The Obamas Endorse Harris: ‘This Is Going to Be Historic’

The Obamas Endorse Harris: ‘This Is Going to Be Historic’

  1. Tweet : **Earlier this week, Michelle and I called our friend @KamalaHarris. We told her we think she’ll make a fantastic President of the United States, and that she has our full support. At this critical moment for our country, we’re going to do everything we can to make sure she wins in November. We hope you’ll join us.**

  2. In a joint statement announcing the endorsement, the Obamas praised Harris and listed her accomplishments.

    “But Kamala has more than a resume,” the statement said. “She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris has exactly what it takes to win this election and deliver for the American people.”

    The statement added, “At a time when the stakes have never been higher, she gives us all reason to hope.”

  3. The Democrats are really doing well controlling the release of news and dominating the news cycle.

    Biden stepping aside.

    The endorsements of all her potential rivals.

    Now the weekend is dominated by Obama.

    Next, the VP and virtual roll call.

    Then the actual convention, which I’m predicting will be crazy.

    September, the debates or fallout if they don’t happen.

    Dems are on offense for once and it’s great!

  4. Lol right after Trump tried to use his lack of endorsement as an excuse to run from the debate. Completely cut off at the knees. Democrats are smelling blood in the water, and I absolutely fucking love it. Between Dark Brandon stepping down *after* the RNC, Harris firing on all cylinders right out the gate, and now this, my party is **cooking**!!! Harris 2024! Let’s fucking go!!!

  5. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 83%. (I’m a bot)
    > Barack and Michelle Obama have endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination for president, sharing the news in a joint phone call.

    > A video released by the campaign suggests the former president and first lady called Harris on Thursday while the vice president was in Houston, where she addressed the American Federation of Teachers and received a briefing on recovery efforts following Hurricane Beryl.

    > "We called to say, Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office," Barack Obama is heard telling Harris in a 55-second video of the call.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~691158 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Harris**^#1 **Obama**^#2 **president**^#3 **Biden**^#4 **campaign**^#5

  6. …and Trump literally just used Obama’s lack of an endorsement thus far as an excuse for not debating me.

  7. Of course he was going to endorse her. He was just timing when to announce it for the news cycle

  8. It feels like the democrats have this whole thing mapped out, and a primed to fire responses as soon as the Repugnant-licans do anything.

    – We see the RNC, Vance announced as VP pick, and just as that media circus gets underway, Biden off the top rope with the withdrawal. Leading to:

    – “The dems are in disarra-” Nope, Kamala is right out the gate, firing on all cylinders with Biden, potential rivals and celebs lining up to endorse, breaking fundraising records left and right.

    – Trump refuses to debate, citing no Obama endorsement – Obama drops a 5am announcement, taking the attention off Cheeto Benito yet again, as we head into the weekend.

    Every step of the way, no matter what the GoP does, the Dems are shooting back immediately, completely derailing the narrative the Conservatives are trying to build. The outstanding detail of course, is Harris’ VP pick. They must be saving that for something special.

  9. It’s nice how positive things have been, but 2016 called to remind us it ain’t over until the fat man sings (about election interference). Then 2020 sent a text to remind us it still isn’t over after that.

    Vote as if your lives depend on it, especially if you’re a woman because your life *does* depend on it.

  10. I was really hoping for an open convention and a different candidate, but this unity and going on the offensive has all been a very pleasant surprise.

  11. The Obamas announced at 5am, to get Trump yelling for people to get out of the bathroom so that he can go in to shitpost. 

  12. It’s a coup! Which is funny because all of the big rivals and delegates have already pledged support. Republicans and RFK freaks really want a “Biden or bust” wedge and it is nonexistent.

  13. It feels like a bigger deal than 2016 and 2020 in what will be remembered as the craziest election of our lifetime. If aliens touched down and made first contact by an endorsement, I wouldn’t be surprised.

  14. Trump is getting cooked in the daily news cycle. So far all he has is constant repeating of her name wrong, bailing on the next debate, a VP pick in shambles, and bleeding support from almost every voting block. This time next week the polling could show it’s the D’s in a landslide. I wonder what he’ll stage this weekend in an attempt to right the ship…

  15. Remember everyone. It only happens when we vote, so check your registration. Tell anyone you care about, let them know the stakes for staying home. Project 2025 is un-American and will put people you love along with yourself in danger. It’s up to us. Let’s get it done, Harris 2024!!!!


    History in the making, people. For the first time in years, I feel pretty confident that the future might be not so dark.


  17. Damn right it’ll be historic. First female president and of color…sign me up! But everyone get out there and VOTE

  18. Hopefully it shuts up that one poster that kept posting the same Obama doesn’t think Kamala can win crap over and over

  19. We can not become complacent. We need to build on the enthusiasm and turn it into control of the house, senate, and white house. But we also have to remember it ain’t over til it is over. We can win this but we need to be vote.

  20. They literally called her while she was wearing the tan suit on Wednesday. They leaked this today, which means there’s a full pipeline on this rollout – Dems in array

  21. Didn’t the Republicans explicitly state that Barack Hussein Obama didn’t support, and that’s why they didn’t want to debate her

  22. Oh man r/conservative gonna be BIG MAD about this one, all week they’ve been on about how Obama wasn’t supporting her blah blah blah

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