We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic!

We knew Trump would do this! Pathetic!

Posted by Reciter5613

  1. Meanwhile, MAGA is constantly telling everyone how brave and strong Trump is.

    Honestly, his reactions to Kamala Harris over the next few weeks might just open a few eyes at what a cowardly wimp he really is.

  2. If Trump does end up debating Kamala, I wonder if he’ll lurk around behind her looking threatening like he did to Hillary.

  3. Fake. He’s not able to run, just to roll clumsily to the nearest golf cart, praying not to overflow the diaper in the process

  4. Trump is a coward? Who knew? Dodged the draft five times, due to bone spurs. Most persons with bone spurs can’t golf.
    Yup! A complete coward and a pathological liar.

  5. I think Trump & Biden should do that second debate on Sept. 10 – even though I KNOW Biden isn’t running. My theory is that Joe won’t give a damn anymore and just tell America what’s really on his mind… maybe interrupt Trump with “Felon says what?” and laugh when Trump says “wut?”. Stuff like that… ah, if only.

    Fun fact: Harris lead her college debate team. She is fierce and no nonsense in a debate. I can’t say I envy her having to waste her talent on debating an orangutan who may well throw poop at her and claim victory, but here we are… I never voted for Trump, never will… but Harris has my vote, and I sure hope the DNC gets their ducks in one sock soon.

  6. In his excuse for bailing, Trump pretends that there’s still a chance that Harris won’t actually become the official candidate, despite already having confirmed a sufficient number of electors ahead of the Democratic convention. We’ll see if he’ll try to weasel out of a debate again once she’s confirmed.

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