this is a rational decision.

  3. Ukraine should be funded by a GO FUND ME PAGE not by our taxes. Our taxes should stay in australia. Funding to anything abroad should be done through private organisations like word vision or redcross or a go fund me page so each individual has a choice of where their money goes or to keep it entirely.

  4. Fark Ukraine and Fark Palestine it has nothing to do with Australia. If you think AnAl is working for Australia i think you are mentally challenged like Lucy Black 🥴😂😂😂

  5. China could make the case NATO and US should stop supporting Ukraine. This is a proxy war ever since the U.S. stopped the peace deal 6 months into the war. The west is hoping to drain Russias resources and it has backfired it’s the west that is drained and has driven the wests enemies into each other’s arms. Russian aggression should be stopped but at the peace table but it’s gone on too long now.

  6. The Budget of the Australian Defence Force is approaching $60 Billion per year or $5 billion per month. Over the past 30 months, the world has pledged and not fully delivered $118 billion USD in direct military aid to Ukraine. Almost 180 Billion AUD or 6 Billion per month. 6 Billion per month in direct military aid pledges to Ukraine is not much more than the 5 Billion per month spent on the Australian Defence Force. The Ukrainians are fighting bravely. The pledges have not been enough to convince Vladimir Putin to stop the invasion. That size and delay in the pledges to Ukraine would not stop or deter any far more powerful aggressor against Australia. If Ukraine can't be pledged fast enough, then where are the precautionary pledges for Australia?

    The known facts of the past is that the Ambassador constantly mentioned the inflated, contrived fake book value of aid to Ukraine in making Australians happy by telling them they are generous and who assume the money was tax money when the whole basis of the gifting process was unwanted, unneeded equipment which in the military opinion of Australian experts did not affect Australia's capability and would assist Ukraine as they saw the situation

    The real international market value of gifted equipment compared to the properly depreciated values of US equipment given as aid to Ukraine will eventually be properly appraised by any organisation committed to proper governance and the benefits of modern management and accounting methods within the Australian Defence Force. The fake and contrived book value of aid to Ukraine are insignificant. Compared to the defeat of the invasion, the need to deter aggression against Australia and the amounts Australia has spent in the past and will spend in the future on the Australian Defence Force. Elements of the latest Australian aid can become important and vital to Ukraine and the past should not be a distraction. It could be that the new aid package hasn't been assigned inflated contrived book values and so everyone should have an open mind. Australians want to be generous and compassionate and do the right thing to support Ukraine with the Australian National self-interest of maintaining the International Rule of Law so that Australians don't become victims of war the way Ukrainians have. Until there are independent or at least transparent and open appraisals against the market values set by US Aid the Government will continue to keep accidentally creating the impression that it has delayed a reappraisal of the real market values at those snapshots of time and even accidentally made itself into incompetent financial managers when it appears that under the Liberal government and seen in writing from a Thales manager that it was a Thales manager assigning the values of Bullshitmasters.

    The humanitarian need for distinctively marked Pink Kangaroo ambulances and medical evacuation with Pink Mine Clearing on Pink-marked lanes has always existed and is vital when every day of a delay is a tragedy. There will be winter nights when dozens of wounded Ukrainians bleed out and freeze to death in the trenches with almost no survivors in some small units. There has been a gigantic disinformation propaganda campaign by Vladimir Putin and his secret police through the world pretending that Russian destabilisation of international rule of law in the world is good for some nations and warlords and even to the extent that nearly half of the nations in Africa opposed or abstained in the United Nations condemnation of the war. Pink Kangaroo Ambulances and Pink Drones to find the wounded and Pink Mine Clearers for Pink Marked Lanes can be improved as a concept when each Asian and Pacific nation deserves the right to have public support for their own medical-coats-on — the-ground with their own national flags. In every way it is more than a token that any medical provider nation is opposing war and supporting peace and humanity and more kindness and compassion amidst the cruelty and evil of the Vladimir Putin invasion

    There has been a clear understanding by all audiences everywhere that the Russian Army provision of medical services and disregard for Geneva and Hague Conventions is appalling and very sad and almost evil. Even when apologist excuses are invented for the sake of supporting Vladimir Putin audiences know it is just for show . The excuses for the Russian brutality and inhumanity and doctrinal low priority of medical care are just ritual that nobody believes and then with the contradictory line that Russian Army contempt for even their own soldiers is accidental haphazardness and therefore the weakness and cultural failing proof that NATO is the enemy for being stronger and richer and it's own soldiers more valued and that Russian Army inhumanity somehow therefore makes NATO and the West and Asia and the Pacific weak because it doesn't have Russian endurance of suffering.

    The statesman most likely to make an effort to attempt to improve the battlefield medical situation for Ukrainians and Russians in attempting an international collective superabundance of help in favour of the Geneva and Hague Convention is Deputy Prime Minister Marles and with the energy and voice of his staff. The Asia and Pacific nations are in a position to at least reduce unnecessary suffering in a united way and which the soldiers and civilians and voters of all nations would expect from the international community at the very least if they themselves were plunged into the horror of war.

    Casual readers of open-source academic papers can easily accept that the leadership and genius and foresight of the South Korean nation is displayed in the anti-drone technology developed in South Korea. It makes the much vaunted Australian drone killer without any secure integration to an air-defence network look like 1 million dollars for two machine guns on a rip-off American remote mount for customers that the US refuses to sell to. 1 million for two machine guns and a pretend AESA radar when the South Koreans publically prove that all their concepts are technically superior? And when there is the Opportunity Cost of 1 million dollars of drones foregone that can defeat enemy drone operators and their equipment and all of the enemy forward observers let alone logistics and plenty of capability to cause enemy missions to fail and provide total overwhelming dominance in a friendly mission. South Korea helping defend Australia and the vital areas of Ukraine without the technology falling into enemy hands is important for the whole Western world .

