Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Russian general staff chief sets new targets in eastern Ukraine | WION LIVE

is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of aresia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without Power and Water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that Adit tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight them before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged president vad zinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who were inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a batttle Tet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create it to use you has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ploration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican warry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to Advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had open the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact two-thirds of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and bellarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian conflict [Music] featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with belus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world this one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 Dees CSUS in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian talks killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka Northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that it’s forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces if the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aeran China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Obama embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battle field two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be repres presented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket syst system HR according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zki also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that it forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with chattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further an attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part [Music] the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafo ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls app Aria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water ear earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by mosow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into min fans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption voters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinsky lowered the draft age to 20 5 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost nonstop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who were in in forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue que and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh wherever you want where the imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their purification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinia said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shand direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by rum of it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia zban China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian conflict [Music] featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to AG on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of novas Nova cisk fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Lord in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russ missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas he ERS to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fat however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injoyed 13 others in Ukraine Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian Dr two in rosov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinsky has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zalinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks ziny now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zin’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start a official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vodia zalinsky says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement indones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmanned AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple La launch rocket system himas according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zanski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir ziny also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced that the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically stationed long range of weapons including Tomahawk Cru missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the Donk region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war War many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was ating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in sent Cal and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafo ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief read out of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where the discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roter accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft H to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% % of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the east while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the cariz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 PB prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drawn in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to hold Russ is pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fullscale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their glorification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican war that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the Summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic t with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China mere days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featur in air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing econom IC interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines Heatwave is making it it way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to Waterfront to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country inrease electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adap to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable weight of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line This come comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the B region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orama has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the Europe European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned aeral vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president yensy is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zalinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could would make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strong strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign ministri spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environment for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of theum now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not sto in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key fact factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur Ria nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to defense. now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in Ukrainian to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to EXP explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in our days in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was logistic and it was a battle tour it but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Mana shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Hal Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial in Ence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ploration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican warry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact two-thirds of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians poos direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in Advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing us military’s presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drill DRS the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with belus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 kmet from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concern about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as a Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 degrees CS in the north of noas Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the Heat Wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoy 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administ trative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinsky has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that mosco would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks zinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month you UK hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest husted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and xiin ping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple La launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian president V zsk also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear a legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was ref referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary lyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to Short of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing man power shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowc cost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ploration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukraine Ian President Vladimir zinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that represent of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians opposed direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with vad Putin and XI jingping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have SIM multaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 kilm from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopol political Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exception hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noa’s Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to water fronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pen to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power black out however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injur injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the haas’s missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurk which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war ENT enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has respond saying that Russia needs to understand what zelinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 9 2 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orama has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmanned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system HR according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian president V zki also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield field according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is Po posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of accuse of people who want to obtain some sort of exemption RS accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves El nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield field both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that existed nowaday in using uh in a military and