People in Barcelona have protested against mass tourism over the weekend. #Barcelona #BBCNews

you may have seen images of people protesting in Barcelona against tourists one of the reasons why they’re so upset is that they believe that there are just too many tourists especially in the city center and that many parts of the city particularly the center are now catering almost exclusively to tourists and not to local people something else that local people are upset about is the impact that tourism is having on housing um they feel that the high number of short term tourist apartments in Barcelona um is pushing up rental prices so that local people simply can’t afford to live in the center in many cases and they’re having to go out to other parts of the city to live the mayor of Barcelona has said that in 2028 he plans to revoke all the licenses uh for the city’s short-term tourist accommodation the big question is whether that will satisfy uh the residents of Barcelona

  1. this will negatively affect the city in the long term, watch the tourism industry in barca wash away over the next 5 years due to this anti tourist sentiment, and then see how the local economy does. you need to focus your attention on foreign landlords not tourists.

  2. 2028 is far too late. Something needs to be done now.
    In Britain many seaside towns have been taken over by Airbnb and property prices and rents have massively increased 🫢

  3. Im from Barcelona, I feel sad for the tourists there, i dont think thats the way but, the truth us that the rent here is higher and higher and mostly of us (specially the young ones) cant rent anything. I mean, the rent is usually much higher than the salaries.
    Anyway, for me all the tourists are welcome, but i also hope you understand the situation

  4. When Government maladministration meets capitalist greed. However, tourism is about the only business sector in Catalonia that is still thriving.

  5. I am from Catalonia,Spain (living in the UK) and I have mixed feelings about this. I understand their point, however, I do not get why would they harass tourist. Want it or not a lot of investment/money into the economy is from tourism and the economy would he affected if tourism goes down drastically.

  6. Wow, on my way there next week, seeing this news now, makes me extremely anxious. I hope I done experience harassment over there just for being a tourist.. 😢

  7. I grew up in Bohuslän and we have the same problem with tourism, everything gets more expensive and we cant even get housing as they rich arses from over the seas keep buying up our coastal towns and the governmental solution has become to tear down historical landmarks so people can live in apartments

    Its insane people in small towns have to live in shitty apertments or move into cities beacuse greedy tourist lovers are ruining our way of life, to be clear some of the people of these towns have lived there for generations some going back thousands of years

  8. honestly, you should learn how the singapore or dubai deal with their tourists,,,the government in barcelona simply failed its people on this part, their rights to live in their own city.

  9. They’ve definitely got a point, but it’s good to know that once the local government has gotten rid of all the tourists, the locals who’ve campaigned for this have all personally agreed to fully subsidise the vast array of businesses that benefitted directly from tourism with money out of their own pockets.

  10. Blame the “council” your government, not the tourist.., this is sad, it looks pretty like xenophobia 2me😢

  11. Paying temporary vistors that can be easy regulated ELL NO!

    Mass migrant mostly illegal that cost tax payers Alot of money (some harden criminal gangs) unrestricted acess and permanent stay.

    Yeah …😐

  12. Lets say what happens to their tourist-based economy when all the tourists start leaving. 😅😅 also, the idea of blaming this on the tourists rather than on your govt. Stupid fellas

  13. I understand their concern but protest, hold up signs but to squirt water at innocent people is assault and public humiliation. What barbaric, crude, mean women. 😮😢

  14. Florida: Oh you don’t like tourism? Why, did you think no one is allowed to visit? Tourists have and spend money, if you owned a business, you might think differently. Or maybe spend more money…..

  15. I will never go to Barcelona because I respect the wishes of her residents. Hopefully they can get a better balance in sources of income for their city. I live in the US and have a house in the Keys. Never had a desire to go there anyway.

  16. Fighting this is a good idea. You can station more tourists in the outskirts of the city and like a tourist you can travel more . Transportation peak hour will look more different because part of the works will not need to travel to the site centre

  17. Soy español vivo en sitges,,lo turistas estais bien venidos,esto son unos catalanufos, niñas de papá que no trabajan, aquí los denominan los perro flautas,,

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