Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders | International criminal court

Britain drops its challenge to ICC arrest warrants for Israeli leaders | International criminal court

by Baslifico

  1. Between this and the resumption of UNRWA funding, sanity is beginning to prevail

  2. An evil man who should be locked up and the key thrown away. I doubt he will ever be held to account for his crimes however.

  3. Good. Let the ICC do it’s work. 

    Israel has already killed about 20 Palestinians for every Israeli killed.

    For this there is no evidence that they are closer to having significant numbers of hostages released or have even permanently weakened Hamas.

    Searching for Peace is the only viable way forward. Netanyahu is a barrier to peace because he knows he will go to prison for domestic corruption chargers when his government inevitably falls when the war stops. He is killing people to keep his sorry arse from prison.

  4. If this tyrant doesn’t end up in chains then western society can truly get fucked. It’s bad enough y’all let the peado island thing go so easily. 

  5. Its a nice step in the right direction. Next should be: ending arms sales to Israel, recognising Palestine and putting sanctions on Israel (esp the settlers)

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