and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle T it but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fullscale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit at a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungry’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that all has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Marussia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China mere days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 7day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful milit and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions how however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas noo cisk fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Al in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wve meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving local sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temp temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger surprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian h city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what’s means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks ziny now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of immediat after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orana has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States all Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vodia zenski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the russan Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned Aero vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zelanski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now ad at for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit it Ukrainian President vadir zinski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more right-wing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war Style conf confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to report rep in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for longterm prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will man manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times [Music] about is now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as new of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged president vadir ziny lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who were inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 Proto type developed by a Ukraine based SATA is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the ground drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that existing in our days in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper in uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle tur it but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their glorification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican warry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented as at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in the November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zeny’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the lock China’s joint military exercises with Russia and belus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing unees in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretch ing from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and codia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and wared against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 degrees celsus in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the city swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian Hill City of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman f the north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks zinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November if it I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace and negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at broke ing an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says it’s forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmanned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himer according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of Dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zanski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers of great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning is come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact side showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces that Engage The Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the areas hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the N westan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times [Music] now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shotter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight them before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption rers accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by estate broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and low cost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar prod from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle touret but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create it to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ploration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wared that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president Vladmir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years wore both sides of Shand direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Shi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Marussia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China mere days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and CO’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border [Music] this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian AIS a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the North north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wve meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant wave Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against russan personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war War enter it enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed The Summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and the that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zine Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himer according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate me meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir ziny also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks from the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday due during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are not dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listening the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place Place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian minister of defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warn could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western a Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russ’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption mters accompanied the draft off officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shell instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based stup is one of the dozens equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is a biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers for this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their Fifer technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wared that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shand direct peace St zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact two thirs of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking Mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership ship a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this even assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas noo risk fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Lord in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to water fronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fat however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of Don the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of Don region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwo resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army near Le 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurk which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer with out a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zin’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orama has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalanski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bokov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zanski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir ziny also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party Support fors Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would p periodically stationed long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further of north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in Riv while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without it out I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion the SEC outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing ing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going po and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a ukraine-based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a cutter pillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding Advance at the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ceration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 902 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary is sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in Southern China M days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising above 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and Riv s are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drown including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 4 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing heat and a war or have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that represent of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in Dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned Aero vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President zanski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine y I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine M on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk Cru missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area’s hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two rosov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to in Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine mean Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the Z Foria nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls of aresia nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shutter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russia troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption WS accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that existing now days in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was logistic and it was about T it but you can use it whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and a high in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president vadir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that MOS Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he is visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian AIS a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia [Music] the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against br chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China at a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as a Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 Dees C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant W Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bwood resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their large from the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war ENT enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinsky has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit a at a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he called a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinsky says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Z Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have sh brought down 33 unmaned AO vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system HR according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulse at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russ is mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in turquia on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zinski also said he was not concerned the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers of great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russ said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces that engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region a in Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds is that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre bof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next SP we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roers accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly 35,000 do which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Hal Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the bar to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zelsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s president on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in budapes hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region under SCA China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thin veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anies in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia [Music] the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching conse consquences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° cus in the north of noas noo cisk fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wve meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the kar’s missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks Selinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in nov November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the world in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement indones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned area vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold hold a follow-up Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in Turkey now on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zinski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting Direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 999 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Motors accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quite obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost nonstop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground Road the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh wherever you want what imagination can created to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help forline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their puf foration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegation from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppos negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it is angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anies in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises is coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high l in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° Celsius recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are focking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power es have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian Hill City of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed end priz in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war buff sides have shunned direct peace talks ziny now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of IM mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian president VOD zanski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AO vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bokov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our Partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir ziny also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more right wi or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation mosco’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and rostov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war efforts the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian president Vlad Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without Power and Water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the co sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight them before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged president vad zinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who were inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a batttle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create it to use you cre has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their glorification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he is also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to Advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had open the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian conflict [Music] featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 kilm from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing unees in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world this one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° cius in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are focking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian St have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan Ni Northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that it’s forces had downed or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large numberb Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faes if the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and XI Jin ping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battle field two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalinski says that Russia should be rep presented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rockets system hus according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian president V zi also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that it forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now westan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls app Aria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into min V we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption vo accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 20 5 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices those strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops groups who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based startup is one of the dozens equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $355,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and un International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their purification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president vadir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians opposed direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and XI jingping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian conflict [Music] featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian AIS a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated it its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as a Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swiming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this com as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cold by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 30 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces Engage The Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over4 Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zalinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure ing peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it is anged his European Partners top officials of the European Union were boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefields two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmanned AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the pokrovsk area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a followup Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zensi has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zelinski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more right-wing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military ENT prises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front line situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all effort to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had down four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive War seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the east while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a cutterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country’s struggling to Halt Russia pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and count drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their Fifer technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact two-thirds of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by rukov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by hungry they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deep in strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China near days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian conflict [Music] featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these EX sies come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliances accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines Heat is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and re ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Lord in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispat to water fronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forc people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army near Le 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurk which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian Prim Minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orama has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top official offal of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalanski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian M Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned Aero vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple La launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zansi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian president V zalinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are HW whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reped many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times commiss now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to IM seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to defense STG now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm and ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption rors accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the east while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a Ukraine