Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring

Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring

Trump Upset That Misogynistic And Racist Attacks On VP Harris Are Backfiring

Posted by inewser

  1. Gee it’s almost like visceral bullying makes you look like an asshole

  2. He is just beginning to comprehend how much his misogynistic project 2025 and vp pick are galvanizing the women’s vote against his ancient ass.

  3. If I could talk to Harris I’d tell her be sure to use all his arguments against Biden towards him. If she can get him to crack. I can see old dementia patient emerging quickly. Question him how he feels that someone tried to kill him. He’s a felon. Oh ya I see a flabbergasted senior emerging. To add to bowl just make up some outlandish lies as she’s insulting him in a debate. Ask why his wife sleeps in a different bedroom.. tell him I know why she’s smart enough to not get on a stage with him.. that’s his tactic attack the person. Give him his own medication.

  4. The simple fact is trump is a horrible candidate. Objectively horrible. No platform, no policies, no plans.

  5. People are so tired of him and his boring routine. America wants him to just go away 

  6. Oh no, the consequences of my actions affect me negatively! He deserves to lose the election and to go to jail.

  7. I’m guessing Don-Old is upset because he woke up and found out it’s 2024 not 1954, that time moves forward not backwards, people enjoy laughing and his generation is in the final phase of this earthly journey, which he has wasted, criming, pathological lying, sexually abusing, and frauding. Just guessing of course.

  8. Again, not upset that they are making racist and misogynistic attacks… But upset they are backfiring.

  9. She’s a 59-year old black woman in the United States. Im quite sure this is not the first time she’s been attacked just for her mete existence

  10. Wow its almost like hes finally met his match. He spent millions in attack ads and merch for his brainwashed cultists to bash Biden with and now hes finally met his match: An articulate, educated woman who knows of all the crimes this orange dipshit has committed. This is what ive always wanted

  11. These people honestly think everyone else is a racist misogynist. It honestly stuns them to find out that you’re not, especially if you’re a white man.

  12. What did he expect he thought he could just attack Kamala Harris like he did Joe Biden demonize slander belittle him in the eyes of voters 🗳️ he can’t do that now and that makes him angry

  13. Damn.

    Has he tried campaigning on what he plans to do and policies he’ll implement instead of, y’know, just being a misogynistic racist piece of shit?

  14. Conservatives on reddit swearing the DEI attacks aren’t racist and don’t offend minorities meanwhile…Mike Johnson is telling his representatives to cool it with those attacks.

  15. The racism and misogyny were the most predictable responses from the GOP once she was named.

  16. Their scared because trumps going to lose to black women,,and I say fuck yeah go girl go

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