BREAKING: In a stunning leak, JD Vance is found to be calling for a federal response to stop women from traveling from red states to blue states to receive reproductive healthcare. Retweet so all Americans hear this devastating leak.

BREAKING: In a stunning leak, JD Vance is found to be calling for a federal response to stop women from traveling from red states to blue states to receive reproductive healthcare. Retweet so all Americans hear this devastating leak.

Posted by questison

  1. I spent the day helping my cousin at his repair shop out in the sticks of a hardcore conservative state. After we finished, we decided to grab a drink at a gritty dive bar nearby. It’s the kind of place where miners, truckers, genuine cowboy hat wearers, and blue-collar folks come to blow off steam.

    Vice President Harris came on the TV, and the local auto parts store owner, who was chatting with his buddy, a retired construction worker he’d known since grade school, said,

    “You know what? She’s not half bad. The damn economy’s on the mend, there’s no more chaos in the streets, and we’re finally standing up for ourselves on the world stage. Hell, I never thought I’d say this, but I’m voting for Kamala this time.”

    I looked around and saw people nodding in agreement. A few guys yelled, “Hell yeah” and “You got that right” from around the bar. Even the old farmer in the corner, with his beat-up cap, raised his glass in a silent salute.

  2. At this rate, ‘no driving for women’ will be added to this maga misogyny platform.

  3. You mean an *abortion*, he wants to stop women from going across the State border to get an abortion. Euphemisms aren’t needed here.

    You cannot tell if they will get an abortion when crossing the border, so you would have to stop *pregnant* women from crossing the State border, **just in case** they may *intend* to get an abortion. Even if it’s for other healthcare reasons, you cannot know their intention.

    What if they’re getting an amniocentesis at a hospital across a border? That might show an chromosome abnormality, they may have to terminate the pregnancy. They may be forced to get a non-viable **fetus** aborted. Poor woman, going to hospital with hopes and dreams, only to have those hopes crushed, no baby, and a bill for an abortion with added travel costs and potentially a murder charge when they get back.

    And you cannot tell if they’re pregnant unless you monitor and track all womens menstruation, and involve yourselves in their sex lives, in order to know if they’re pregnant. So you pass laws requiring women report missing a period, or getting a positive pregnancy test, and you pass laws tracking pregnancy tests, and force gynochologists to disclose details on their patients to your *pregnancy police*.

    What if the women gets a false positive pregnancy test. Do you assume she must have aborted the blastocyst? Throw her in jail? Evil women and not crappy unreliable tests?

    And what if they miscarry? ~20% miscarry, 40%+ for older women. **Murderers?** They’re sitting there, on the toilet, a blood sack in front of them, crying their eyes out at the loss of their child, and you Vance want to make that worse?

    Who is better to judge, the women in the situation and her doctors, or JD Vance, a man who thinks his boss is the American Hitler and now lies about it to get power?

    I get Republicans were trained on this **abortion dog whistle**. They were told, *its a baby, a cute baby, and those evil woke Liberals like killing babies, even after they’re born!* Utter bullcrap. Do you think a women gets an abortion lightly? Or that babies are born, and the doctor, then takes his hammer out and smashes its head it as the women changes her mind? Yet Trump tells you there are “post-birth-abortions”? Don’t you suppose the mans an evil liar?

    **It was a dog whistle, Republicans were never supposed to get abortion outlawed, they were supposed to always vote Republican everytime they blew the dog whistle.**

    And now we have the doubling down on it, to try to rescue their dog whistle.

  4. Then they won’t be able to leave the state to get away from their abusive husbands.

    Then you won’t be able to leave to go see certain performers, artists, bands.. or at least don’t come back.

    Then you just won’t be able to leave, unless you’re a good law abiding Christian and even then some family members will not be permitted to travel along.. to ensure good behavior and return.

    And the entire time they’ll be setting this up, they’ll be screaming about how persecuted they are and how the other side are a bunch of communists.

  5. Women crossing state lines for reproductive care, as well as their drivers/friends, should be given fake IDs with inflated ages, along with free disguises: dowdy housedresses, rimless glasses, unbuttoned cardigans (pushed-up sleeves, with Kleenex tucked in), curly white wigs, flat oxfords…

    As an old lady myself, I don’t mind using a stereotype for good. They can raid my closet for the cause!

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