based SATA is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grandone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a C pillar that exist nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was logistic and it was a battle tur it but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing mow shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding Advance at East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president vadir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Sumit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-start now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of Ukraine ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing unees in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the chiming of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of novas Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local res through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity G ation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injo 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions C and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks sensy now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll as a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orana has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinsky says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in donque in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned aeral vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system heers according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not involed Ed speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President volinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers of great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Frid Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoy 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area’s hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escapee from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zakar was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospec this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of theum now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian Ian Invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantoma is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is worth working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 pound prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in a in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a batttle touret but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing manow shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on inov ation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years war both sides of Shand direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in swizerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a followup Summit in fact two-thirds of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meeting things with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese f forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of off a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s War eff through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of novas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave mean hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant wave Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very 10 the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war interests enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zelinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the zn. UA media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian president VOD zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro zine Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmanned AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a thir thir of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulse at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinsky has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian president vadir zi also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missil siles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 133 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front line donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile in oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of nestan leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin wared could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinski lowered the draft H to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply L the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drawn in Ukraine in a caterpillar that existed nowaday in using uh in a milit and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their glorification technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican warry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zalinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for an NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China mere days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with Belarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anies in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these excises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas noo cisk fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Lord in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wve meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is Le leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable weight of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however were cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donet region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian mil exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the Bel region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blue BL print for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 4 4% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary ass sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orama has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalinsky says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement indones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned aeral vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himer according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in harie Ukrainian president zanski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski had has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zki also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war hostile confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station longrange weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire and Russia’s Rost off region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia remains the most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kem during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times [Music] is now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized person from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to Ain some sort of exemption Motors accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 pound prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the ground drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle T it but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create it to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican warry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zilinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact two-thirds of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second p peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is closed to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on half of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China mere days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to West interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing unees in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwe in support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high aler in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatur and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° CSUS recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have rais concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fat however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent a Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing it soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river sure the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks ziny now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s Time For Peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir ziny says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure a peace deal the Russian M Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro zine Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned Aero vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in harke Ukrainian president zensi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be repr presented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine mess on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and a legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and Rost off and one in belgrad region joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north and the facei of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times [Music] now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin’s also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are get getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight them before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption roters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinski lowered the draft H to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on SM and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by iuk ukine based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing manow shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their floration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wared that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he is also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had open the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and bellarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of B aing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with belus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s East borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as a Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay in side kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoyed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelensky and said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained fir conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this were ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s War war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they have not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and XI Jin p ping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinsky says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control of the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the ukra Ian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zki also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 now Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions con constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls araria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 10 93 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd tin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by mosow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delay Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption V is ay comped the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and arm Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of pricey missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a Ukraine based startup is one of the dozens equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle tur it but you can use it whever you want what