Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates

Harris Taunts Trump After He Backs Out of Debates


  1. the catharsis i feel from her ACTUALLY calling this douchbag out publically is immesurable

  2. I expect Trump to face Kamala just like he testified and faced the prosecutor in his trial.

  3. She really has no chill and I love it. Nice and refreshing. I get paid tomorrow so will be sure to donate to her. Hope everyone joins me in donating a little bit every paycheck

  4. >*Cheung … claimed that there “is a strong sense” in the Democrat Party that Harris “cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone ‘better.’”*

    >*“Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds,” wrote Cheung.*

    Can you imagine the shit you have to **pretend** to believe to be a Republican operative?

  5. If he is scared to debate with members of the other party, he can’t do the job

  6. Kamala Harris is the Democratic version of General Patton. She’s not holding shit, she’s smashing into these fuckers.

  7. Honestly after a solid decade of this absolute piece of shit just dominating the news on a constant basis and kid gloves continually being used it feels *so nice* having someone high profile actually consistently calling him out in real time.

  8. I will give Harris this (beyond all her other great qualities) she’s not afraid to talk shit. Biden was good at it in 2020, but it’s clear he slowed down and was a bit too tied to the idea of being the image of the dignified statesman. Kamala isn’t pulling punches and I think that is really rattling Donald here. No one else has been willing to swing at him like this and he’s not used to it.

    It’s going to fire up the base like nothing else.

  9. On Fox, Trump has nothing but angry spewage when talking about Harris. He’s definitely freaked.

  10. If he can’t handle a debate against Kamala, how is he supposed to handle Putin or Xi?

  11. Biden wasn’t the official candidate either when they debated. So why is it a problem to do it with Harris now? Hmm.. I wonder what it could be!

  12. Say it loud and clear:

    “Trump, who’s supposed to be ‘brave’ for taking a bullet – is too scared to debate a woman of color!”

  13. Wouldn’t take the stand and now won’t debate. Trump memes featuring him in a chicken suit in 3..2…1

  14. This is how she wins. All she has to do is keep saying Donnie is so afraid of her that he won’t even debate her. This is a guy who can’t handle being called a chicken, the more she openly taunts him the crazier he’ll get.

  15. Trump got lucky during the debate with Biden as Biden fell for the gish gallop. Surely democrats will not allow that to happen again. Trump is fucked if he debates Harris. She will mop the floor with him and he knows it.

  16. “Well, I think a Presidential debate with a twice impeached ex president, who’s also a convicted felon and a convicted sexual predator is undignified. So, I’ll be campaigning to keep him out of office that day.”

  17. She will dismantle him on the Carroll verdict alone – he’ll be forced to lie which will expose him to another lawsuit and more millions down the drain.

  18. She needs to go further and harder on this. She needs to win over older midwestern people.

    Call him a coward and a felon. Say that you are there to be strong for the USA and if Trump can’t stand on a stage and talk then he’s not strong enough to face Americas enemies.

  19. Another reason why I love Kamala.
    Gen X doesn’t give a f$ck and doesn’t have time for his bs.

  20. Donate. Vote. We can win this thing. Together, we can do it. We have the momentum now…we can make it happen.

  21. I was completely tuned out of election politics for the longest time since it was so damn depressing. This past week has been a jolt of energy. And I’m all in. 

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