Kamala Harris Uses 6-Second Clip Of Trump Telling The Truth About Her Campaign In New Ad—And It’s Gold

Kamala Harris Uses 6-Second Clip Of Trump Telling The Truth About Her Campaign In New Ad—And It’s Gold


Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. If she continues to prosecute Don the Con the way one prosecutes a criminal mob boss, and not the way one prosecutes a normal political campaign of ideas, she will crush him.

  2. 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊 💙 Harris 2024 💙 🌊

  3. What a shitshow of a website. Tried to view and just ads, pop ups and whatever. Gave up.

  4. Kamala is what we needed to take it over the top .
    Thanks to Joe for being the man he is a realizing it’s the best for all of who believe in America.

  5. He is not going to be able to keep his cool with this level of trolling lol bring on the meltdown

  6. God dammit,…. It’s about fucking time the Democrats started playing some freaking hard ball against these Nazi fascist assholes!!

  7. Good to see the Dems finally get it. Trump’s kryptonite is doubt as he has the world’s largest, most fragile ego. Anything to make him second guess what he says or his decisions (/wave JD) will cascade errors.

  8. I have always thought the best way to attack Trump is to go right after the ridiculousness of him and his supporters. This is how you do that. Make it funny. When a leader becomes a joke they often have no rebuttal that doesn’t lead into more jokes.

    At the debates all you have to do is start the debate with: “as you listen to Trump tonight I want you to take him seriously, and actually listen to his ideas. And then think about how insane and ridiculous they are in practice.” Then everytime he spouts one of his ridiculous ideas just say “see! Wasn’t that completely ridiculous?”

    You could do that all night and not have to talk at all about your own policy and every attempt Trump would make to not sound ridiculous would come off more and more insane.

  9. When this man is slayed by a uterus having human being, the very humans he sees as lesser than, poetic justice will finally be served.

  10. “And then their campaign says, ‘I’m the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon.” – Trump in a dopey voice.

    “I’m Kamala Harris, and I approve this message”

    Saved you a click

  11. She’s so shady 😂

    I was already going to vote for her, but that just makes me like her more.

  12. So simple to take down this old orange man.
    I am sure his ear is ringing from all the laughing 🤣

  13. Fucking Christ I hate sites like that. Just show me the video damnit. Not six miles of random paragraphs and ads. Ffs

  14. Meh. Mango is too stupid to realize people r making fun of him. And his followers r worse

  15. When Kamala and Dumpster have a debate. All Kamala has to do is listen to him rant/lie. Then when it’s her turn she must state “ all that was a 100% lie, please go do your research. That’s it , every time she is given the mic she must state the above

  16. I love how Harris has a staff that hAs apparently been chomping at the bit to fight.

    And Trump is now the chump.

  17. I hope her campaign trolls him mercilessly. He has been a mean girl in our politics long enough. Time to emasculate him… what’s left of his manhood, anyway.

  18. Trump most likely will debate… he just won’t answer any questions, only be an attacker… he doesn’t know how to have a civil discussion about anything….

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