Trump Is Now Facing Serious Memory Lapses Which Has People Concerned

Trump Is Now Facing Serious Memory Lapses Which Has People Concerned

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. That explains how he can take a bullet and a minute later go back to focusing on the rally.

  2. Trump is setting up the rumors ahead of time that he’s mentally unfit to stand trial. He knows he will probably lose the election, and the trials are looming.

  3. A week ago, the republican party was saying a person Trumps age wasn’t fit to be president. Think about this! If Kamala were a white male, she would be the republican nominee for president. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

  4. Unfit Old Man who, reportedly, wears diapers. Falls asleep in court and at his own convention. A Convicted Felon, too.

    Trump should drop out of the race.

  5. too old and feeble minded. needs to drop out and go to a nursing home! Vote Blue!

  6. NOW the press is talking about this? Fuck. Biden showed signs of age. Trump is showing signs of his brain being eaten by syphilis. He’s been showing cognitive compromise since 2015. At least.

  7. Because lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, and pedophilia wasn’t enough to sway them.

  8. Concern? It should be relief delusional – claims the ear grew back “Quickly”. It’s time for elderly intervention. Wheel em out to the veranda with the blanket over the lap, and drool cup.

  9. Now? It’s been a problem for a while but without Joe biden to compare to it’s super obvious. Why do you think Trump’s team is very cagey about going on live with a debate against Kamala Harris? It’ll be so freaking obvious and he might drop a hard N word since he’s you know … A racist boomer to whom a woman is taking to the cleaners.

    This is really not news… Everyone has been saying it for years, just now there isn’t another old guy to point to and say ” And you think HE’S better?!”.

  10. Isn’t Alzheimer’s somewhat hereditary? His hella-racist dad had well-documented Alzheimer’s before dying from pneumonia.

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