    The world witnessing that South Korea is an Arsenal of Democracy that should always be guaranteed against attack now with the military technology to scare away any crazy plans by others given the same collective support from 1950 might itself bring peace. It would be generously-spirited of any Korean firms to assess the foreign management of European-owned armaments firms in Australia as to whether they are a liability or a barrier to Australia going forward and also to European governments that aren't in an immediate position to decide without South Korean help if they should forfeit or abandon their shareholdings that seem to be leading to increasingly negative outcomes and disputes. One of the previous Thales scandals having been the worst in French history and included eight murders in Taiwan and Airbus very much confused and right-hand/ left-hand problems with so many Airbus aircraft in Russian territory and so much pre-war expectation of vastly increased profitability in Russia. The blatantly self-serving advice that Airbus should pay themselves to destroy their own failed helicopters would be even more sinister if done to impress Vladimir Putin. The terrible dark cloud of all the horror of the invasion does have a silver-lining if transparency and better management of Richard Marles is allowed to shine as quintessentially Australian in kindness and compassion.

  7. "NATO was founded as a defensive alliance to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union. When the Berlin Wall fell, George Bush should have gone to Berlin and announced “Mission accomplished.” Instead, NATO morphed into an expansionist offensive alliance, provoking war instead of preserving peace, and keeping the dollars flowing to the military contractors. As President I won’t disband NATO. I will transform NATO into a true peace alliance dedicated to global disarmament."
    Robert F Kennedy

  8. NATO was founded as a defensive alliance to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union. When the Berlin Wall fell, George Bush should have gone to Berlin and announced “Mission accomplished.” Instead, NATO morphed into an expansionist offensive alliance, provoking war instead of preserving peace, and keeping the dollars flowing to the military contractors. As President I won’t disband NATO. I will transform NATO into a true peace alliance dedicated to global disarmament.
    Robert F Kennedy

  9. How about some government support for australian citizens in the middle of a fucking housing and cost of living crisis. Why in the actual fuck is our taypayer money being used to help fund a war that none of us want anything to with.
    Blackrock owns ukraine now anyway, so let them pay for it all.

  10. Really, your American branch, Fox news, support not sending any support to Ukraine at all. Typical hypocrisy we see from you guys all the time. Whatever will do the most damage to democracy.

  11. Who the hell is this LNP PILL,,, He is enough to turn me 100% ONE NATION. Did anyone listen and notice he even mixed up Ukraine and Russia in his opening claim. Another Joe Biden on the payroll i presume

  12. Headline from RT news on YouTube today. Trump, Orban, Putin: Why are all the ‘dictators’ hellbent on peace? Go on read it, ASIO might come after you but why not give it a go, U only live once

  13. This is about globalist billionaires who want Ukraine's resources for their .." WEF build, back, better…" agenda run by Blackrock.

    All they're doing is killing the white Ukrainian male population and MSM promotes their war agendas.

  14. Ukraine ask for our decommissioned helicopters & got nothing & wasn't the reason given for not to sending a warship to the red sea because our warships did not have drone killer defence systems to protect our ships from incoming drone atracks ….

    If you take into consideration the fact that the use of drones in military operations have been around for the past 15 years at least . Then why is it that our warships don't have a means to fend off drone a attack ….

    Not to mention the US have a drone defence system second to none that could be mounted on our warships within a few short weeks if they have them on the shelf & an Australian Weopns development company have the SLINGER Drone killer that could be fast fiited to a warship I would think ..

    So instead of helping our closest ally when ask the Australian Labor government deny the request & send along 6 ADF personnel.. to serve tea ,cake , & biscuits to the heads of our military alliance freinds that are in the war operations room …

    It's not like the military alliance that have their military resources in the red sea need to take advice from a country that couldn't send any of it's military assets to assist them is it …

  15. AU is at war with Russia, “ready for war” with “Communist” China. Scenario (symptoms) for inpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital. Our shining Star Gov surprisingly has no idea about economics at the arithmetic level, the politics of the three principles in China. Gov is unfamiliar with China's role in Australia's prosperity.
    Complete zero about the lost US war in Ukraine.
    Doubts arise about the legal capacity of the government and the media, looking at the calls for propaganda of war with Russia, China by members of BRICS and the SCO. Rhetorically, China, Iran and Russia will easily destroy the United States “without blinking an eye.” Gov for Hamas sent 72.5 million into arms. More than 200 million to Ukraine. Bushmasters.
    Member of the Green Crime Syndicate.

  16. Is this a bad dream? A collection of fools from Canberra “solve” world problems on the pages of TV, primarily ABC. They broadcast crazy ideas for China, Russia, the EU, and the USA. They are especially excited by their own confessions of hatred of Jews. AU is at various stages of war with 3.4 billion people.

  17. Even though I'm NOT a supporter of Albanese but saying that he's NOT for Ukraine is laughable because he just gave Zelinsky 250 million dollars and personally if I had my way Ukraine wouldn't be getting ONE red cent from this once great country of Australia 💯 percent

  18. This once great country of Australia gives more to Ukraine then what even their closest European neighbours are giving THEM this is absolutely pathetic 💯 percent 👎

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