Kamala Harris releases statement after Biden steps down from 2024 race

Vice President Kamala Harris vowed she would fight for the Democratic presidential nomination after President Joe Biden said he would be dropping out of the 2024 presidential election and endorsed her. #kamalaharris #CNN #news

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  1. What i think is funny, is that NO democrat voted for Kamala, yet we are supposed to believe the democrat party follows democratic proceedures. I guess the fact that the democrat party has SUPER DELEGATES, which decide the nominee an not the will of the democrat voters. 2008, hillary got the delegates from the voters, the super delegates voted for obama. Who won?

    2016, bernie got the delegates from the voters, the super delegates voted for hillary. Who won?

    The democrat party is anything but democratic, and the base isnt smart enough to understand any of this.

  2. I’m a Black former Democrat, now Independent. I voted for Biden and he didn’t do shit for us. The Democratic owned TV stations like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC, feed us their bull shit.

    Why has food and gas prices skyrocketed?

    Why was China so comfortable to send their spy balloons into our country under Biden and Kamala’s watch?

    Why did Biden and Kamala only give $700 to each person that suffered in Hawaii, but gave BILLIONS to support Ukraine?

    Have you seen the Child Sex Trafficking movie “Sound Of Freedom?” Well, Kamala and Biden just added THOUSANDS of women and children into sex slavery, because of our open borders.

    I learned the KKK was created by the Democratic Party and the Democrats fought to KEEP slavery in the Civil War!

    Biden and Kamala know how to act black, but they didn’t do shit for us. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    Trump signed a bill that gave Black Colleges $250Million permanently every year when he was president. The Democratic TV stations make Trump to be a racist so he doesn’t win. They organized the court cases against him as well.

    Set personal bias aside and really see that Trump has the policies and the respect from Asia and Russia that we need. Our economy was better, and our country was more protected with him.

  3. This is what Kamala did for California black men, "As San Francisco’s district attorney, her prosecutors convicted more than 1,900 people for weed violations. When reporters pointed out that her 2014 Republican opponent for attorney general supported legalization, she laughed and said, “He’s entitled to his opinion.” – SF Chronicle, Mar 15, 2024

    Libs won't want to talk about her record, they just talk about how she can laugh and be happy hahaha.

  4. OMG if kamala harris becomes POTUS there is no hope for America..how on earth does a person like her get to the positions she's in?? The woman has no brain. Honestly she slept herself to this position, its just wrong…I thought America had more respect for itself..The destruction she caused to the Black community as DA in california..and now she has the neck to suck up to them…Even if u don't like Trump, do the right thing and do what's best for your country..he did an amazing job in his first 4 years and he'll do the same in his 2nd term…so Trump is getting my vote, someone who loves his country and not some sidekick who slept her way to wear she is..

  5. Why are we so focused on what her skin tone, ethnicity, and her gender? I need a valid reason why she is a good candidate and what she can provide to the people, not her resume. With this sudden change, i dont believe having to find a running mate, develope a new campaign, and having only a couple months to build a following on womens abortion rights and legal department is helping her in any way. Especially, with our crippling economy which Trump has a primary focus on. To Harris, i think the economy is an after thought

  6. The future. Kamala's future includes open borders with millions more illegals burdening the tax payers while draining social security and medicare. Funding endless wars. Don't forget green energy, so all will pay even more. Gas and diesel prices will double again. Inflation will soar.

  7. Suddenly Kamala's speeches where she rambles and misspeaks are missing from the search engines. Now we get stories about Trump's age whereas the news avoided age when Biden was running. Good thing the Democrats ignored the votes and installed her otherwise we would have a democratic process, but that would be absurd.

  8. If the FBI spent millions collecting phone record, emails and tweets of hundreds or thousands of Americans at the Jan6 rally, looking for threads of an insurrection, they should search phone record, emails and tweets of all FBI, USSS, DEA and ATF agents in involved in the July 13th rally looking for threads of assassination.

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