imagination can create it to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Hal Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is warning many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leader to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president vadir zilinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of shant direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the first of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungry’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M days after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strateg iic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border [Music] this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has a use the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides Buu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries a summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 degrees C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on higher in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant W Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian Hill City of donit the missile resulted in deaths of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what Aly means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks ziny now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had open the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing in for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then orbana has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine Hungary is claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Z Village a settlement indones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a followup Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zelinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospect of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more right-wing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks from the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and enjoed 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces said down four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing that and Lesly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the the Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapara region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the key regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times about to be sure now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly at adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy longrange missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have Str struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption mters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missile and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on ground drones the car siiz drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the dozen’s equipment await military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a cutterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed buggies for rental prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came he started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides have Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a nonstarter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negociations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Maria and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China near days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union Forge in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 kilm from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing unees in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains be and R ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high Al in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatur have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the city’s swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have force people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fans however the weather for forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of lman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukraine military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the Haas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Deport was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurs which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zelinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian Ian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zalanski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in Donia in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned Aero vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zansi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two Day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in Turkey on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zanski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the UK Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the areas’s hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian Dr two in rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escaped to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the Allies security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its Capac capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he’s not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation now the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign fan Thomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight them before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup paper one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than two years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by aate broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and low cost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a Ukraine based stup is one of the Dozen equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the GR drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in our days in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what imagination can create it to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale inovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zalinsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the CR he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a follow-up Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediate after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an in consequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rog meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China M day after NATO allies branded Beijing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and mosco deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and [Music] [Music] values Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occuring just 5 K km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia [Music] the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China CH a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides buau report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 Dees C in the north of novas Novis fountains beaches and River ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant W Pleasant way paron to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of SE serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures drop in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damage building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces are down or four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in Kur which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces is the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign min has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks selinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit at a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to Wy consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefield two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir zilinski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defenses systems have shot down 33 unmaned aeral vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himer according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claimed to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zenski is feeling the Heat Amed Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tur on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zki also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers of great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with chattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces that engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belg region joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense fting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls aaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 tensions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over two years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shutter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kiev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zalinsky lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhauled the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous 2 months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 lb prototype developed by a ukraine-based startup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly 35 ,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in the military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a batttle turet but you can use use it whatever you want what imagination can create to use Ukraine has been facing manow shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rental prior to the full scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their plation technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican wored that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatically escalate conflicts Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian president vadir zinski said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit is in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European un presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of Beijing is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China near days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 kmet from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia [Music] the timing of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however beijing’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far reaching consequences for both sides bu report weon world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30 Dees cus in the north of noas noo cisk fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high alert in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to waterfronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctors recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a pleasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fat however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donit region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered windows a separate attack on an unnamed Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military air ports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurk which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister had said that Moscow would not attend a follow up Summit in over two years of war both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelensky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Oran has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Oran says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oban embarked on his train the Kremlin dismissed it as inconsequential orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefields two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian President vadir ziny says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement indones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmar AAL vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the poov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zanski is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the 2-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the follow-up Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in tury on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zinski also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually reeled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically stationed long range of weapons including Tomahawk cruise missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the Donk region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two in rostov and one in belgrad region ad joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of the intense parting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of immunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the battlefield [Music] on the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing their endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of the now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafur ridia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the keev regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many [Music] times now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby Town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor nine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre belov spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary Austin also spoke by phone with Russian Minister of Defense Andre beloof during the call the secretary emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia’s ongoing War against Ukraine the last time Secretary Austin spoke with his Russian counterpart was on June 25th 2024 and later today a brief readout of the call will be posted to now the Russian defense Ministry said that the two held a phone call where they discussed lowering the risk of possible escalation the call which was initiated by Moscow comes as tensions between the two sides flare over Washington’s plans to deploy long range missiles in Germany a decision the Kremlin warned could spell a return to Cold War style confrontation now over 2 years of exhaustive war seems to have eroded enthusiasm in ukrainians to pick up arms against the Russian invasion attracting new Fighters is posing a challenge to Ukraine as cues of young men joining army are getting shorter strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months now to hold the line against Russian troops more details in our next report we don’t use Force we don’t twist anyone’s arm or force them into minivans we’re against these methods I’m against them this combat veteran who goes by the call sign phantomas is waging a different kind of battle on the streets of Kev to replenish troop numbers he says men are less eager to fight than before 28 months after Russia’s Invasion there’s a queue outside the local draft office but men under 60 now have to register or renew their personal data at draft offices or online by July 16th and draft officials say they’ve struggled with a sudden influx people used to wait for weeks to get the chance to join the Army now as far as I know most of the cues are people who want to obtain some sort of exemption Reuters accompanied the draft officer on a recent Patrol as he handed out callup papers one man slipped into a nearby store and another refused to stop others quietly obliged President Vladimir zinski lowered the draft age to 25 from 27 in April and overhaul the mobilization process and there are signs the drive is working recruitment numbers are shrouded in Wartime secrecy but the Ukrainian military told Reuters in a statement conscription more than doubled in May and June compared to the previous two months without providing figures many weary troops are desperate to be replaced after more than 2 years of almost non-stop service you’re needed replace us there are those who react positively I’d say up to 70% of the time I don’t even have to explain anything to them they understand that nobody else will do this except for themselves nobody else in an April survey commissioned by a state broadcaster about half of ukrainians thought mobilization was going poorly and 60% had a negative view of draft offices though strengthened by long delayed Western Aid Ukraine’s forces have struggled for months to hold the line against Russian troops who are inching forward in the East while the ongoing Ukraine Russia War has led to shortage of Manpower and armed Supply in the battlefield both sides have been replying on smart and lowcost Alternatives such as artillery shells instead of priceing missiles and drones and instead of fighter aircraft in the latest Ukraine has been hedging its bets on Grand drones the car-sized drones which can be controlled remotely is designed to act as a rescue and Supply vehicle it can also be modified to carry a remotely operated heavy machine gun or fire mine clearing charges the 1,750 PB prototype developed by a ukraine-based stup is one of the dozen’s equipment awaiting military assessment interestingly the grand drone costs nearly $35,000 which is 10% of what an equipment model imported from abroad will cost this is the biggest drone in Ukraine in a caterpillar that exist in nowaday in using uh in a military and also we are 10 times cheaper than uh the similar product from Europe our main uh subject it was evacuation it was a logistic and it was a battle turet but you can use it uh whatever you want what ination can create to use Ukraine has been facing Manpower shortages and uneven International assistance the country is struggling to Halt Russia’s pounding advance in the East and is counting heavily on Innovation at home several startups have been developing military equipment locally to help Frontline soldiers before this we designed various buggies for rent prior to the fulls scale Innovation it was nothing more than a hobby when the time came we started designing these kinds of things to help the military Ukraine has semi-autonomous attack drones and counter drone weapons endowed with artificial intelligence the combination of lowcost weapons and artificial intelligence tools is Waring many experts who say lowcost drones will enable their ceration technology leaders to the United Nations and the Vatican worry that the use of drones and AI in weapons can reduce the barrier to killing and dramatic escalate conflict Russia has received an informal invite for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit in over two years of war both sides of Shan direct peace talks zilinski now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he has also said that he has a goal to have all of the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold up a followup Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine host delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the doors to direct talks with Moscow but just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in fact 2third of ukrainians oppose negotiations with Russia as well and according to a new poll the poll conducted by razumov it has found that 64% of ukrainians oppose direct talks with Russia before the war ends but while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary has sought The Prestige of a mediator after taking over European Union’s presidency on the 1st of July and since then Orban has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he has visited Ukraine Russia aeran China the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it is close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both the Waring sides but when Orban embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as an inconsequential one orban’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban has not been acting on behalf of the block China’s joint military exercises with Russia and Belarus coming just days after NATO’s strongest denunciation of beijin is making the West jittery these drills seen as a direct response to the growing US military presence in the region underscores China’s deepening strategic ties with Russia and its Defiance of Western influence here’s a report China has launched joint Naval exercises with Russia at a military port in southern China near days after NATO allies branded basing of backing Russia in the UK Ukrainian [Music] conflict featuring air defense and anti-submarine drills the move is another display of the growing sinor Russian Alliance these drills are a calculated demonstration of Beijing and moscow’s deepening strategic partnership a union forged in opposition to Western interests and values [Music] [Music] Chinese forces have simultaneously engaged in an 11-day joint training exercise with bellarus near the Polish border this Eagle assault anti-terrorist program occurring just 5 km from NATO territory is a thinly veiled attempt to send a signal to Europe and showcase China’s expanding military reach these exercises come amidst growing anes in Europe over the solidification of a potential Eurasian axis a powerful military and economic Alliance stretching from Europe’s Eastern borders to the Pacific China has also recently held drills with LA and Cambodia the chiming of these exercises coming immediately after NATO’s unprecedented rebuke of China is no coincidence the alliance’s accusation that Beijing has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war effort through its No Limits partnership and support for Russia’s defense industry has clearly struck a nerve Beijing has accused the alliance of seeking security at the expense of others and warned against bringing chaos to Asia clearly the tensions continue to rise for years the European Union has carefully navigated its relationship with China balancing economic interdependence with concerns about human rights and geopolitical Ambitions however Bean’s unwavering support for Russia’s aggression in Ukraine may be a Tipping Point the EU may be forced to re-evaluate its economic ties with China a decision with potentially far-reaching consequences for both sides bu report we on world is one as the Ukraine Russia War continues to rage on the front lines heat fave is making its way into the two countries as summer deepens in the northern hemisphere exceptionally hot weather has made its way to Russian Siberia with temperatures Rising about 30° C in the north of noas nois fountains beaches and Riv ranks are becoming popular places for people to cool down furthermore Rescuers were on high l in the city as 48 people have already drowned including 16 children since the beginning of the swimming season Rescuers were dispatched to water fronts to Guide local residents through the heat wave meanwhile hot weather in Ukraine is leaving locals sweating in the high temperatures and with power blackouts caused by war with Russia they can even turn to air conditioning to cool down temperatures have hit over 30° C recently some residents are trying to seek relief under the shade of trees while doctor recommending are recommending residents to stay indoors during extreme heat now this comes as Russian missile attacks have destroyed much of the country’s electricity generation capacity preventing the use of air conditions people are flocking to the City swimming pools it might look like a peasant Way Pleasant way pardon to spend the day but the Searing Heat and the war have raised concerns of serious health problems the weather conditions combined with power outages have forced people to adapt to a new reality at home many rely more on gas heaters to cook food it’s a more reliable way of getting food on the table than trying to prepare meals around power blackouts however cafes and larger Enterprises face bigger problems it is almost unbearable to stay inside kitchens during the heat which is only cooled by small fats however the weather forecast shows temperatures dropping in the coming days Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Front Line this comes after a Russian missile landed near an administrative building and a bus stop in the town Northwest of the Russian H city of donit the missile resulted in death of about four people and injured 10 others the governor of donat’s region posted images from the impact site showing a badly damaged building and a bus with shattered Windows a separate attack on an un named Enterprise in the town of costan nka northwest of bakou resulted in deaths of two civilians and injured three others another attack on the town of Lyman further north resulted in injuries to seven people furthermore Russia has said that its forces had launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises the Russian defense Ministry further said that over the past week the forces have targeted Ukrainian military Industrial Enterprises energy facilities military airports and the highas missile systems on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly a 100 times in multiple directions and the Frontline situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and had conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front lines Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed over four Ukrainian drones two in rosov and one in the belgrad region at joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the face of intense fighting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it is not just losing the soldiers but also the military personnel and many youngsters many Ukrainian soldiers are losing their lives not in the battlefields but while trying to escape from the battlefield a new Wall Street Journal report says that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in the river while trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine’s war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issues that the ukrainians faces as the war enter enters into its third summer without a clear path towards victory has received an informal invit for the second Ukraine peace Summit Ukrainian President Vladimir zalinski has said that Russia should be represented at the second Summit but the Kremlin has responded saying that Russia needs to understand what zinski means by a peace Summit Russia has maintained firm conditions and requires them to be fulfilled to hold any peace talks just last week a Russian Deputy foreign minister has said that Moscow would not attend a follow-up Summit in over two years of War both sides have shunned direct peace talks seninsky now aims to secure lasting peace with the Kremlin he’s also said that he has a goal to have all the elements of a peace plan ready so that he can hold a follow-up session Summit in November I believe that for this we’re ready to hold the second Ukraine peace Summit sooner rather than later and I believe that representatives of Russia should be present at the second Summit I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan thus the summit probably well the plan and everything else for the second Summit will be ready at the first summit in Switzerland last month Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries to advance its blueprint for peace Russia was not invited and the Kremlin also dismissed the summit as a non-starter now zelinsky’s remarks come after his visit to Washington for a NATO Summit AT a press conference after the visit the president had opened the door to direct talks with Moscow in fact almost half of ukrainians also believe it’s time to start official peace talks with Russia that’s according to a new poll a survey published by the media outlet has found that 44% of ukrainians think it’s time for peace negotiations with Russia now while Ukraine has been preparing for the second peace Gathering Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban was also on what he calls a peacemaking mission Hungary ass sought the Pres pres of a mediator after taking over the European Union’s presidency on July the 1st since then Orana has been on a world tour without a plan of his own he visited Ukraine Russia aaban China and the United States Orban says the peace mission is aimed at brokering an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine hungary’s claim is that it’s close to becoming the only country in Europe that can talk to both Waring sides but when Oran embarked on his trip the Kremlin dismissed it as in consequential oran’s trip has however led to one key consequence it has angered his European Partners top officials of the European Union will boycott meetings in Budapest hosted by Hungary they say they had not been informed in advance about the Rogue meetings with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and that Orban had not been acting on behalf of the block as Russia continues to make significant gains on the battlefields two years into the war in Ukraine Ukrainian president President vadir zalanski says that Russia should be represented at the second Summit hoping to secure peace deal the Russian Min Ministry of Defense says its forces have taken control over the uro Zan Village a settlement in dones in addition Russian air defense systems have shot down 33 unmaned AA vehicles and 10 Rockets fired by the US made multiple launch rocket system himr according to the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least 66 clashes have been reported along the front lines with over a third of combat clashes having occurred in the bov area of dones region the Ukrainian forces claim to have repulsed at least three attacks in har Ukrainian president zansi is feeling the heat amid Russia’s mounting offensive he’s planning to hold a follow-up Summit to the two-day June 15th Summit in Switzerland which saw countries like China India Saudi Arabia among others skipping the event as Russia was not invited speaking at a press conference zalinski has now advocated for Russia to be represented at the followup Summit he said that separate meetings on key issues including energy Security will be held in Qatar and on food Security in Turkey on our part and on the part of our partners I believe that everything will be done I believe that for this purpose we will be ready to bring the second Summit as close as possible and I believe that Russian Representatives should be at the second Summit Ukrainian President vadir zelinsky also said he was not concerned at the prospects of another Donald Trump presidency in the US stating that many republican lawmakers have great respect for Ukraine I think that if Mr Donald Trump becomes president we will work I’m not afraid of this Ukraine is at War we are emotional and when there is uncertainty and the Republican party is different there are hawks whose messages are more rightwing or more radical probably but I want to tell you that the majority of the Republican Party supports Ukraine and the people of Ukraine on Friday Russia said that its forces have launched attacks on the Ukrainian military Enterprises Ukraine responded by saying that it actually repelled many of the Russian attacks in a new wave of warnings the Kremlin has announced the deployment of us missiles in Germany could make European capitals a clear and legitimate Target for Russian missiles in a repeat of a cold war style confrontation moscow’s warning has come after the White House announced on Wednesday during a NATO Summit that it would periodically station long range weapons including Tomahawk Cru missiles in Germany from the year 2026 the Kremlin has criticized this move accusing Washington of taking a step towards a new Cold War and of directly participating in the conflict in Ukraine the Russian attacks have killed at least about six people and injured 13 others in Ukraine’s Eastern Frontline donit region the governor of the donit region posted images from the impact sites showing a badly damaged building and also a bus with shattered windows on the same day the general staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian forces had engaged the Russian army nearly 100 times in multiple directions and the front lines situation remains very tense the Ukrainian military exerted all efforts to prevent Russian advances and it conducted strikes against Russian personnel and Equipment meanwhile an oil Depot was on fire in Russia’s rostov region after a Ukrainian drone attack the area is hundreds of kilometers from the front line and Russia’s defense Ministry announced that its forces had downed four Ukrainian drones two and rostov and one in belr region are joining Ukraine and another one in kurks which is further up north in the faith of the intense farting Ukraine is losing its soldiers and it’s not just in war many Ukrainian soldiers are reportedly losing their lives not on the battlefield but while they’re trying to escape from the battlefield according to reports in the Wall Street Journal it’s being said that a large number of Ukrainian men are dying but drowning in rivers while they’re trying to escape to neighboring Nations many of them are said to be fugitives from a military draft that was aimed at sustaining Ukraine war effort the bodies in the river show the biggest issue that Ukraine faces is not that of lack of ammunition but the lack of trained Personnel to take on the Russian Onslaught in the [Music] battlefield on the the other hand Russia has said that it is not planning to attack NATO as it was the alliance that was aggravating tensions foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria zacharova was referring to a NATO Summit declaration that said Russia Remains The most significant and direct threat to the allly security this is what she said listen in the second point that I would like to draw your attention to is that the final declaration that was adopted at the NATO Summit in Washington which was held from July 9th to 11th Russia was once again called a threat to the group a direct quote in all operating environments for long-term prospective this is not so Russia is not preparing to attack NATO the North Atlantic Alliance is following the path of escalating tensions constantly they’re pushing they’re endlessly mentioning Russia and its capacity from document to document of now Western leaders have repeatedly said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will order his military to go further and attack NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe if he is not stopped in Ukraine meanwhile Putin met with the Moscow installed governor of the zapia region in Kremlin during the meeting he told the governor that the main focus in zapia was the security of the nuclear power plant Putin accused Ukraine of conducting strikes against the nuclear plant he adds that a lack of attention from this to this in fact from the forces that that support Ukraine is a big mistake on their part the key factor is the maintaining of security of the entire region and people we will do this we will manage it without a doubt I see the things that need to be addressed that are connected to the security first of all this is the security of the zafia nuclear power plant the fact that the enemy is conducting direct strikes on the plant requires special attention from our side and unfortunately does not draw attention from those forces that support the KE regime today this is their big mistake and we will remember this and talk about this many times commiss now the attack took place earlier this month when and this is according to Russian officials a Ukrainian drone attack injured eight workers from the Russian controls Zaria nuclear power plant and left a nearby town largely without power and water earlier the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that demanded that Russia to immediately seize its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized Personnel from the zapia nuclear power plant the 193 member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution with 99 votes in favor 9ine against and 60 abstentions meanwhile the Pentagon said that amid tensions over the war in Ukraine us defense secretary Lloyd Austin and Russian defense minister Andre beluso spoke for a second time in just over two weeks separately this morning secretary auson also

While the Russia-Ukraine war continues to rage on, Russian general staff chief sets new targets in eastern Ukraine. Watch his livestream for continued coverage.
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